The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 363 The Perilous Desert Gets Even More Perilous (2)

The Green Faction marched off at the first sight of the sun.

The night was actually quite short, lasting only about eight hours.

But luckily, they are all cultivators and they do not need longer break except for the injured.

Ji Yuan was grumbling softly; the night is really too short and they had to trek another sixteen hours nonstop. Even if they are cultivators, the trek is a tiring one.

He had spent the night talking with the six maidens, renewing their bonds with one another.

What he did not tell them is that his injuries are actually much more severe than they have thought.

On the surface, he was still laughing jovially and arguing with Xiao Muhan early in the morning but this was just a brave front that he had put up in front of them; after all the battle with the five seventh rank desolate armored spiders was not an easy feat to be accomplished without any injuries.

In the inside, he was cursing why it was taking so long for his wounds to heal. If he exerted himself further, then his more grievous wounds would start to re-open again.

Three of his wounds actually went quite deep into his body, opening a big gash into his body. If it is not for his newly acquainted golden robe then it would be very obvious to the others.

But Xiao Muhan had whispered to him, “Brother Ji Yuan, I know that you’re injured. I’ve known you for so many years. Whenever you’re injured, the more jovial you will be and the more you will drink.”

Ji Yuan merely said to him, “Don’t let anyone know about it.”

Ji Yuan was not only the Great Poet Ji Yuan; he was also the Sword Saint Ji Yuan. The number of battles that he had fought were too numerous for him to remember. Injuries were commonplace for him.

The number of golden supremacies that he had defeated were too numerous for him to remember. Luckily for him, there were few saint cultivators who were his challengers.

The main reason why there were few saint cultivators was because he was not a saint yet a 100 years ago. If a saint cultivator were to challenge him then it would be awkward to their faces since they were of a higher cultivation realm.

The few saint cultivators that had challenged Ji Yuan had suppressed their profound strength in order to make it into a fair fight.

Luckily for Ji Yuan and the Green Faction, there were only a few minor fights with some desolate monsters along the way.

There was actually no need for Ji Yuan to step in because he was under ‘protection’.

As a matter of fact, Team 10 did not even need to be mobilized to fight these desolate monsters at all.

And soon it was night.

The campsite was quickly built by the Green Faction and Gong Xiaotian immediately took his plans into action.

There were twenty cultivators that were in his inner circle and they were now planning to ambush Ji Yuan, together with Yun Chi as well.

Gong Xiaotian naturally did not intend to share Ji Yuan’s treasures or Yun Chi with the twenty cultivators.

He was actually planning to make use of them.

So he made plans with two cultivators in his inner circle as he promised them, “The three of us will co-operate together. At the end of the day, Ji Yuan’s immortal sword and his golden robe shall be yours to share, as well as Yun Chi after I’ve done with her.”

Then he smirked coldly, “As for the others, I will help you to strike them behind their backs. All you have to do is to strike first.”

He called this the War Team 1.

Then he made the same secret arrangements with another two cultivators in his inner circle, promising to do the same.

And this becomes the War Team 2.

Then he repeated to form the War Team 3.

War Team 4 was also formed in the same manner.

Soon there was a War Team 5.

War Team 6 was formed.

War Team 7 was also formed.

All the way to War Team 10.

Gong Xiaotian was now laughing jovially.

When everything was done after killing Ji Yuan, these cultivators would all kill one another to get their ‘spoils of war’. But in the end, they would all end up dead together, leaving himself to all the battle spoils from everyone.

The more Gong Xiaotian thought about this, the happier he was.

Late at night;

Gong Xiaotian had suddenly summoned Ji Yuan and Yun Chi to his presence as he said to them, “We have found a mysterious underground ruin around here. The reason why I’ve summoned the two of you here is because we’ve found a mysterious black stele inside. As we’re all co-leaders in the same faction, I feel that I ought to inform all of you as well.”

Then he laughed, “As the saying goes, if there are any benefits, as brothers we should share.”

Yun Chi smiled pleasantly, “This is too sexist. What about maidens?”

Gong Xiaotian laughed, “Naturally we will also be sharing as well. That is why I’ve secretly summoned the two of you here. This news is only known to just a few of us.”

Ji Yuan frowned, “There are some things that even brothers cannot share.”

Gong Xiaotian: …

What is he thinking? And what is he trying to say?

But he pretended to smile and said, “Brother Ji Yuan, come with me to explore this underground ruin. As brother, I will let you have the first pick of any profound treasure that we can find.”

Ji Yuan chuckled, “Actually what if I say I’m not interested? The two of you can go ahead without me.”

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian: …

There goes his plan…

He began to ask weakly, “May I know why?”

Ji Yuan coolly explained, “I don’t feel too well tonight. Haha. Maybe I’m still sore about losing to Xiao Muhan yesterday night.”

The real reason was that he had not recovered from his injuries yet. It would be bad if his weakness had been accidentally exposed to the others. That was why Ji Yuan had declined the invitation.

Gong Xiaotian was panicky now, “Brother Ji Yuan, please do come with me. Treat it as a favor to me and I will surely repay ten times in return to you in the future.”

Yes, ten times the blood price. Muhaha…

Ji Yuan said firmly, “My mind has already been made up.”

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian: …

Time to modify the plan a little. Since Ji Yuan doesn’t want to come, let me lay my hands on Maiden Yun Chi first…

Yun Chi chuckled all of a sudden, “Since Great Hero Ji Yuan doesn’t want to go, I don’t want to go as well.”

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian stammered, “But why? What if you miss the profound treasures that are within the underground ruin? This is an S Rank Trial and the profound treasures are more powerful than elsewhere.”

Yun Chi laughed, “That is because I’m just a weak and vulnerable maiden. I only feel safe if Great Hero Ji Yuan is willing to protect me.”

Ji Yuan rolled his eyes when he remembered the previous night with her; are you sure you need my protection…

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian: …

His masterful plan is suddenly gone like the winds now…

But suddenly Ji Yuan laughed as he looked at Yun Chi with interest, “I actually don’t mind being a flower guarding bell to Co-Leader Yun Chi. Haha…”

Yun Chi smiled pleasantly at Ji Yuan, “Is that so? Then why don’t we explore this underground ruin together tonight? Do you think Great Hero Ji Yuan is willing to accompany me to it?”𝔫𝚘𝑣𝞮𝓛𝐧𝗲xt.𝓒𝐎𝑚

Ji Yuan laughed, “Sure. Haha. That will be my great pleasure.”

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian: …

Gong Xiaotian: …

They sure change their minds like changing clothes…

Xiang Li was startled, “Big Brother, didn’t you say Yun Chi is dangerous? So why are you going out with her so late at night? Have you forgotten what happen that night? Something may happen to you.”

Fairy Anyang giggled, “Maybe he is just thinking with his lower body.”

Ji Yuan said righteously, “Actually come to think of this, she didn’t actually harm me that night, right? Moreover I’ve to thank her for stopping the surprise attack by the other faction. Haha…”

Fairy Anyang muttered, “You say that she is ruthless-“

“It is only self-defense. Haha.” Ji Yuan interrupted with a jovial chuckle.

Fairy Anyang, Xiang Li: …

“Come on. Didn’t you hear Gong Xiaotian? With him around plus there are also some other cultivators as well, will we be in danger from Yun Chi?” Ji Yuan chuckled.

Fairy Anyang giggled, “Maybe the danger will come from Gong Xiaotian.”

Ji Yuan rolled his eyes and growled, “He is a million years too young to be chasing skirts with me.”

Fairy Anyang weakly said, “I didn’t mean this danger.”


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