The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 366 Romancing In The Underground Ruin (2)

Ji Yuan was staring hard at the trembling Yun Chi now who was having a fit.

He was rubbing his chin and thinking if she may be faking it; there is only one way to find out…

For a moment, he was thinking of touching her to find out.

But he quickly decided against it.

After all, he is a gentleman of the sword and he will not do anything like this to an unconscious maiden.

Pure Heart: +1

Inner Demon: 0

So he decided to consult his two spirit consorts in his soul sea instead;

“She may be faking her fit.”

Fairy Anyang frowned, “It looks real to me.”

“What are you planning to do?” Xiang Li asked with a hopeful voice. “Are you going to do anything funny to her if that is the case?”

Ji Yuan frowned, “What are you thinking Xiang Li. I’m a gentleman of the sword, you know.”

“Then why aren’t you covering her up?” Fairy Anyang asked.

“I’m erm…checking for secret weapons first.” Ji Yuan explained. “This is too good a chance to miss.”

Fairy Anyang: …

Ji Yuan explained righteously, “The most dangerous weapon isn’t in the spatial ring usually. When a cultivator takes something from their spatial ring, all the other cultivators will be able to know with their divine sense. And a woman’s clothing has plenty of hiding places.”

Fairy Anyang weakly muttered, “She is wearing a short skirt bare back dress…you can’t hide anything in there…”

“Out of habit, I must be extra cautious.” Ji Yuan protested weakly when he realized that Fairy Anyang was right. “After all, a cultivator has a long life and you don’t want to die prematurely before you can ascend to the Immortal Realm.”

All of a sudden Ji Yuan had bent down in front of Yun Chi with his loose robe and he had caught of Yun Chi’s translucent grey panties.

Fairy Anyang gave a startled cry inside Ji Yuan’s soul sea, “My lord, what are you doing?!”

Xiang Li was also startled, “Big Brother, this doesn’t look right!”

Ji Yuan weakly replied to them, “You’ve belittled your lord. Although I may be lecherous at times but I’m a gentleman of the sword. I am trying to help her put on her panties before she can recover her wits.”

After Ji Yuan had explained it, both Xiang Li and Fairy Anyang heaved a soft sigh of relief.

Fairy Anyang chuckled, “I’ve thought that you can’t resist your masculine profound pills that are acting upon you.”

Ji Yuan weakly said, “Don’t remind me of this…”

He had taken five masculine profound pills at a single go and each of the masculine profound pill would last for a month.

Although he had it under control for now but seeing Yun Chi in such a manner, actually excited him a lot.

But luckily, Ji Yuan had a good willpower and he was exercising the highest divine state of his heart intricacy to prevent himself from doing anything indecent to Yun Chi.

His inner demons were warning him;

You will regret this!

This is too good of an opportunity to be missed!

She will never know!

Time to conquer her!

Bring her into your harem!

Strip her completely and teach her a lesson!

But Ji Yuan completely ignored his inner demons and hold steadfast to his pure heart.

Because of his inner heart struggles, he was actually still holding onto Yun Chi’s panties and was admiring her body along the way…

He muttered weakly as he stared at her, “She is like a goddess…so beautiful…”

As he began to pull her panties up, all of a sudden Yun Chi had opened her eyes and had gasped aloud.

Before Ji Yuan could react, he was kicked in his crotch and he was sent flying off with Yun Chi’s panties in his hands.

Yun Chi was bleary eyes as she quickly pulled her loosen robe together, “Ji Yuan, you! I didn’t think that you will be such a despicable man!”

Ji Yuan panicky said, “Hear me out! I can explain!”

Yun Chi said with trembling lips as she flashed her hovering flying swords again, “What is there to explain?! Explain what is in your hands and your indecent appearance!”

Ji Yuan looked at the gray panties that was in his hand and was speechless; he was merely trying to help her to put her panties on but he had never expected that she would suddenly wake up and had given him a kick. That was how he had now ended up with her panties in his hands…

Then he noticed another thing too and was startled; his robe was also loosened and even his pants was pull down…

He was not the only one that had pulled at her clothing while they were underwater earlier, she was also pulling at his clothing as well…

It was only now that he had noticed that he was also half-naked. He was so caught up by her peerless appearance that he did not realize he was in an indecent state.

He weakly said, “If I tell you that this is all a misunderstanding, will you believe me?”

Yun Chi sobbed, “No!”

Ji Yuan weakly raised his hand forward, “Your panties…”

“You can keep it!” Yun Chi said coldly as she trembled nonstop.

Ji Yuan quickly tucked her panties under his sleeves while he adjusted his robe at the same time, “Maiden Yun Chi, look. I really didn’t see anything at all and this is all a misunderstanding.”

Fairy Anyang muttered weakly to Xiang Li, “I think our lord really got nothing better to say now. She is not going to believe him for sure.”

Xiang Li face-palmed herself, “Yea. Big Brother is screwed now and so are we.”

Fairy Anyang sighed, “You’ve got any last words to say now?”

Xiang Li nodded slowly, “I want to be Big Brother’s real bride in a bridal chamber.”

Fairy Anyang: …

Yun Chi had launched her hovering flying swords in her rage now.

A dozen flying swords flashed toward Ji Yuan.

But Ji Yuan easily parried off these hovering flying swords because Yun Chi was still trembling nonstop from rage and she was still having her fit now. Therefore her control of her flying swords was not in her usual form.

Ji Yuan quickly parried off her flying swords before he brandished his swords in front of her, “Maiden Yun Chi! Please hear me out first!”

He was actually quite surprised that he was able to overcome her so easily this time but he had her sudden fits to be thankful for.

Even Xiang Li and Fairy Anyang were heaving quick signs of reliefs.

Yun Chi was startled when she saw that Ji Yuan’s swords were on her throat now, “I…will lose…this is…impossible…”

But she continued to say with trembling lips as her golden eyes had suddenly turned malevolent, “Ji Yuan, our fight isn’t over yet…”

“Our fight is over!” Ji Yuan insisted before he withdrawn his swords from her neck.

Then he added breathlessly, “Rest assures that I won’t tell anyone what has happened today. And I won’t tell anyone that I’ve seen your wings or your divine swords.”

“You’re pitying me?” Yun Chi bit her trembling lips and she was also trying to suppress her teething anger at the same time.

Ji Yuan muttered to Xiang Li and Fairy Anyang in his soul sea, “She doesn’t believe me? How? It either she dies or I die now. When she has recovered her profound strength or from her fits, we are going to have another showdown again.”

Xiang Li giggled, “Big Brother, since you’ve seen everything and she is going to hate you for this. Why not turn her hate to love instead?”

Fairy Anyang agreed, “This may be your only way out.”

Ji Yuan frowned, “Xiang Li, you still have the mood to laugh now. Then won’t I be toying with her feeling instead? I don’t love her, you know. Moreover I haven’t wooed successfully Maiden Feng yet. Maiden Feng is my ideal target.”𝔫𝚘𝑣𝞮𝓛𝐧𝗲xt.𝓒𝐎𝑚

Xiang Li answered with a soft chuckle, “How about Wan’Er and Chen Hanhan. I don’t think you really love them too, am I right? But yet you’re willing to take them as your consorts.”

Ji Yuan frowned, “I just don’t want to break their hearts. I’m not a playboy.”

Xiang Li giggled, “How about Yu Jingjing?”

Ji Yuan frowned again, “You should know the reason. I’ve to take responsibility for my actions.”

“Then what about Maiden Yun Chi?” Xiang Li giggled. “Don’t you have to take responsibility for your actions today?”

Fairy Anyang smiled, “Do you have to think so hard between a beautiful lie with a beautiful maiden or having a terrible enemy who is also a beautiful maiden?”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Then he muttered, “You’re right. But it is only because the two of you force me to pick the beautiful lie with a beautiful maiden. I’ve no other choices.”

Xiang Li, Fairy Anyang: …

So Ji Yuan quickly said to Yun Chi as he pretended to be angry, “Do you not know my heart by now? Why do you doubt me?”

Yun Chi was startled by his sudden outrage.

All of a sudden Ji Yuan had drawn her to him by grabbing hold of her slender waist, “Dear Maiden Yun Chi, I love you from the first moment that my eyes have caught hold of you. Do you know that? You’re like a goddess that has suddenly appeared in my life. I don’t care who you are but I’m going to take you as my consort whether you like it or not.”

And without waiting for Yun Chi to reply him, Ji Yuan had suddenly bent over to kiss her trembling lips.

Soon it had suddenly turned into a passionate kiss as the two of them were suddenly in tight embrace.

Yun Chi had a look of confusion in her eyes and when Ji Yuan had suddenly kissed her; she was actually trying to push him away.

But all of a sudden, she shocked herself by kissing him back passionately and exploring her tongue with his tongue…

To her disbelief, she was actually moaning softly as she said to him, “Don’t you dare to lie to me or I’ll make sure you won’t live to see the next day.”

Ji Yuan responded by wandering his hands all over her bare back and below her skirt…

He began to sniff her fragrance scent as he said gently to her, “Yun Chi, you’re my goddess and I love you so much. Don’t forget that my poem for you is my betrothed gift for you…”

Yun Chi gasped softly when she had suddenly recalled Ji Yuan’s poem for her and she was flushing shyly now…

Ji Yuan was now kissing her neck tenderly as he sniffed at the same time, “My dear Yun Chi, your scent is so heavenly and intoxicating…”

But all of a sudden Ji Yuan was trembling in Yun Chi’s embrace and this was not lost on Xiang Li and Fairy Anyang who could see the turmoil in his soul sea.

“Big Brother, what is wrong?” Xiang Li asked him curiously.

“Maybe he is too excited?” Fairy Anyang offered a suggestion.

Ji Yuan panicky said to them, “Xiang Li, Anyang. This time we’re screwed and it is all your fault!”

Xiang Li, Fairy Anyang: ???

Ji Yuan panicky sighed, “Yun Chi is the Death God Mingwang! The Death God Mingwang is Yun Chi! They are the same person! This time, I am truly screwed!”

Xiang Li, Fairy Anyang: !!!

Xiang Li panicky asked, “Big Brother, how do you know that you’re right? Didn’t you say that she has no desolate aura on her?”

Ji Yuan said with trembling voice, “My nose has picked up the scent of the Death God Mingwang on her when I am kissing her. This I can’t be wrong…”

All of a sudden, he had just recalled the weird malevolent glances that she had flashed earlier. Now he had recalled where he had seen this terrifying glance before.

Moreover if she was not the Death God Mingwang, how then did she know that he won’t use the Escape Talisman and had attacked him earlier?

He still could not explain why Yun Chi did not have any desolate aura on her but he was really convinced that he was not wrong because his nose had never failed him before!


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