The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 380 Immortal Artefact Core! (2)

Ji Yuan continued to lament to Xiang Li, “Alas. Now that I’m going to die, I still haven’t got a chance to tell Yun Chi that I really like her.”

“You mean you like to bang her?” Xiang Li sobbed.

“Alas, her peachy between legs and her soft bosoms in my hot fingers…yeah…I really miss that.” Ji Yuan sighed heavily.

Yun Chi: …

Yun Chi: …

Yun Chi: …

Ji Yuan! You can really die now! To think that I am here to help you. So this is your innermost thoughts!

She really cannot believe that Ji Yuan was so degenerate as to share private moments with his spirit entity.

Ji Yuan sighed again, “At least I’ve my two spirit consorts to be with me when I die. This isn’t that bad.”

Yun Chi was startled; he makes his two spirit entities as his spirit consorts?! Can anything be more ridiculous than this?

Xiang Li nodded, “But Big Brother won’t die!”

Ji Yuan said warmly to Xiang Li, “I love you Xiang Li.”

Fairy Anyang hummed coldly, “What about me then?”

“I love you too, Anyang.” Ji Yuan laughed warmly.

Fairy Anyang said solemnly, “I don’t want my lord to die. Moreover we still got Xiang Li.”

Ji Yuan quickly said, “No!”

The first time that Xiang Li used her wish to transform his celestial sword to an immortal sword, he could feel her soul being torn apart and he felt a great sense of loss.

He did not want to experience that again even though there was a chance that he may save his own skin.

Fairy Anyang suddenly laughed, “No wait! My lord, you’re not going to die!”

Ji Yuan said weakly, “You’re just comforting me so that I can strengthen my resolve to live, am I right? This is one of the oldest tricks in the book and I won’t fall for it.”

Intelligence +10

But all of a sudden Ji Yuan was startled, “My profound energies inside my spiritual sea isn’t chaotic anymore. In fact, it is quite soothing…”

Fairy Anyang said weakly, “Told you so.”

Ji Yuan laughed jovially, “Haha…so I’m really not going to die…”

Intelligence -100.𝐍𝑂𝑽𝑒𝑳𝑵𝖊xt.𝐂𝒐𝓂

But he quickly said, “Weird. How come I don’t feel any desolate profound energies in my spiritual sea?”

Fairy Anyang was also perplexed, “It is too soothing. That is indeed too weird.”

Ji Yuan panicky said, “Xiang Li, did you do anything or make any wish?”

Xiang Li had a perplexed look, “What wish?”

She just could not remember anything when the Goddess Tear’s ability was mentioned.

Ji Yuan laughed aloud, “Xiang Li, Anyang. Guess what. It must because that I’m a genius cultivator. Haha.”

Xiang Li, Anyang: …

Fairy Anyang muttered, “You’re not…what is going on around here?”

Yun Chi was thinking; he’s too idiotic to figure out that it is me who is helping him…

Outside of Ji Yuan’s soul sea, all the others were equally perplexed.

Lu Qingyun, Fan Yuqing, Shui Xisi and Bai Qianfeng were all panicky examining Ji Yuan and were using their profound strength to help Ji Yuan to stabilize his inner cultivation core but they could not affect the external profound energies that were entering into Ji Yuan.

Shui Xisi shouted at Yun Chi, “Why are you still standing there for? Come and help Ji Yuan!”

But Yun Chi coolly answered, “This is an immortal beast’s artefact core. Serve him right for trying to absorb it on his own.”

Bai Qianfeng hummed, “This woman is too heartless. When Ji Yuan is in trouble, she refuses to recognize him but while Ji Yuan is a hero, she just flocks to him.”

“This is actually her true colors!” Shui Xisi hummed coldly.

Yun Chi laughed, “It is not like you can do anything to help Ji Yuan. Maybe the two of you are actually hoping that he will die instead so that you can inherit his profound treasures.”

Bai Qianfeng hummed coldly, “If Ji Yuan dies then the next person to die will be you!”

But Yun Chi pretended to be nonchalant while secretly filtering out all the harmful desolate energies for Ji Yuan.

All of a sudden Lu Qingyun gasped while examining Ji Yuan’s profound aura, “Weird. The profound energies of this immortal beast is quietly being absorbed by Ji Yuan at an ever increasing rate…”

“And it doesn’t seem to harm his inner cultivation core too.” Fan Yuqing added with a soft gasp. “But this is not possible since he can’t accommodate anymore spirit entities into his spiritual sea anymore.”

“That means that Ji Yuan won’t be in any danger?” Shui Xisi was so relieved that her golden eyes had turned bleary with joy.

Bai Qianfeng was muttering, “This…isn’t possible. By right, he cannot absorb anymore spirit entity…”

Yun Chi giggled, “See! There is no need for me to get involved. He is a genius cultivator after all and he will be alright.”

“Count yourself lucky this time.” Bai Qianfeng hummed coldly.

Ji Yuan had suddenly opened his golden eyes as the artefact core of the Cherubim Demonic Beast was absorbed into his inner cultivation core.

He looked a little sheepish because he did not even need to do anything and he had already absorbed it completely after the initial great hurdle.

This great hurdle was cleared a little too fast and Ji Yuan did not even know what was going on!

When he saw that he was being surrounded by Lu Qingyun, Fan Yuqing, Bai Qianfeng and Shui Xisi, he laughed weakly. “Thank you all. Haha.”

Lu Qingyun weakly said, “Actually Brother Ji Yuan, we didn’t do anything at all.”

Ji Yuan: ???

Just as Ji Yuan was about to ask Lu Qingyun what was going on, his body began to shake uncontrollably and this forced everyone to take several steps backward immediately!

Lu Qingyun, Fan Yuqing, Bai Qianfeng and Shui Xisi were all gasping with shock at the same time too because Ji Yuan had suddenly absorbed half of their profound energies at the same time!

Ji Yuan’s golden profound aura had suddenly been strengthened and an inertia barrier had formed at the same time.

Instead of his usual faint translucent golden aura, his golden animus was radiating with a golden light and six golden wings had emerged from his golden aura!

This was Ji Yuan’s spirit entity!

An immortal spirit entity!

Lu Qingyun, Fan Yuqing, Bai Qianfeng and Shui Xisi appeared to be shaken because when Ji Yuan had released his spirit animus, his state of divinity had suddenly reached to the mortal-step of the initial stage of the 8th cultivation realm!

Right below everyone’s eyes, Ji Yuan’s spiritual sea was now expanding beyond its spiritual boundaries!

Initial Mortal-step!

Initial Earth-step!

Initial Heaven-step!

Initial Peak!

Breakthrough to the Middle-Stage!

Middle Mortal-step!

Middle Earth-step!

One step advancement for each wing that was spreading and strengthening!

Everyone was shocked; Ji Yuan had become the first 8th realm great saint in the entire Celestial Realm without ascending as an immortal cultivator first!

Fan Yuqing said with great disbelief, “The great seal of the Great God Pangu does not work on Ji Yuan? He can actually advance to the 8th cultivation realm?!”

Even Yun Chi’s lips were trembling; did I just create a monster?

Initial she had only wanted to strengthen Ji Yuan’s golden animus with the Cherubim Demonic Beast’s artefact core since she knew that Ji Yuan was unable to accommodate another spirit entity.

As she was dissolving the artefact core of the Cherubim Demonic Beast while giving Ji Yuan and the others a false alarm, she was suddenly startled that the shattered profound energies of the Cherubim Demonic Beast were reforming into a core again.

Fairy Anyang was now saying to Ji Yuan’s in his soul sea as she giggled, “I’m not exactly useless, you know. My spirit energies is the ability to expand the boundaries of the spiritual seas for you to accommodate one more spirit entity. Also, I’ve absorbed half of their profound energies to help you to reform this immortal artefact core since you can absorb it so well.”

Xiang Li was also giggling, “Big Brother, I am also not completely useless! I can enhance the spirit entities of the others but not myself. So I enhance Sister Anyang’s ability.”

Fairy Anyang gasped softly, “But I guess that Xiang Li enhance me too much. I can’t believe that she can actually expand your spiritual seas to beyond the 7th realm without triggering an ascension.”

Ji Yuan’s jaws dropped as he stammered, “So I am really an 8th realm cultivator now?”

Then he quickly frowned as he said to Fairy Anyang, “Why did you take their profound energies for?! Do you know that they will curse me hard later?”

Fairy Anyang chuckled, “Since they’re already using their profound energies to aid you so I may as well use it. Unless you want to burn your own spiritual seas to expand your spiritual boundaries.”

Ji Yuan rolled his eyes before he laughed weakly, “Better use theirs. Every one of them has more spiritual energies than me. Also, they can use profound pills and high grade spirit stones to replenish their spiritual seas. They are so rich anyway. Just treat it as a donation to a poor beggar like me.”


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