The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 342 The Fallen Gods Valley (7)

The dark heavens were raining dozens of purple lightning onto the black walls mountains, catching dozens of unlucky cultivators.

There were actually tens of thousands of cultivators in sight as Ji Yuan and his party moved deeper into the mountains. Most of these cultivators were like ants for the black walls mountains were vast in size.

Ji Yuan had expected that some of the cultivators would be coming down for him because they may have seen his saintly and immortal divine swords. But to his surprise, he had no such encounter so far.

Most of them were too engrossed in their divine sense readings on the black walls of the mountains that they could not bother about Ji Yuan. Moreover Ji Yuan was in a big group and most of them were in a smaller group.

Also, even though these cultivators may be very far away from Ji Yuan but some of them had heard Hua Yingxiong proclaiming Ji Yuan as a brother and they did not want to offend the Golden Majesty Celestial Empire.

At the same time, they saw that Ji Yuan had a beautiful 1 million high grade spirit stones golden robe that could weaken most of their profound arts except the most powerful. Therefore they would rather give up an opportunity for a saintly divine sword because they knew that they never have such luck in the first place to hold one.

Even if they could hold one, they cannot promise that they can hold it for long against the other cultivators in the vicinity and these cultivators are all strong cultivators.

Therefore most of them had allowed Ji Yuan to pass through right under their very noses.

But Ji Yuan was not feeling too happy at the moment because their progress was really slow.

As they trekked through the mountains to try a way into the interior of the Fallen Gods Valley, Ji Yuan was muttering bitterly. “Our progress is really too slow. Even a tortoise can walk faster than us.”

There was a reason why he was complaining about this;

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi and Yu Jingjing were all rubbing their fingers on the black walls as they moved along the way.

Ji Yuan knew that they were inspecting the black walls with their divine senses and hence they could not move fast.

There were reluctant looks on their countenances for every step that they had taken.

Ling Feiyue giggled, “There are dangerous lightning above us. If we move too fast then we may become a target for the purple lightning that is above us.”

“Totally agree!” Little Princess, Shui Xisi and Yu Jingjing giggled at the same time.

Feng Minyue and Bai Qianfeng were looking weakly at them; obvious they knew that they were purposely delaying the progression as the vast cultivation knowledge that were presented here was really too tempting.

Moreover these black walls were everywhere on the mountains!

All of a sudden Bai Qianfeng said with a perplexed look, “Actually the cultivation knowledge here seems to have a flaw.”

Everyone: ???

Ling Feiyue muttered, “I don’t seem to see any flaws…”

“I got lucky.” Bai Qianfeng said quietly, “I happen to know one of the profound arts here pretty well. Take this Cherry Blossoms Heart Intricacy Formula here for example. I’ve spend a few thousand years to perfect it and I know this intricacy formula like the back of my hand. The reason why I know it has a flaw is because I’ve spent several thousands in the past to correct its flaws.”

Actually Qianfeng was also scanning the black walls of the cliffs; it is just that unlike the others, she doesn’t need to touch it to cast her divine sense into it so her actions were not so obvious.

Everyone was muttering, “A few thousand years…”

Ji Yuan almost wanted to ask Qianfeng what her age really was when Xiang Li chided him, “Never ask a maiden about her true age if you wanna live.”

Ji Yuan laughed silently to Xiang Li, “Haha…”

Fairy Anyang was also muttering to Ji Yuan and Xiang Li, “It is just a mere few thousand years. She isn’t that old.”

Ji Yuan: …

He smiled weakly; even though a celestial is considered long lived compared to the mortals but compared to the immortals, their life-span is not worth mentioning…

Bai Qianfeng continued, “Even though the flaw is just 1% at this level for this intricacy formula but it is not noticeable at all. But if you have 1% flaw for every level then you may even need a lifetime to correct the wrong practice. Moreover I think the flaw is there on purpose, to mislead the cultivators.”

Ji Yuan and all the others were startled, “On purpose? To mislead the cultivators?”

Bai Qianfeng nodded quietly, “Because the flaws are hidden intentionally to mislead the cultivators. Because the flaws aren’t obvious, even great saint cultivators will not be able to know that it is an exact flaw. Like I say, I’ve almost perfected the Cherry Blossoms Heart Intricacy so I know how serious this flaw is. In theory, this flaw will be able to aid the cultivator on the next level and even the higher level but it is just thee to misguide the cultivators to lead them to believe that this part of the flaw isn’t the flaw and the mistakes must be because of the other parts of the cultivation practice.”

Ji Yuan nodded solemnly, “It is exactly as I’ve thought…”

“You’re lying.” Little Princess giggled as she showed him the glowing Untruth Nascent Pearl that was glowing green.

Ji Yuan: …

“Haha.” He laughed weakly, “I was just thinking along that line as well. You know that this is the Fallen Gods Valley for a reason.”

Ling Feiyue gasped softly, “Ji Yuan is a better cultivator than I am. I am so easily tempted, alas!”

“Maybe he is weak in picking new profound skills and therefore can’t be bothered? Even his swordplay isn’t anything extraordinary.” Shui Xisi offered a suggestion.

Ji Yuan protested weakly, “Why should I need any extraordinary swordplay when all I need is a swift sword that can do the job for me. I don’t fight like a maiden.”

Yu Jingjing smiled weakly, “Intricate swordplay is useful in a fight. You can’t be too honest and you need to use feints to fool your opponents in a fight.”

But Ji Yuan laughed it off, “My opponents are too busy trying to fend against my attacks for any feints. Haha.”

Ji Yuan’s swordplay is really very fast, so fast that his opponents can only count themselves lucky if they can defend against his sword attacks quickly. And feints don’t work against Ji Yuan because he has a hidden canny talent to know if the opening is a fake because he is always very cautious when he is doing sword fighting.

When top sword saints fight, the most complicated swordplay will always become straightforward swordplay because at their level, their sword arts are extremely focused, allowing their sword art to be doubly strong even against the cultivators that have the same profound strength as them; it is because all their sword strikes have no wastages at all. Whether it is speed, lethality or power, most cultivators have no chance to best a sword saint of the same cultivation realm with a sword.

Saintess Yuluo and Ji Yuan can both kill a seventh rank desolate beast with their relentless swordplay. Although they may not be stronger than power cultivators of the same cultivation realm but power cultivators may not be able to deal with a seventh rank desolate beast as easily as them.

“Let’s go!” Ji Yuan laughed; it was because he could finally get his party moving now.

But all of a sudden a long bearded cultivator was waving in his direction from the mountains. And this cultivator was wearing the robe of the Desolate Celestial Fraternity.

Ji Yuan did not recognize him but he was waving frantically in his direction, or was he waving at his beloveds?

He began to frown…

Ling Feiyue giggled, “Who is he? Maybe he is a challenger who wants to obtain Ji Yuan’s golden robe for himself.”

Ji Yuan: …

“Maybe he wants my divine swords.” He muttered.

Little Princess whispered, “Careful. He is a saint cultivator. Did you see his burst of profound animus?”

Ji Yuan frowned. “He must be courting his own death for daring to come alone.”

The long bearded cultivator was so in front of Ji Yuan and he was grinning excitingly, “You must be Ji Yuan, am I right? The Great Poet Ji Yuan?”

“And who are you?” Ji Yuan returned him a disinterested look.

“I’ve heard of your exploits in the trial settlements but I didn’t have the chance to meet you.” The long bearded cultivator laughed. “Please allow me to introduce myself first. I am Saint Jon.”

“Saint Jon?” Ji Yuan’s disinterested look had suddenly become alive. “You mean you’re that Saint Jon the Great Cultivation Writer?”

“Hahaha. I’m the one and only Saint Jon.” The long bearded cultivator grinned. “I’ve long heard of your renown.”

“Haha.” Ji Yuan was laughing too as well, “I am a big fan of yours! Do you know that I’ve read all your cultivation stories. Haha!”

“Hahaha, I really didn’t know that you’re a big fan of mine.” Saint Jon laughed. “Actually I’ve thought of making you the main MC of my next cultivation hero. What do you think?”

Ji Yuan chuckled, “Really? Haha. By all means, please go ahead!”

“This is too awesome!” Saint Jon laughed aloud.

Then he took a look at the six maidens with curtain veils behind Ji Yuan, “Maybe I should call the title of my new cultivation story ‘The Romantic Cultivator’? It seems that the Great Poet Ji Yuan is ever the romantic cultivator. Even in the trial, you’ve so many maidens as your company.”

Ji Yuan laughed aloud, “Haha, actually…”

Saint Jon interrupted with a grin, “Don’t worry. I totally understand your needs and I will keep it a secret from your consorts. Say, I’ve heard that you’ve banged the three great beauties of our celestial fraternity and even Little Princess. I wonder what techniques have you been using? Is it your bed techniques or your dual cultivation techniques? Hahaha.”

Ji Yuan: …

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess: …

Rest of the maidens: …

“My apologies.” Saint Jon smiled at the maidens behind Ji Yuan. “I am Saint Jon. I can see that some of you here are from the Desolate Celestial Fraternity. I’m sure that you’ve already heard of my name before. As for your secrets with Ji Yuan, I am completely tight-lipped.”

“Saint what Jon?” Ling Feiyue frowned. “I’ve never heard of you before.”

“Never heard of you before.” Little Princess began to ponder hard. “Are you famous?”

Shui Xisi was also frowning, “Is he from the same poor region as Ji Yuan?”

Saint Jon: …

Saint Jon: …

Saint Jon: …

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess and Shui Xisi were not lying. They had never heard of Saint Jon before because they do not read any cultivation stories.

Yu Jingjing however had heard of him before, “While I am not from the Desolate Celestial Fraternity but I have long heard of your fame.”

Saint Jon began to smile broadly; finally there is someone who has eyes!

“I wonder if you are the same Saint Jon as the cultivation writer that enjoys writing smut cultivation stories?” Yu Jingjing asked curiously.

Saint Jon: …

Saint Jon: …

Saint Jon: …

Ji Yuan panicky interrupted, “Of course not! He is the other one. Haha.”

He will be screwed if these maidens know that he had been reading smut cultivation stories.

Saint Jon weakly said, “Of course not…”

“You’re saying that you want to write about me as a main MC in your cultivation stories?” Ji Yuan quickly said to Saint Jon.

Saint Jon quickly replied as he pretended that the conversations with the maidens had never happened, “That’s right. Hahaha.”

Ji Yuan rubbed his chin before replying, “You do have my permission but I want to set a few conditions first.”

“Oh? Let’s me hear.” Saint Jon asked curiously.

“First, I don’t enjoy reading about your separation arcs that can span 1000 chapters.” Ji Yuan solemnly said.

Saint Jon weakly said, “Don’t you think that the love story will be epic this way?”

Ji Yuan frowned, “After 1000 chapters, do you think that the main MC won’t be green?”

Saint Jon laughed weakly, “Of course not.”

But he quickly asked, “What’s the next condition?”

“Do you have to write body strengthening art as the beginning for all the cultivators? You know that we’re all celestials here and we even have body strengthening art as the basis. Our body is naturally strengthened by the martial profound arts that we’ve been practicing.”

Ji Yuan continued to say, “Can you imagine the muscles a maiden will have after they have max up their body strengthening art? It is pretty gross, ugly and leaves a bad aftertaste when I am reading it all the time…”

Saint Jon: …

“Also it is pretty unrealistic that fists and fingers can’t penetrate a cultivator’s body strengthening art but a sword can. Don’t they feel pain at all? My sword fingers can certainly piece through a body like a sword, you know. Also a power cultivator’s palm attack can even melt down a cultivator’s internal organs with a mighty hit…”

Saint Jon: …

“The cultivators in the Celestial Realm practice internal profound art. With a snap of our fingers, we can easily break iron and steel into two. We don’t need any body strengthening profound art. We do have our profound auras to sway away attacks, you know…”

Saint Jon was frowning bitterly; This Ji Yuan can really talk nonstop…

“Look at my beautiful robe. It is far better than any of the body strengthening profound art. How come you don’t write about defensive profound treasures like the other cultivation writers? Isn’t this more realistic this way?”

Saint Jon smiled weakly, “Sorry, that is a bad habit that I’ve picked up while I was in the mortal realm. Erm, anything else to add?”

Ji Yuan grinned with great delight as he took out his saintly divine sword, “I’ve christened my saintly divine sword as ‘Lightning’ so I like you to write a cheat for me to be immune to lightning, haha.”

Saint Jon: …

Is he trying to show off his saint-step divine sword in front of me after showing off his golden robe?

But he quickly forced himself to smile, “Anything else?”

Ji Yuan laughed, “I actually still have some more conditions to add. Haha.”

Saint Jon: …

All the maidens: …

“Remember to write me as a super smart and ruthless MC. I really love your style of writing that makes the MC look good by decreasing the intelligence of all the other protagonists…”

“No Lolita please. I’m not into that…”

“Make me irresistible to the maidens. Haha…”

“… … …”

“… … …”

“… … …”

Saint Jon: …

Saint Jon: …

Saint Jon: …

He is talking nonstop. Is he the writer or I am the writer…

All the maidens: …

All the maidens: …

All the maidens: …

“Ji Yuan!” Ling Feiyue started to pull Ji Yuan away. “You’re wasting too much time here…”

“Didn’t you say that we should hasten our progress? How come you are chatting nonstop here…”

Ji Yuan panicky protested. “Wait, wait! Saint Jon is a friend. There is nothing wrong with chatting with a friend, am I right…”

“We got to go now.” Bai Qianfeng and Shui Xisi said at the same time.𝑛𝗈𝑽𝑒𝓁𝒩𝗲xt.𝓬𝔬𝓂

“But I’ve not done yet. Saint Jon says he is trying to write a cultivation story based on me so it is important that I give him as many tips as possible about myself…” Ji Yuan protested loudly.

“Please pardon us!” Feng Minyue and Yu Jingjing said at the same time to Saint Jon as they pulled Ji Yuan away.

Saint Jon smiled weakly, “Not at all, not at all.”

And he really meant it; finally he had got rid of this talkative Great Poet Ji Yuan and he was relieved.

But he was soon frowning, “How dare this cultivator thinks that he can write better than I. Very well then I shall make him become a fatty in my next cultivation story. He doesn’t want body strengthening art? Fine, I shall give him then. The more he advances in his body strengthening art, the fatter that he will become. Hahaha…”

But still, this did not cool down his infuriating fires so he decided, “Not only that, whenever your body strengthening art improves, you will feel a lustful heat and you will bang anyone, including Lolitas.”

“You want lightning immunity? I shall not give you lightning but I will call the name of your profound art as Chaotic Lightning Cultivation. You can wait long, long to read about your immunity to lightning. Hahaha…”


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