The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 658 The Gambit (5)

After Ji Yuan got a small rebuke from the Holy Grand Saintess Qi Yuexing, he spent the remaining of the hours in ‘quiet’ meditation but he was facing directly in front of Shui Xisi and the Lovely Empress who were meditating likewise. 

While Ji Yuan was busy examining every inch of their bodies with his intense golden eyes while pretending to be meditating, these two maidens were also likewise secretly examining Ji Yuan’s beautiful face and his playful looks. 

As for Yun Chi and Bai Qianfeng, they were meditating away from Ji Yuan, Shui Xisi and the Lovely Empress preferring to focus their attentions on the canvas imagery instead and the curious dark eyes that had appeared in the sword of the Boundless Sovereign Demon God, cultivating with their divine senses.

However Yun Chi had used a divine whisper to say to Bai Qianfeng, “They don’t have to sit so close to each other.”

Bai Qianfeng returned a curled smile as she slightly looked at Yun Chi with her divine whisper, “So my master as well as my sister here would also be jealous? I’ve always thought that the Death God Mingwang is an emotionless desolate god.”

Yun Chi returned a slow smile, “In front of the beyond divinity true gods, I dare not call myself any god.”

Bai Qianfeng nodded weakly, “I am actually caught between wanting to leaving this place and staying in this place.”

Yun Chi sighed softly, “Same here…”

The two of them were having the exact same thoughts. When cultivators meditate, sometimes they could meditate for years non-stop since they rarely require any food or water as long as they have their profound cultivation. 

And there are so many mysteries here that they wished that they could meditate in deep delve so that they could ponder over the profound mysteries of the beyond divinity. 

Time and hours quickly passed.

Shui Xisi could not resisting whispering to Ji Yuan, “Ji Yuan, why are you so calm? Aren’t you worried? What if we can’t help them to escape from this place?”

This was overheard by the Lovely Empress Lu Jiangsu since she was meditating quite near to Shui Xisi and Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan smiled and answered confidently, “Naturally I am not worried at all. Why should I be? Haha. They are the ones that are being trapped and not us. At the end of 7 days, we can escape from this trial. Also, I have my own golden talisman to burn and escape from this place too…”𝔫𝓞𝗏𝑒𝗅𝗇𝐄xt.𝒸𝒪𝗆

“And abandoning my Mistress Yun Chi and your precious Qianfeng? I don’t think so.” The Lovely Empress had suddenly interrupted Ji Yuan with a smile. “If you are such a person, you would have used the golden talisman a long time ago.”

Ji Yuan began to smile weakly; Naturally he would not use the golden talisman since Yun Chi and Bai Qianfeng could not use their golden talismans as they were immortals and the normal mystic laws of this place could not be applied to them at all.

“But other than waiting for the 7 days to be up, you do have a plan, right?” Shui Xisi asked curiously. “You always have a plan. I’m sure of this because you think differently from us.”

Ji Yuan frowned unhappily, “Actually my plan is just to wait for the end of 7 days and that is my only plan.”

Shui Xisi and the Lovely Empress: …

Ji Yuan explained when he saw their stunned expressions, “They can’t kill us. The mystic laws of this place prevent the God Immortals to kill the celestials. They have said so themselves.”

“But they can throw you to the divine beasts in this place and you won’t be able to survive.” Shui Xisi weakly said.

Ji Yuan: …

He protested immediately, “They are God Immortals and the disciples of the Great Beyond Goddess. We have kept our side of our bargain and entered this place with them. So we should be quite safe and they would need to keep me alive until they can reach Room 33. Although my actual cultivation is not as profound as the two of you but I know that the higher the divinity of the cultivators, the more that they cannot lie.”

The Lovely Empress giggled softly as she praised Ji Yuan, “Not bad. You still remember your cultivation basis.”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

I am not a simpleton, alright?

But he kept his thoughts to himself as he could hear Xiang Li and Anyang giggling as well in his soul sea. 

He said quickly to them: The two of you are so useless. If you know any plans, hurry up and tell me. Can’t you see that they are mocking me? I mean mocking ‘US’!” 

Xiang Li replied with a chuckle: So what is the plan then?

Ji Yuan: …

He replied: I asked you for the plan and you are asking me?!

He gave up on talking to Xiang Li and returned his thoughts to look at the Lovely Empress with a weak chuckle, “Actually, I am a peak great saint and a sword saint…”

“I’ve noticed that when you are at a loss of words, you’d always say this.” Chuckled the Lovely Empress and Shui Xisi was also giggling.

Ji Yuan: …

How come she knows me so well now when we have only just met not long ago?! It must be the gossips that they are feeding her…

Just as he was about to protest, there was a loud laughter at the entrance of the golden hallway and Ji Yuan saw that it was Old Reverend Beiyuan.

“Hohohohohoho! I have returned!” Old Reverend Beiyuan laughed jovially. “And it has only been 6 hours!”

Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing looked a little surprise as she opened her golden eyes, “You are back so fast?”

Then she calmed down to say unhappily, “Why are you forcing yourself like this? You should have taken more time to return.”

Old Reverend Beiyuan laughed it off, “That is because I am strong and also a genius. Hohohohoh!”

Then he flashed to the middle and with a proud look, he turned to Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing to say, “The portal that I’ve picked is the correct one. I am right! Hohohohoho…”

Then he paused briefly to say with pride, “I am right and you are wrong.”

Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing: …

Old Reverend Beiyuan then turned to Ji Yuan, Yun Chi, Bai Qianfeng, Shui Xisi and the Lovely Empress to say proudly. “Why are the whole lot of you still meditating? Follow me quickly!”

Ji Yuan laughed with a shrug of his shoulder, “Why are you in such a hurry? When we get to the next room, we still have to wait anyway. Hahaha.”

Old Reverend Beiyuan gently rebuked Ji Yuan, “Young celestial. You are wrong instead. I have also found the way to the next 3 rooms as well. Hohohoho.”

Ji Yuan and the rest of the group including Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing were all surprised. 

Old Reverend Beiyuan laughed, “Do you really think that I will be so stupid as to just randomly picked a portal so that I would fail and then get back to you?”

Ji Yuan weakly said incoherently to himself, “That is what I’ve thought…”

Old Reverend Beiyuan had turned to say excitedly say to Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing, you are in bad luck. Even a genius like me can’t get the correct portal in Room 24 to Room 25. Junior sister, what you still meditating for? It is your turn now to pick the portal.”

Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing slowly smiled, “So if I can pick the correct portal, then I am a genius above a genius?”

Old Reverend Beiyuan frowned, “Not exactly. It is my presence that makes you smarter.”

Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing: …

Ji Yuan: …

Shui Xisi, the Lovely Empress: …

Yun Chi, Bai Qianfeng: …


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