The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 405 This Is Not The End

Ji Yuan was dejected as he walked slowly back to his abode.

Xiang Li and Fairy Anyang were both trying their best to cheer him up but to no avail.

The thought that Jiajia had already been killed shattered Ji Yuan’s will…

When Shui Xisi reminded him that her sister was someone special and she had told him not to give her up, he had thought that it was only a joke.

It is because if Jiajia is special then Sisi is also special for they are sisters.

But he had never known that his Jiajia will actually be the daughter of the Great Goddess Alice, the Empress of the Immortal Realm.

Moreover Jiajia had lied to him about her background but he was convinced that she was telling the truth.

At that time he could only sigh that Jiajia must have come from a dysfunctional family since her sister and half-sister do not stay together.

He was not one who was overtly concerned about someone’s personal family matters so he did not ask for more details.

But now Jiajia is dead.

JI Yuan’s heart was bleeding with indescribable heartache because Jiajia was the first maiden that renewed his interest in women again after so many years.

Also without her, he had no motivation to breakthrough to be a saint and he got his first divine sword from her as well.

The way that they had met was funny too. On their very first meeting, Ji Yuan could not resist touching her butt and he was pleased with it. Luckily, Jiajia did not slap him…

At the time, he was thinking that he may have already screwed up his romance with her…

He began to recall how Jiajia had fooled him into battling the Divine Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Divine Palace and Jiajia turned out to be the Divine Palace Master herself.

He was trying his best to protect Jiajia from the Divine Palace Master and he did not think that it was only a test by Jiajia.

Come to think of that, why should the Divine Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Divine Palace delay their duel to six months later and had even sent ‘his’ aides to protect him.

And without Jiajia, he would never have met Xue Qianxue and Ling Feiyue, two of the best maidens in the Celestial Realm that would eventually be his consorts.

In a way, Jiajia interest in him brought him to the world of the rich and mighty celestials that he did not want to have anything to do with.

But the main reason why he was so despondent was that all the other maidens that he has loved were all with Jiajia.

He was depressed over their fates…

Xue Qianxue…

Fairy Ye Chengxi…

Shangguan Yan…

Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo…

Hua Wuwu…

Hua Baiyue…

Ling Tianshui…𝚗𝑜𝗏𝗲𝐋𝗇𝑬xt.𝐜𝑂𝑀

Ji Yuan lamented silently; Jiajia, didn’t you say that you will be with me once I’ve become a romantic cultivator?! Why did you lie to me? How dare you leave me alone…

“Hey! Why are you in such a hurry?” Yun Chi had suddenly flashed in front of Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan raised his hand to push her away, “Get out of my way!”

To his surprise, Yun Chi had suddenly gasped softly and had fallen to the ground.

Just when Ji Yuan was about to apologize to her, he had suddenly realized that she may only be playacting so he gave a cold hum before walking off again.

“Ji Yuan, you are really vicious.” Yun Chi said unruly. “You didn’t even want to help me up.”

Ji Yuan stopped in his tracks but he did not turn around. “You have legs so why can’t you pick yourself up? Leave me alone. I am not in a good mood.”

Yun Chi hummed coldly, “I am not in a good mood too. So is this the way that you treat someone that you claim to love? How vicious!”

Ji Yuan turned around to frown unhappily, “I am vicious? Isn’t this the other way round.”

Yun Chi hummed coldly, “You’re not vicious? If you are not vicious, will you push your unborn child and me to the ground?”

Ji Yuan was startled as he quickly rushed to help Yun Chi up, “You…are…really pregnant?”

Yun Chi turned her eyes away shyly as she nodded lightly.

“This is impossible, right? Didn’t you purge it after our love making session?” Ji Yuan asked with trembling lips.

“Hmph!” Yun Chi sighed. “This is my mistake.”

She had lied about purging the aftermath of their love making but now she was regretting it.

“But this is impossible.” Ji Yuan shook his head with great disbelief. “You are a goddess. How is it possible for you to be pregnant on your first time?”

Yun Chi said bitterly, “Don’t ask me. Ask yourself! I didn’t think that you can be so fertile.”

Ji Yuan began to laugh bitterly as well; haha. It is the fault of the five masculine profound pills. One masculine profound pill is supposed to give increase fertility for one month but I’ve swallowed five at one go…

But he could feel that he had almost purged most of the effects of the masculine profound pills by now, after weeks of constant love making with Qiu Xiuyu.

Yun Chi added coldly, “I really didn’t think that you can be so fertile but it seems that it is only because you are just a lowly celestial, that’s why.”

Ji Yuan began to smile bitterly; that was what he had thought of Qiu Xiuyu when he had first learnt that she is pregnant.

All of a sudden Ji Yuan could hear a soft feminine melody voice, “Mama, is he my bad papa? Why did he push you down? Is he also the same man that makes you cry? Then I don’t want him to be my papa anymore.”

Yun Chi suddenly patted her belly as she smiled, “Yes, he is your bad papa indeed. He is just an uncultured barbarian.”

Ji Yuan was startled and he was shaking all over, “Is that our daughter? She can talk?”

Yun Chi hummed coldly, “Of course she is our daughter, you irresponsible man. How can you suggest otherwise?”

But she soon displayed a smile to say most casually, “Our daughter is a divine because I am a true goddess. Naturally she can talk while in my womb.”

Ji Yuan quickly reached his fingers to Yun Chi’s belly and said, “You are my daughter? Haha. I am actually a good papa and not a bad papa. Your mama is actually the bad mama…”

Yun Chi suddenly knocked Ji Yuan’s fingers away from her belly with an angry hum, “What did you just say?”

Ji Yuan answered with a soft chuckle, “I am educating our daughter.”

Yun Chi: …

Yun Chi: …

Yun Chi: …

Ji Yuan suddenly began to stammer, “Sorry, I didn’t know that you’re with child. I…didn’t mean to push you like this. Yun Chi, I really love you but I am really not in a good mood.”

Yun Chi folded her arms as she said casually, “Maybe Jiajia is still alive.”

“What did you just say?” Ji Yuan was suddenly hopeful again.

Yun Chi said, “Your Jiajia is someone that we have been trying to track for years but to no avail. It is only because of Shui Xisi that we have learnt of her hideout.”

“What does Sisi has to do with this?” Ji Yuan asked suddenly.

“She borrows a ninth rank epic blue phoenix from Jiajia and that is how we know the hideout of the Hundred Flowers Divine Palace.” Yun Chi smiled coldly.

Ji Yuan shook her head as he muttered, “I’ve better not tell Sisi or she will be blaming herself for her sister’s death…”

But he quickly looked up again, “You just say that Jiajia is not dead. Is it true?”

Yun Chi nodded, “Although there is a plan to attack the hideout of the Hundred Flowers Divine Palace but your Jiajia is not there for sure. We know that she is at the settlements.”

Ji Yuan began to sigh with relief, “That is good to hear…”

“But we have also sent a force to attack the settlements as well.” Yun Chi interrupted.

Ji Yuan nearly fainted, “What did you just say? Then, then….”

Yun Chi was suddenly smiling, “Why are you so nervous for? That is only a diversion attack. I doubt that it will succeed.”

Ji Yuan began to heave a soft sigh of relief again…

“So Saintess Fang Zhenfei is really the Divine Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Divine Palace?” Yun Chi was smiling all of a sudden.

Ji Yuan began to freeze on the spot; he had suddenly realized that he had fallen into her trap and had revealed Jiajia’s identity.

He quickly said, “Oh no, Jiajia is Jiajia. She is not the Divine Palace Master. The Divine Palace Master is a guy.”

Yun Chi chuckled softly, “Too late now. I don’t believe.”

Ji Yuan turned very solemn, “I have no other choice now but to reveal my true identity. Actually I am the real Divine Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Divine Palace…”

“This is the funniest thing that I’ve ever heard.” Yun Chi interrupted with more chuckles.

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Just as Ji Yuan was frowning bitterly and at a loss, Yun Chi had suddenly stopped laughing.

“Ji Yuan, do you really mean it when you say you love me?” There was a flush on Yun Chi’s countenance when she had asked him.

Ji Yuan answered without any hesitation, “Of course I do. You should know my heart.”

Yun Chi sighed as she turned her eyes away, “Just now I was only ranting because I was upset at you. But actually I’ve decided to follow you from now on.”

Ji Yuan was startled, “Really?!”

He was suddenly jumping for joy as he embraced Yun Chi tightly. “Yun Chi…”

“Not too tightly.” Yun Chi reminded him.

A soft feminine voice echoed, “Mama, did you say that papa is a rascal? Why are you forgiving him?”

Ji Yuan frowned, “I will be a rascal?”

Yun Chi laughed softly, “Yes indeed he is a rascal who has captured my heart. Your papa actually is a good papa. I am actually…not a good mama…”

“No, mama is the best!” The soft feminine voice said.

As Ji Yuan was holding them tightly, he had a sudden realization; wait a minute. I have another child now? Crap, I am screwed again…

Fairy Anyang was floating in Ji Yuan’s soul sea as she looked silently at Xiang Li who was giggling at the sight of Ji Yuan and Yun Chi reunion; the powers of the Goddess Tear are too terrifying. She can even cause Yun Chi to fall in love with my lord Ji Yuan…


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