The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 573 No Praise To Ji Yuan!

Ji Yuan and his group could only see that Little Princess and Hua Xunzi seemed to be talking for a while and it appeared to be quite emotional.

Then finally with a most reluctant look that was cast upon Little Princess, Han Xunzi had suddenly taken flight and she had disappeared in the vast mountains of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth.

The jovial mood of the party was also affected by this encounter.

Soon Little Princess was back with a mesmerizing smile as she was displayed a dazzling look at everyone who was looking her way.

Ji Yuan could not contain his curiosity, “What is it?”

Little Princess answered nonchalantly, “Although my Third Citadel was destroyed in the Desolate Celestial Fraternity, there are actually still several networks of mine throughout the rest of the Celestial Realm. The purpose is to avoid bringing all the attention to the Desolate Celestial Fraternity on the real whereabouts of the Evil Cultivation Palace and is also for us to collect intelligence on the rest of the celestial fraternities.”

“Some of them did not even know that my Third Citadel is no longer around. As you know, the loyalties of the evil cultivators are foremost to the Citadel Lords when they are under our direct command, rather than with the Evil Cultivation Palace. In a way, she is directly under my command. However just now I’ve released her from my command. Whether she has really decided to change her ways, it is none of my business now.”

Ji Yuan was actually curious about her Ultimate Evil Veins but as he did not want Little Princess to be troubled more than necessary, he did not ask her about it.

After all, he loves her with all his heart.

Whether she is good or evil, is it really that important?

Ji Yuan just shrugged it away with a loud laugh, “We are just curious who you are talking with. But it is really an unimportant matter. I’ve got a much worse reputation than my Little Princess. Haha…”

When he had said that, all the maidens, including Little Princess was all softly laughing jovially together.

It was because Ji Yuan indeed had the most horrible reputation in their eyes.

The short old man took a look at Little Princess before he took another look at the Smiling Divine Maiden who was also his daughter Chu Lixue, “Actually what is evil, what is good? As long as they are willing to change, we should give them a chance to repent…”

With that, he shouted loudly. “Let’s go Little Rascal Ji Yuan!”

“Actually,” Ji Yuan protested after him. “My nick isn’t little rascal. I am your grand daddy, you know.”

The short old man snorted coldly before giving him a strong kick, “Have you defeat your old man yet? How dare you claim to be my grand daddy! You are not even qualified to call me big daddy even! Moreover…”

He turned to look at Yang Mi and Chu Lixue with a badass grin, “You are soon going to beg me to call me your big daddy, haha!”

When the short old man had said that, Yang Mi and Chu Lixue were flustered with great shyness but there was also a hint of interesting anticipations in their golden eyes…

As for Ji Yuan, he was laughing away awkwardly. “Right, right…”

In order to bang the Smiling Divine Maiden, I can even call you my ancestor too. Haha…

The short old man chuckled before saying, “But for now, make sure your fingers are clean until you can officially take them as your consorts. I will be watching you.”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

He was protesting weakly, “Old man, do you really think that I am this sort of a person?”

When he had just finished, all the maidens in his group and the short old man were all echoing loudly to him, “Yes, you are definitely that sort of a person.”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan laughed it off quickly, “You know we are at the start of the middle final trial, right? And we still got some way to go before we can reach the upper frontier of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. So instead of gossiping against one another, we should put all gossips aside and be united as a single party…”

“Ahem,” the short old man had suddenly interrupted him. “You are wrong on this for sure.”

Ji Yuan frowned, “What?”

The short old man laughed aloud, “They are only gossiping against you and not against one another.”

All the maidens were now laughing nonstop, “That’s right. We are only gossiping against one person and his name is Ji Yuan.”

Ling Feiyue giggled as she turned to the other maidens, “Shall I tell you the time that he took an alias by calling himself Yuan Ji?”

Yun Chi frowned, “Ji Yuan, Yuan Ji? Who the dumb fool that can fall for this name?”

All the maidens were laughing jovially together…

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

He muttered weakly, “I am the one with two saintly step swords, none of you here have one and cannot be compared to me…”

Xiang Li was giggling in his soul sea: Actually, Big Brother, without me to get you Anyang, it is impossible for you to get two saintly divine swords. Heehee. So, you should thank me instead.

Anyang was smiling with great delight: Without my aid, you may already have died a dozen times by now. Luckily, you have your Fairy Anyang here to be your ever helpful spirit entity heh!”

She was especially delighted recently because she had not expected to see the Great Beyond Goddess in real life as all spirit entities were subjected to the spiritual laws that were weaved by the Great Beyond Goddess. To her, it was like seeing an idol.

This had convinced Fairy Anyang Xiahou that she had indeed served the right master.

However, for some unknown reasons or due to the spiritual laws that were weaved within Xiang Li, anything related to Wish, the Goddess Tear, Great Beyond Goddess and Xiang Li’s purpose, she could not remember.

Another delightful thing was that when the Great Beyond Goddess had destroyed the two emperor-step divine swords, Ji Yuan’s two saintly divine swords were actually absorbing their profound energies. This could mean that Xiang Li and she could have a chance to grow into an emperor-step divine swords in the future!

As she delightfully dreamed of a higher existence, she had turned to look at Xiang Li with a soft chuckle.

Xiang Li was also laughing playfully before she asked suddenly: Hmm, I wonder what Maiden Dream Mist is doing now and where did she go? That day she is so awesome and she has destroyed the secret immortal array…

Anyang was suddenly shocked; Xiang Li could remember the incident that day? And she had called the Great Beyond Goddess, Maiden Dream Mist instead?

Somewhere in the Great Beyond Divine Realm;

The real Great Beyond Goddess had awakened from her slumber and she was still thinking about her first lie that she had made and that was to swear in her own name that she was simply just Ji Yuan’s spirit entity.

This had caused her to have suffered a minor backlash and she was looking to cultivate back the loss.

But her cultivation realm did not suffer at all as though some powers had prevented it from being a lie.

All of a sudden she was startled as she started to drawn upon her infinity wisdom of cultivation to investigate the reason, “It is Xiang Li?!”𝒏𝗈𝔳𝗲𝓵𝚗𝓮xt.𝚌𝞸𝕞


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