The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 350 Greed Isle (3)

It did not take long for the ten teams to be formed.

Twenty other maidens soon joined Ji Yuan’s team. His team had less than thirty cultivators altogether to keep the vanguard teams stronger.

Altogether, there were seven main vanguard teams that consisted of forty cultivators while there were two weaker teams of thirty cultivators that would move at the end to safeguard Team 10 backside.

When the twenty maidens joined Ji Yuan’s team, he was quite startled to see Silver Maiden Qin Shuang again.

Seeing that she was not able to excuse herself again, she humbly paid her respect to Ji Yuan again as she said quietly. “Silver Maiden Qin Shuang of the Celestial Orthodox Sect pays my respect to Master Ji Yuan.”

When she had introduced herself, it was only then that Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi and the rest know who she was.

Ling Feiyue and Little Princess were caught exchanging looking at each other by Ji Yuan who frowned, “It is not what you’re thinking.”

It was obvious to him that they were second guessing that he may have a relationship with this Silver Maiden Qin Shuang.

Naturally it was precisely what Ling Feiyue and Little Princess were thinking.

Even Shui Xisi and Bai Qianfeng were also thinking the same; if Ji Yuan can bed the Sacred Maiden Xue Qianxue in the Celestial Orthodox Sect then he is also capable of bedding the other maidens in the Celestial Orthodox Sect. After all, this Silver Maiden Qin Shuang was also quite a pretty face.

Silver Maiden Qin Shuang said slowly, “I know that I’ve offended Master Ji Yuan dearly in the past. I am willing to accept your punishments but please allow me to complete my trials in the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth first.”

Actually Ji Yuan had completely forgotten about her and even her name.

He did not even harbor any hatred toward her because she was just doing her duty as punishment elder.

Although her methods for whipping and insulting him were extreme but Ji Yuan had merely pretended to be in great pain in order to rack his brains for an escape plan.

Although he never had the chance to do so but he was sure his acting was really very convincing because this Silver Maiden Qin Shuang had a really guilty look on her now.

When she was whipping Ji Yuan for weeks at that time, Ji Yuan was already a golden celestial therefore he was able to close his wounds quickly.

But because he was trying to pretend to be a second rate cultivator, he had purposely delayed his regeneration until an appropriate timing where no one was looking at him. Hence he had given her the impression that he was in insufferable pain.

Because he was covered with his own blood, he was able to fool the protégés of the Celestial Orthodox Sect with his acting.

Silver Maiden Qin Shuang sighed softly as she continued, “I’ve violated your holy body. I know that it is futile to plead for your forgiveness…”

All the maidens were staring at Ji Yuan now and were silently questioning; what does she mean by violating your holy body?

Ji Yuan panicky interrupted, “The past is over now. You can put it aside. I was never in pain but in ecstasy…”

All of a sudden he had suddenly realized he had said the wrong word when he had mentioned the word ‘ecstasy’ so he quickly corrected himself, “I mean that you’re just doing your duty at that time and I was filled with great love for your Sacred Maiden Qianxue. Now that Qianxue has returned to the Celestial Orthodox Sect, the past is not worth mentioning. We’re on the same side. Haha…”

Silver Maiden Qin Shuang nodded lightly, unsure if Ji Yuan was serious about forgiving her because she saw that Ji Yuan now had an awkward look on his face.

Ji Yuan was actually awkward because he had accidentally said the wrong words and he saw that the six maidens in his party were all looking at him for an explanation; they were all thinking that this Qin Shuang may have violated Ji Yuan’s body somehow…

Ji Yuan muttered, “This is really not what you’re all thinking.”

Silver Maiden Qin Shuang misunderstood Ji Yuan and she quickly said, “You can whip me to your heart’s content and I won’t resist you.”

This time Shui Xisi could not resist gasping, “Ji Yuan, you’re a masochist?”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

“I’m not and surely you know best.” He frowned.

But all of a sudden he had realized that he had asked the wrong person when Shui Xisi was nodding, “Yea, I think so…”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Yun Chi who had been listening all this while, suddenly smiled. “I wonder what it is like to violate the holy body of the Great Hero Ji Yuan.”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

She is purposely making it worse for me…

All the maidens: …

The Greed Island was actually much larger than Ji Yuan had expected.

Gigantic red wood trees towering hundreds of meters, giant ferns and mushrooms dotted the entire landscape as the Green Faction moved inland.

Many of the cultivators were nervous when they saw the dense canopy and the uneasy terrain.

This included Ji Yuan as he muttered, “This island won’t sink all of a sudden, am I right?”

He was not the only one who was thinking about this.

The many female cultivators in his team were all thinking about the same thing as they felt uneasy knowing that they were on an island that was being surrounded by an ocean of water.

The cultivators of the Celestial Realm dwell on top of the mountains where the spiritual aura is strong which they drawn upon for their cultivation advancement.

Below the mountains are the ‘oceans’ of desolate mists where the desolate beasts dwell and it is also the boundary where the desolate aura is stronger than the spiritual aura at which the no cultivators would be able to dwell for long below.

There are lakes on the mountains and some lakes are even vast but many of the cultivators have never even seen a big lake in their lives before.

And like Ji Yuan, many of the cultivators did not know how to swim.

There were five teams that were ahead of them while two teams were flanking them. At the same time, there were another two teams that were at their back.

Ji Yuan’s team, Team 10, was in the middle.

Ling Feiyue giggled to Ji Yuan, “This looks like an easy trial. I really can’t believe that this is an S Rank Trial. Maybe it is because the objective is hard to obtain and hence, that’s why.”

“I beg to differ.” Ji Yuan frowned. “This trial isn’t as easy as it looks.”

Ling Feiyue was startled and so were Little Princess, Bai Qianfeng, Shui Xisi, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue.

Ling Feiyue whispered as she gave Ji Yuan a curious look, “You’ve discovered something?”

Even though the seven of them were all in Team 10 but they had maintained a social distance from the rest, especially from Yun Chi.𝓝𝑶𝓋ℯ𝐥𝒩𝑒xt.𝗰𝑶𝑚

Ji Yuan nodded as he displayed his armlet to them, “Did you see the color of my armlet. It is green and I’ve got an ominous feeling about this. Green is definitely not my favorite color…”

All of a sudden Bai Qianfeng’s green cockatiel had flagged its wings to protest and was about to attack Ji Yuan but was reined by Qianfeng soft gentle whispers, “Easy, he doesn’t mean you.”

Ling Feiyue: …

Little Princess, Bai Qianfeng, Shui Xisi, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue were all rendered speechless as well.

What kind of logic is that?

Ling Feiyue really did not know how to say on this about Ji Yuan’s analysis; it is because every time she had doubted Ji Yuan, she was proven wrong.

All of a sudden there were screams by the hidden teams ahead and the growls of the desolate beasts could be heard.

Ji Yuan and his team were all alarmed as they quickly unsheathed their swords.

Bai Qianfeng quickly extended her divine sense to the directions of the screams before she quickly whispered, “Seventh rank profound desolate beasts, by the dozens!”

Ji Yuan was startled, “So many? Why didn’t the teams ahead avoid these desolate beasts…”

All of a sudden a dozen gigantic desolate armored spiders had dropped from the tall canopy of the trees, startling Ji Yuan and his team below.

“Seventh Rank Desolate Profound Monsters!”

“Everyone, be careful!”

“These desolate monsters are able to conceal their desolate aura till the moment of their strikes…”

Ji Yuan and his party had all brandished their weapons as they prepared themselves to meet the new threats.

The vicinity soon exploded with their profound energies and attacks against the gigantic desolate armored spiders.

Ji Yuan shouted furiously as he displayed a barrage of sword strikes against the rapid strikes of an armored desolate spider. “Everyone, run!”

This was the most proper tactical decision;

Every one of these armored desolate spiders had an agility that was greater than most of the cultivators here and their profound strength even exceeded the saint cultivators. One fatal strike and the injured saint cultivator would be consumed by them.

Moreover there were a lot of these seventh rank profound armored spiders too. In order to have a reasonable chance, they would need at least five cultivators to support one another.

As a matter of fact, in just a few blinks of an eye, two female cultivators were quickly killed outright.

And many of the female cultivators were injured and they were already burning the Escape Talisman in a desperate bid to escape.

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Bai Qianfeng, Shui Xisi, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue were all taking evasive maneuvers as the armored spiders flashed rapidly to attack them, shattering their profound energies with just a mighty flicker of their long spikey legs.

Bai Qianfeng had released her two spirit pets from their restricted forms as they transformed into two seventh rank profound monsters to combat the desolate armored spiders.

Ji Yuan saw that Yu Jingjing was in danger so he quickly flashed ahead with his two divine swords as he rammed into an armored spider to send it flying against a towering tree with a thunderous impact.

“Jingjing, grab my hand!”

Yu Jingjing flushed lightly as she quickly caught hold of Ji Yuan’s hand.

The desolate armored spider had already recovered from Ji Yuan’s attack and the minor wounds that it had received had already regenerated completely.

An illusion of dozens of strikes had appeared over Ji Yuan as the desolate armored spider flashed toward him.

Ji Yuan quickly displayed a barrage of explosive sword energies bursts to dissipate the profound illusionary attacks of the desolate armored spider and in the next instant, he had beat a strategic retreat.

He shouted to everyone, “Go ahead of me! I will cover your back!”

Bai Qianfeng and Shui Xisi had moved next to him, “We will fight alongside with you!”

Ji Yuan smiled, “I will be fine. Go please and help me to protect the rest. I will buy us some time. Trust me.”


“No but!” Ji Yuan pushed them back with his profound strength.

Bai Qianfeng and Shui Xisi reluctantly nodded.

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Bai Qianfeng, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue gasped, “Ji Yuan, please be careful.”

Ji Yuan nodded as he quickly displayed his Heavenly Light of the Coiling Dragon as five desolate armored spiders began to approach rapidly.

The vicinity immediately exploded with his profound energies of his sword.

Three of the desolate armored spiders were partially hit by his Heavenly Light of the Coiling Dragon as his profound sword energies melted through into their protective profound animus.

However none of it was fatal and the minor wounds on the three desolate armored spiders were quickly healed by their inherent rapid regeneration ability.

Ji Yuan blinked his eyes as he flashed out of harm’s way as hundreds of profound strikes rained upon him by the five desolate armored spiders.

He weakly shouted back as he barely parried the attacks, “If you’re a real man, come one to one with me!”

And seven more desolate armored spiders had already appeared.

Ji Yuan cursed softly; he calls for a one to one and seven more of these desolate armored spiders had come…

Not only were these desolate armored spiders fast, they were also protected by the thick canopies so much that Ji Yuan was not confident that he could catch them with his profound sword arts.

So he decided to make a last stand in an old fashion way, with the profound might of his swords.

He knew that he had to buy his party as much time as possible; he could not flee for long because these desolate armored spiders were too fast in their movements.

All of a sudden more than sixty cultivators from the two rear teams had arrived at the scene.

Ji Yuan’s golden eyes were suddenly beaming with hope; his reinforcements had finally arrived!

There were panicky cries from the sixty cultivators when they saw that their opponents numbered some twelve seventh rank desolate profound armored spiders;


“Everyone run for your lives!”

“Seventh rank profound monsters!”

“We can’t fight these monsters. They are too numerous…”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …


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