The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 571 The Assault At Mt. Eons Firmament (3)

This lone enemy female cultivator was indeed very bold; she had rushed into the midst of the hundreds of cultivators seemingly without fear and she had every reason to be so. It was because she was an 8th rank power cultivator!

Even when other golden saints were surrounding her, she had shown no fear.

Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo was now saying to Han Yuchi, Zhao Songjin and Xue Qianxue. “Be careful! She is unbelievably strong!”

A golden animus of a winged battle maiden had suddenly burst forth from Xue Qianxue’s profound aura as she displayed the highest level of her internal profound art the 9th Rank Sacred Maiden Profound Art!

Xue Qianxue pursed her cherry red lips to say, “I can get close to her with my spirit animus!”

The special spirit animus of the Celestial Orthodox Sect was a defensive spirit animus type and could tank more effective than the other types of spirit animus.

Xue Qianxue had once used her spirit animus to protect herself, Ling Feiyue and Ji Yuan from their lightning tribulation.

She knew that her opponent was a 8th realm power cultivator so it was not possible for them to win even if she threw all her attacking profound arts on her. But defense wise, she was definitely superior and she had the intention to buy everyone as much time as possible.

Maybe long enough for Ji Yuan to appear and to bad mouth her to the death?

Xue Qianxue sighed softly as she was starting to miss her foul-mouthed lord now…

In the meantime, Han Yuchi and Zhao Songjin had also displayed their battle maidens spirit animus to help support Xue Qianxue!

Now they had three almost unbreakable wall of spirit animus!

The unknown female cultivator laughed, “It won’t be long before I will be able to break your profound defense.”

Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo swung her sword at her before being covered by Xue Qianxue, “Who are you? And what is your name?”

“My name? I am just called Number 5 and I have no name.” The unknown female cultivator called Number 5 smirked coldly. “I am an 8th realm power cultivator and I am stronger than anyone of you here. Even if you are able to reach the same realm as me, you won’t have my profound power. It is because I am not human. You can say that I am from the demonic race instead.”

Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo, Han Yu Chi, Zhao Songjin, Xue Qianxue and 6 other golden saints were all startled. “She isn’t a celestial? But is from the demonic race?”

Number 5 laughed, “That’s right. And I can tell you that other than the Desolate Dragon God Longdi here, I am the most powerful.”

Then she paused to grin, “Not exactly.”

She pointed at the skies and said, “This Saintess Fang Zhenfei isn’t that bad and she may have the profound might to defeat me. However, her opponent is the Desolate Dragon God and she won’t survive his wrath. But of course, our intention is not to kill her but to bring her back…”𝒏𝗈𝔳𝗲𝓵𝚗𝓮xt.𝚌𝞸𝕞

Then she smirked coldly and pointed at Xue Qianxue. “And I’m going to bring you back as well. Or else when do you think I have been so lenient so far?”

As she said that, she had pieced her heaven-step divine sword into the unfortunate golden body of a saint cultivator, bursting his profound defense with just a single hit.

Xue Qianxue was startled, “Why do you want me back from? I will rather die than be a living furnace of the Evil Cultivation Palace!”

Number 5 gave a haughter laughter before she brandished her divine sword upward in the form of a red burning bird before she slammed upon Xue Qianxue with such a great force that Xue Qianxue and beside Zhao Songjin and Han Yuchi were all swept away by her!

Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo was startled as she tried to sped forward but in less than 10 strokes, she was knocked back as well!

“You are just too weak to stand below me.” Just as Number 5 was about to put Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo to the sword, Shui Qingqing had suddenly raised her divine sword and she was followed by 6 of her golden saint protectors.

Number 5 snorted, “Just more flies for me to kill.”

She had immediately raised her profound energies again to display the same fire bird flaming sword again when Shui Qingqing inhaled deeply before causing her divine sword to turn golden.

Number 5 did not know what had happened but she was suddenly knocked back with a loud thunderous impact!

Shui Qingqing was inhaling heavily now; she had just used her Divine Exaltation to neutralize the profound attack of her enemy to buy everyone some time. However she was not able to use this super secret profound attack anytime so soon… for this was an immortal art that only Shui Xisi and Saintess Fang Zhenfei know about it but it had its own weakness too.

Her 6 female golden saint protectors were all shouting, “Protect our palace mistress!”

And they had sped to attack Number 5 who had already recovered from her crushing impact; this was not an offensive profound art so it did not even do any damage to Number 5.

Everyone was just buying time for Saintess Fang Zhenfei because they had faith in her.

Meanwhile Jiajia was fighting with the Desolate Dragon God Longdi and she was losing her profound strength very fast.

The Desolate Dragon God haughty declared as he dissipated Jiajia’s Hundred Flower Divine Strike into nothingness with just the profound might of his cultivation strength alone!

“There is nothing you can do against me. Whether it is profound strength, speed, evasion, profound arts, endurance, resilient… everything I have is above you.”

And faith was something that Jiajia was lacking right now.

In just a few rounds, the Desolate Dragon God had soundly beaten her and had ripped away much of her profound animus. Even her profound attacks were not working against the Desolate Dragon God.

Very soon, she would lose even her 8th realm cultivation strength and could plummet to the ground.

This battle was hopeless and nothing short of a miracle could reverse this battle.

As for help, she knew that there would be no help from anyone, not even from the Pangu Immortals.

She was absolutely alone and helpless.

For the first time, she felt like weeping her heart out…

The Desolate Dragon God was now just toying with Saintess Fang Zhentian all this while as he mused to himself; the true gods of the Desolate Divine Realm had been patiently waiting for their profound strength to consolidate until they could seal off the Celestial Realm and the Immortal Realm. This was to prevent any immortals from interfering. By then, even if their existences were known, everything would be too late. That was why the true gods of the Desolate Divine Realm was making their daring appearances now, instead of hiding.

However they still had to wait until the appearance of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth first which was a 10th Immortal Positioning creation. That was when many of the golden celestials and great golden celestials would be missing from the Celestial Realm as they entered it. In this way, the Celestial Realm would be even more vulberable.

Many of the golden celestials would be going for the trials inside the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth to obtain profound treasures and high grade spirit stones. Also, their cultivation realm would also be improved, even if they are a peaked great saint. It was because there were no perfect great saints and there were still so many cultivation levels to be improved for a successful ascension to the Immortal Realm.

The  trials of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth were all high trials and above, rich in profound treasures and high grade spirit stones. This was unlike the low level and risky trials in many of the Celestial Realm which opened quite frequently. That was why even though Ji Yuan was an experienced trial cultivator, he almost got nothing except for low level spirit stones from his hundreds of times in the low level trials and even got mocked by Ling Feiyue because of this.

Although the high level trials were sometimes rewarding but they could only be opened once every few decades which was a long time but almost all the cultivators nearby would be storming for it, including the golden celestials. It was in a high trial that Ji Yuan had found Xiang Li to join him and it was also a high trial that created a chance meeting with Ling Feiyue again as well.

“Therefore I have declared the dawn of the new Age of Darkness upon the Celestial Realm. From today onward, your divine realm will be known as the Dark Celestial Desolate Realm!”

The Desolate Dragon God was laughing nonstop, “Give it up, Saintess Fang Zhenfei. If you give it up and surrender to me then I can consider sparing your friends. Or else thousands today will be buried in this place. As for you, I won’t kill you but I will break your will and I want you to remember this day well. Your intelligence is just so and so, compared to the Great Demon God. You are simply destined to lose this game of chess. I do pity you and your fate, daughter of the Great Goddess Celestial Alice.”

Jiajia was sweating profusely now as she swung her sword feebly, “Is there really no way for me to defeat you…”

This was not a question but a desperate plead to the heavens…

The Desolate Dragon God smirked coldly as he clashed against her sword but had suddenly plummeted her painfully in the mid-air.

The soft and fragile body of Jiajia was suddenly crumbled by the Desolate Dragon God…

“In this form I am simply invincible. Even when I close my eyes, my battle instinct will take over from me. There are no one stronger in battle than me in this Celestial Divine Realm now. And in this battle form, even my profound strength isn’t slowed down by the mystic laws of restriction. Therefore, I can only say, I am truly invincible.”

“So,” the Desolate Dragon God smirked coldly. “Nothing short of a miracle can help you now. Saintess Fang Zhenfei, are you giving up now?”

Saintess Fang Zhenfei quickly mustered all her profound strength to fly away from him but it was only because the Desolate Dragon God had allowed it.

None of her profound attacks now worked on the Desolate Dragon God and she would really need a miracle now…

The Desolate Dragon God smirked with extreme confidence, “Nothing short of a backlash to my cultivation core can save you now.”

Then he added with a loud roaring laughter, “Unfortunately, this is impossible and for tens of thousands of years, my cultivation core has long been stabilized. Hahahaha….”

Jiajia clenched her fists tightly at this bad joke. Firstly, he had given her a hope and then he destroyed the same hope; this Desolate Dragon God was truly lame…

As the Desolate Dragon God had said that, he had suddenly flashed to the Saintess Zhenfei and he was intending to slap her into submission and to lay his wanton hands on her. At this moment, he knew that he had already ripped apart most of her resisting profound animus so she was completely helpless now.

How about stripping her naked by tearing away her profound celestium dress that the Great Goddess Celestial Alice had given to her for her protection?

And then parade her nakedness in front of all the thousands of cultivators to see and admire?

That the holy body of the daughter of the Great Goddess Celestial Alice was free for all to see and for him to abuse?

This would totally humilate her and broke her all her willpower to resist!

This would be fun and with this wicked plan in mind, he flew in a flash toward her.

But all of a sudden, he had frozen in mid-air; he was suddenly coughing out golden blood and was even reverting to his original form!

Not just reverting to his original form but his cultivation realm was also dropping rapidly too!

The Desolate Dragon God was stunned; it was because there was a sudden backlash to his cultivation core and it had cracked violently suddenly.

This was impossible and it could not even be happening!

All of a sudden, his cultivation core recorded a flash of memory as his emperor-step divine sword in the Bliss City was suddenly ripped to nothingness. Because he was linked to his divine sword, he had suddenly suffered a severe backlash to his cultivation core!

In the beginning, the three true gods of the Desolate Divine Realm had all put their divine swords into the secret immortal array to power it. It was not just a simple array but it was also an array that could transform their divine swords into deity-step divine swords. Once their divine swords have achieved the deity status, they would also be transformed into True Divinities!

And that was why they had agreed to leave their precious divine swords in Bliss City as the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth is the only wondrous cultivation trial that have almost an infinity amount of cultivation resources.

This was supposed to be their most brilliant master strokes in one of their several secret plans.

But all of a sudden, the Desolate Dragon God could feel the backlash in his cultivation core as his precious emperor-step divine sword was destroyed instantly by an unknown power.

There was no known force in the universe that could destroy an emperor divine sword!

Even if the secret immortal array was destroyed, his emperor-step divine sword would actually fly back to his soul sea for him to use again.

Jiajia was stunned; a miracle had really happened all of a sudden on this day!

She mustered all her profound strength and delivered her Hundred Flowers Divine Strike again as a powerful wave of profound energies swept into the Desolate Dragon God who was now even weaker than a great saint and he was instantly pulverized, leaving not even his cultivation core intact!

When the Desolate Dragon God had died in this manner, he could not even believe what was happening!

Below, the Cultivation Palace Master, the Sagess Alyssa and Number 5 simply could not believe their very eyes either!

What the hell had happened to the all-powerful Desolate Dragon God Longdi?!

Just an instant ago, he was all-powerful. In the next instant, he was reduced to nothingness!

Jiajia did not care for any of these reasons; she had finally exhausted her 8th realm cultivation realm and she had landed gently on the ground.

But barely had she landed, she had mustered all her profound energies again as she launched another Hundred Flowers Divine Strike in the direction of the 13 red aura female cultivators. In the next blink of an eye, all 13 of the red aura female cultivators were also pulverized!

She did not need to be an 8th realm cultivator to use her Hundred Flower Divine Strike.

The Evil Cultivation Master was truly fearful now and he was shouting panicky, “Retreat! Retreat!”

Even before the retreat was sounded, the Sagess Alyssa was already fleeing.

Jiajia had sped to where Xue Qianxue was and she produced another Hundred Flower Divine Strike on Number 5.

However even though her profound strike was powerful, it could only wound Number 5 and she managed to make her escape too.

Jiajia had no more strength to chase after her enemies so she just collapsed breathlessly while muttering, “What exactly has just happened?!”

Back to the Great Desolate Divine Palace;

The Great Demon God was having fun with the naked Goddess Mei when he was suddenly coughing out golden blood.

This shocked the Goddess Mel and she panicky asked, “Great God, what has happened?”

The Great Demon God shouted furiously, “Get out of here! Now!”

Goddess Mel thought that it was she who had caused the accident and she had quickly fled, unwilling to incur the wrath of the Great Demon God.

The Great Demon God had sent her away because he did not want anyone to know that his cultivation core had just suffered a severe damage and he was now in his most vulnerable state.

As the Goddess Mel was a Desolate Immortal of the Immortal Divine Realm and not from his demonic race, he did not trust her at all.


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