The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 604 The Three Demonic Immortals (1)

Ji Yuan, Zhi Jiugong and Hua Xunzi had all rushed outside and they were startled to see 3 immortal cultivators floating in the heavens above the many citadels of the Dark Phantom Citadel.

The Succubus Queen Minami had also rushed outside and she was followed by thousands of demonic cultivators. When they saw the three demonic immortals, they were also shocked.

Now these three demonic immortals all had horns and were of the red fiend race; they were demonic cultivators that had long ascended from this divine realm to the Desolate Divine Realm.

Technically it was not impossible to return to the lower realm but an equivalent price had to be paid in order to dwell in the lower realm for a limited time; it was because their presence would unbalance the delicate balance between the two divine realms.

However there were other methods to remain in the lower realm by the immortals but the price was often high and they had to accept multiple restrictions that would also be imposed upon them.

When these 3 immortal cultivators had sensed a powerful immortal was creating havoc in their old divine realm, they were enraged. Therefore they had decided to punish this immortal themselves by requesting donations from the hundreds of powerful immortals in the Desolate Divine Realm.

One must know that the Desolate Divine Realm was not called the Desolate Realm for nothing for it was poor in spiritual aura. Only a divine realm that was rich in the universal force could spawn spiritual aura and spiritual aura would then spawn the birth of new profound artefacts.

That was why the Immortal Divine Realm was always a prized target for the denizens of the Desolate Divine Realm to invade.

Now these three demonic Immortals were determined not to allow an enemy immortal from messing up the Demonic Divine Realm which they had ascended from and it was a necessary price to pay for in order for them to interfere.

An old immortal raised the ugly tip of his fingers and all of a sudden a profound spear had materialized in mid-air and he had thrust it into one of the many citadels to implode it violently with his 8th cultivation realm profound energies.

This was a powerful 8th cultivation realm profound art and even Ji Yuan was looking at it with awe. But compared to his Qianfeng, it was still too weak.

But as soon as Ji Yuan had appeared, all 3 of the immortals were now staring in his direction; it was because they had noticed the immortal scabbard that was on his back!

This immortal scabbard was giving away too much spiritual aura and they had immediately identified it as a true immortal artefact!

The strongest of the 3 immortals, was an old red fiend by the name of the Demonic High Immortal Ena and he was also a 9th middle cultivation realm immortal.

He had suddenly said aloud as he pointed at Ji Yuan, “If you surrender your immortal scabbard to me, I will then spare your puny life.”

Ji Yuan laughed bitterly as he stepped forward, “What if I say no?”

The 8th cultivation realm immortal that had just fired his profound spear was actually called Grand Sage Mud face and he had stepped forward to say angrily, “Then you shall die!!!”

Ji Yuan saw that he was about to raise his profound spear again and he quickly said, “You know. I can’t fly so how do I fight you? Why don’t you come down and fight me instead? Or are you a coward that likes to stay high up? Well, if you stay high up you may not be able to kill me. Even if you are an immortal, your profound energies will weaken over the vast distances.”

Then Ji Yuan pointed at the carnage that he had just caused, “From the time you summon your profound spear to launching it at that citadel over there and then exploding it, is around 10 blinks of an eye. Honestly, I can just speed away in only 3 blinks of an eye. If you persist in your attacks then you would only be wasting your profound strength.”

Grand Sage Mud face was furious but Ji Yuan was right; his profound spear was massive and he needed time to pour his 8th cultivation realm profound strength in order to shape it into a mssive profound spear with his profound energies. And that alone took 6 blinks of an eye.

It was a quick attack. If he were to solidify it then it would need 30 blinks of an eye and a mere 6 blinks of an eye was actually not enough to kill a seventh realm cultivator.𝑵𝒐𝒱𝑬𝓁𝒏𝓮xt.𝐜𝑜𝑚

By any standard, this was already fast enough for 6 blinks of an eye.

But this may seem too slow to a peaked seventh realm speed cultivator and especially one that had an immortal scabbard.

So he answered with a cold smirk, “Very well then. Then I shall show you the profound strength of a middle tier 8th cultivation realm immortal. Hahaha…”

When he had said that, he had landed loudly on the top of the citadel wall where Ji Yuan was and the entire citadel was violently shaking when he had suddenly landed like this.

The eruption of his profound strength when he had landed was truly earth shaking and terrifying!

The other two immortals were all smiling; it was because they had already anticipated the pathetic ending of the cultivator with the immortal scabbard.

Their lecherous eyes were already looking at Zhi Jiugong, Hua Xunzi and the Succubus Queen Minami; since they had spent so much of their profound wealth on this trip, they may as well try to enjoy their stay here with these depraved slaves later.

Zhi Jiugong was anxious for Ji Yuan as she said softly, “My lord, do be very careful and don’t get careless. If you die in this battle, I will join you.”

Hua Xunzi tugged on Ji Yuan’s sleeve and there was real concern for him, “Don’t lose your life in this place…”

Ji Yuan was really touched by these two maidens…

The Queen Succubus Minami was actually standing in another location and she had a mixed feeling; it was not the way of her race to wish someone good tidings in battle and hope that they would survive.

Ji Yuan had walked calmly to Grand Sage Mud Face and said nonchalantly, “I am Great Saint Ji Yuan. You can also call me Sword Demon Ji Yuan.”

Grand Sage Mud Face was amused, “Sword Demon Ji Yuan? It is funny that we do have a Demon Sword legend here but unfortunately you are not the one because you will surely die here today. All of you here! Remember my name, engraved it into your very soul sea well for I am Grand Sage Mud Face. How about I use only 30% of my profound strength….”

Ji Yuan had suddenly drawn out both of his emperor-step divine swords and had displayed his Grand Cross attack; the speed in which he could use his grand cross attack astonished even Ji Yuan and the minute that he had unsheathed his divine swords and was already thinking of using his Grand Cross profound art, he had already executed it in the next instant!

A wave of white light more majestic than anything Ji Yuan had ever seen before had instantly overwhelmed Grand Sage Mud Face and had pulverize him on the spot by sawing him into 4 meatball parts!

Ji Yuan was stunned at how powerful his Grand Cross was now with his emperor divine swords and this was even more powerful when he was using his Cherubim Desolate spirit animus!

Even the Demonic High Immortal Ena was stunned and so was the other 8th cultivation realm immortal next to him!

Two emperor divine swords?!!!

Did they really see what they were seeing?

Even the Succubus Queen Minami and the thousands of demonic cultivators were also stunned; did they just witness the death of one immortal just like this?!


Author Note:

1. Is this Ji Yuan first true immortal kill?

2. The immortal scabbard is proving to be too OP for Ji Yuan lol.


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