The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 334 All The Super Cultivators (1)

In a lonely peak in the Desolate Celestial Fraternity where the spiritual aura was weak and where no cultivators would even bother to visit;

Two peaked great saints, one from the orthodox fraternity and one from the unorthodox fraternity were quite startled to see each other on the peak.

“You?! Why are you here?” Mo Ming the Diviner was startled when he saw that it was Venerable Elder Ling Fang from the Spirit Blue Moon Sect as well as one of the top 10 most powerful super cultivators from the unorthodox fraternity side.

Ling Fang is actually Ling Feiyue’s grandfather’s grandfather and he was the oldest cultivator in the Spirit Blue Moon Sect. Not only that, he could even decided the entire fate of the Spirit Blue Moon Sect.

The top 10 super cultivators on both sides of the orthodox and unorthodox cultivators were all super cultivators with a high accomplishment in their profound arts.

Most cultivators hardly had a chance to encounter them and even great saints were wise enough to stay steer of them; it was because they had defeated countless number of great saints under their belts and were all old monsters.

Even though cultivators could reach the sacred saint level and be a golden saint but what made them truly formidable were their secret profound arts.

Cultivations without formidable profound arts are literally shit in front of these old monsters.

And profound arts unlike cultivation cannot be taught easily because every individual cultivator will have their different experiences to overcome the barrier of the profound arts.

Profound arts often have insane barrier to overcome and cannot be resolved simply by meditation alone.

The secrets of most profound arts can only be discovered if the cultivators applied it against real life and death worthy opponents so that the cultivators would be able to understand its origin to the fullest in order to fully advance it to the next level.

And these two old monsters were the super cultivators in this era.

Most of the top 10 super cultivators in both the orthodox and unorthodox fraternities were all in seclusion and were rarely seen.

Mo Ming was frowning, “Darn, I should have divined first before I come.”

“Old freak, why aren’t you dead yet?” Ling Fang was frowning.

Over the thousands of years, these two cultivators had fought against each other on numerous occasions.

“You’ve all come.” A maiden in blue veiled had suddenly appeared with two other maidens by her side.

Mo Ming gasped, “Qianxue? What is going on here?”

“Tianshui, what is going on around here?” Ling Fang was also frowning.

It was because the two of them had been invited by Xue Qianxue and Ling Tianshui at the same time. They were told that a super cultivator would be able to aid them to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

Mo Ming frowned at the young looking veiled maiden in blue, “Don’t tell me that she is the super cultivator that can aid me to ascend to the Immortal Realm?”

Xue Qianxue rubbed her belly with a cute smile, “That’s right!”

It was almost time for her to give birth soon.

Ling Fang turned to look at Ling Tianshui, “You should know that I will be ascending to the Immortal Realm in two months’ time. This isn’t a joke, am I right?”

And he pointed at Mo Ming, “And why did you bring him here for? Is this a plot against me? If it is so then don’t blame your patriarch for not showing any mercy to you.”

Mo Ming frowned, “I don’t like you either. Qianxue, what is going on around here?”

But as he trusted Qianxue, he did not accuse her.

The veiled blue maiden said quietly, “Please allow me to introduce myself first. I am better known as Saintess Fang Zhenfei from the Blue Phoenix Sacred Sect…”

Ling Fang shouted furiously, “So this is really a plot against me!”

Saintess Fang Zhenfei is one of the leaders of the seven major orthodox clans. Naturally he would suspect a plot against him.

Mo Ming was startled, “Qianxue, so you’re inviting me to join forces with Saintess Fang against this old monster?”

Ling Tianshui panicky said, “Old Seniors, please take a step back first and cool it off first. We didn’t ask you to come here to fight.”

Mo Ming, Ling Fang: ???

The veiled blue maiden in blue said quietly, “However not many people actually know that I am also the Divine Palace Master of the Hundred Flower Divine Palace.”

The jaws of both Mo Ming and Ling Fang almost dropped as they stared at the veiled maiden in blue.

Jiajia removed her thin blue veil and her astonishing beauty startled both Mo Ming and Ling Fang.

Mo Ming and Ling Fang could not believe their old golden eyes; so young and peerless in beauty, yet she is the actually the notorious super cultivator and leader of the Hundred Flower Divine Flower!

This Divine Palace Master had once destroyed the 8th major orthodox celestial clan and at one point of time, ‘he’ was greatly feared in the entire Desolate Celestial Fraternity.

“She is a maiden?!” Mo Ming and Ling Fang gasped with shock that the ‘Old Master’ of the Hundred Flower Divine Palace would actually be Saintess Fang Zhenfei and also a maiden.

Mo Ming pointed at Jiajia, “I’ve never expected that Saintess Fang Zhenfei is actually the Divine Palace Master of the Hundred Flower Divine Palace. This is really new. Even my best divination is blocked from seeing the possibilities…”

Ling Fang interrupted Mo Ming, “Old Monster. I think that this time we may have to join hands together if we are to get out of here alive.”𝑛𝗈𝑽𝑒𝓁𝒩𝗲xt.𝓬𝔬𝓂

Mo Ming nodded, “Old Freak, I have to agree with you for once…”

Jiajia interrupted them with a smile, “I’m not here for a fight. I am really here to aid you for your final ascension to the Immortal Realm.”

Xue Qianxue chuckled, “Great Patriarch Mo, please trust Jiajia and please believe in me. We are not here to arrange for a fight but to aid you for your ascension.”

“Yes, this is our intention. Don’t you want to ascend to the Immortal Realm successfully?” Ling Tianshui smiled. “Many great ones had failed in the past but the two of you will ascend as immortals.”

Mo Ming frowned, “Rubbish! My ascension will be a successful one but I’m not sure about this Old Freak here.”

“Same goes for you as well, Old Monster!” Ling Fang growled. “The joke will be upon you instead.”

Jiajia said coolly, “Even with all your cultivation resources, you will only have 30-40% at the max. But I can promise you a 100% rate.”

Mo Ming and Ling Fang were both roaring out loudly, “A 100% rate?! You really know how to joke. You make it sound like it is such an easy matter.”

Jiajia smiled alluringly, “I am not lying to you.”

Mo Ming hummed coldly, “I don’t believe you.”

“Young lass, do you think that I am born yesterday?” Ling Fang laughed jovially as though he had just heard the funniest joke in his life.

“I am serious.” Jiajia said as she slowly removed her cloak to reveal her mystic blue celestium dress, a rare celestial garb.

Mo Ming blinked his golden eyes as he stared at her dress…

Even Ling Fang was also blinking at the same time…

It was because their divine sense had told them that she was actually wearing an immortal battle garb and such a profound treasure could not be found in the Celestial Realm.

She waved her hand and two celestial swords floated in front of their eyes. “These two celestial swords will be able to aid you in your eventual ascension.”

Mo Ming and Ling Fang were startled; they had heard that the Divine Palace Master of the Hundred Flower Divine Palace had a Hundred Flower Celestial Sword but they did not know that she actually had two other celestial swords!

“Naturally with these two celestial swords, it is still not enough but I can aid you with my profound strength.” Jiajia said.

Mo Ming sarcastically said, “Are you trying to say that your profound strength is above us?”

Even Ling Fang was laughing coldly, “I have heard enough already. I’m leaving already…”

Jiajia said coolly, “My profound strength is indeed above the two of you combined.”

This caused Mo Ming and Ling Fang to laugh aloud at the same time, “She is really too arrogant, too insolence…”

Xue Qianxue giggled, “Sister Jiajia has already formed her golden core. Not only that, she had long mastered the True Sacred Saint Profound Art.”

Mo Ming, Ling Fang: …

Ling Fang stammered, “This isn’t a joke?”

Mo Ming smiled coldly, “Our profound arts combined are still stronger than any True Sacred Saint Profound Art. Young lass, you’re underestimating the two of us here…”

Jiajia interrupted with a smile, “Is that so? What if I tell you that my profound art is also above the two of you?”

She had suddenly leapt into the air and her Hundred Flower Celestial Sword had suddenly appeared in her hand.

With a swing of her sword, a fluttering of profound sword energies had cleanly cut off the top of the mountain peak!

Mo Ming and Ling Fang were speechless at her display…

“True flight…” Mo Ming was stammering. “This is not possible…”

Ling Fang was gulping and blinking his eyes, “Her profound art does seem to be a little better than us but this doesn’t prove that she is able to defeat us.”

Mo Ming nodded weakly, “I’ve to agree with you for the second time, Old Freak.”

“But why should we believe in you?” Mo Ming and Ling Fang asked at the same time.

Jiajia smiled, “That is because I’m daughter of the Great Goddess Alice, the future ruler of the Immortal Realm. My immortal name is Celeste Freya and I’m also the high priestess of the Goddess Theocracy in the Celestial Realm.”

Then she pointed at Mo Ming, “I believe that with this information now, you’re able to cast your divination now and you will know if I’m speaking the truth.”

Mo Ming and Ling Fang were stunned by Jiajia’s revelation.

But they were not the only ones; even Xue Qianxue and Ling Tianshui were so startled that they were staring blankly at Jiajia.

Future ruler of the Immortal Realm?

Jiajia is the future ruler of the Immortal Realm?

They could not believe what they were all hearing!

Mo Ming was now divining with trembling fingers and he was soon gasping with shock, “She is really the daughter of the Great God Pangu…”

Jiajia said coolly, “I can swear by my true name that I will send you to the Immortal Realm.”

Mo Ming and Ling Fang were suddenly on their knees, “Great Immortal…Great Goddess…please help us to ascend to the Immortal Realm…”

They suddenly had no idea how to address Jiajia now…

Jiajia said quietly, “You may address me as Saintess Fang here. I’ve not ascended yet.”

“Great Saintess Fang…” Mo Ming and Ling Fang quickly greeted her with trembling voice and they had purposely added a ‘great’ in front of her saintess title.

Jiajia said, “I need some help from the two of you before I can help with your ascension.”

Mo Ming laughed, “Just count on us.”

“Please ask freely from us!” Ling Fang laughed at the same time.

Jiajia nodded before she said, “You’re not to reveal my identity to anyone, not even to Ji Yuan.”

Mo Ming smiled, “This is easy. But why mention Ji Yuan?”

Jiajia had a slight flush on her countenance…

Immediately Mo Ming and Ling Fang were smiling; it was very obvious to them now.

“I know I’ve made the right choice to make him the Dark Lord of my celestial sect.” Ling Fang laughed out loud.

“Damn Ji Yuan, he doesn’t even know he has such freaking luck.” Mo Ming cursed softly.

“Secondly…” Jiajia continued. “I need the two of you to help me to pass a message to the Immortal Realm.”

Mo Ming and Ling Fang had a perplexed look in their countenances; if Saintess Fang is the daughter of the Great Goddess Alice and the Great God Pangu then can’t she pass on the message to the Immortal Realm?

Jiajia explained, “That is because the way to the Immortal Realm is now completely cut off. The only way for me to communicate with the Immortal Realm is through the ascended immortals. Right now, I can only think of the two of you.”

“No problem!” Mo Ming and Ling Fang said together with great excitement.

Lately they had been quite troubled by their eventual ascension and had been making plenty of preparations. But even then, they were unsure if they could ascend successfully.

But Saintess Fang had offered them a life line now and their dark clouds were lifted from their hearts.

“Thirdly…” Jiajia turned to look at Mo Ming. “I need to use your Dream Trial to restore my golden cultivation core and also the soul of my Xiao Ruan.”

Mo Ming stammered, “That isn’t an issue…but…”

“Qianxue has already told me that it will cost one billion high grade spirit stones.” Jiajia smiled.

Mo Ming nodded, “If Great Saintess Fang is able to come out with one billion high grade spirit stones then I will surely open the Dream Trial for you.”

Jiajia smiled, “Unfortunately I don’t have one billion high grade spirit stones. Not even a million high grade spirit stones. May I suggest that I have both old seniors to come out with 500 million high grade spirit stones each? After all, I’ve presented to you a celestial sword each and I will expending my profound strength to aid you for your ‘100%’ ascension.”

Mo Ming, Ling Fang: …

500 million high grade spirit stones will almost bankrupt both their celestial clans…

Actually Mo Ming and Ling Fang were both willing to bankrupt their celestial clans if they could ascend to the Immortal Realm given enough time to ponder over.

Right now they were battling with their inner demons whether to leave some cultivation resources to their descendants.

Mo Ming was thinking, “Without me, Mo Ming the Diviner, my Mo Clan won’t be able to gather cultivation resources from the other celestial clans in such an easy manner in the future…”

Likewise Ling Fang was also thinking of the same thing, “If I take away almost all the cultivation wealth of my celestial clan then my Spirit Blue Moon Sect will become the weakest of the five major unorthodox sect in the near future…”

Jiajia smiled, “Do you have to think so seriously? You can’t bring your cultivation wealth to the Immortal Realm. You can only ascend with your divine swords to the Immortal Realm. I can promise you 5000 million high grade spirit stones and 33 heavenly fairies to be your consorts when I’ve become the future ruler of the Immortal Realm.”

When Mo Ming and Ling Fang heard her, they immediately shouted at almost the same time. “Deal!!!”

Jiajia put her fingers behind her back; that is, when I’ve become the future immortal ruler. The two of you can wait long, long for my promise in the Immortal Realm…


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