The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 731 Xiang Li Or Ji Yuan? Who's Right?

Just before he and Xiao Muhan had parted ways outside the tavern, they were both doing their brotherly handshake dance as they said to each other. “Good luck, my good brother!”

“You go for your Tofu Maiden Dongfang Xin and I’ll go for my fan girl Han Muyuan. Farewell brother!”

Ji Yuan was now on his way to find Divine Consort Tang Manni and he was looking quite excited; he wanted to be the first one to obtain 100 Trust Points from a Divine Consort.

He was even thinking: Is this even a SS Trial? It looks more like a B Trial. What luck and I even found a Divine Consort so early in the Trial. This is way too easy! Haha…

Xiang Li asked Ji Yuan, “Big Brother, Xiang Li don’t understand. Why are you not going after Divine Consort Dongfang Xin and instead you want to go after Divine Consort Tang Manni?”

Ji Yuan laughed jovially, “That is because Divine Consort Tang Manni is the easiest.”

Xiang Li said with a look of disbelief, “Seriously? Big Brother, I think you don’t know how to count your numbers.”

Ji Yuan frowned, “I don’t know how to count?! Xiang Li, you must be joking with me! I can certainly count for sure.”

Xiang Li giggled as she pointed out, “You have -10 Trust Points with Divine Consort Dongfang Xin. So you need 110 Trust Points to complete this trial, right? But you have -250 Trust Points with Divine Consort Tang Manni, so you need a grand total of 350 Trust Points to complete this trial. Now, which one is the easier?”

Ji Yuan frowned, “Of course it is Divine Consort Tang Manni.”

Xiang Li rolled her eyes: …

“Are you sure you can count, Big Brother?”

Ji Yuan laughed, “Xiang Li, you can’t count like this. This is freaking wrong, I tell you.”

Xiang Li asked curiously, “Big Brother, your numbers fail for sure…”

Ji Yuan growled, “Let me explain to you then. It is not about the Trust Points at all…”

Xiang Li asked curiously, “It is not? Isn’t this trial all about the Trust Points?”

Ji Yuan said with great exasperation, “Let me finish explaining first, alright? Although it looks easier with Divine Consort Dongfang Xin but have you asked yourself how are we going to approach her? What if we can’t find her? Then won’t our Trust Points still remain at -10?”

“But on the other hand,” Ji Yuan grinned. “We know who Divine Consort Tang Manni is and we can approach her if we can find where she is staying. And we do know where she is staying because Maiden Flower Ju has told her the exact place where she is staying….”

“But if you look at Divine Consort Dongfang Xin, it is said that she got at least 10 villas in the city. Do you think we can even find out which villa she is staying at such a short notice?”

“Therefore, as long as we can find Divine Consort Tang Manni, we can gain her trust with my beautiful face. And also, she was previously interested in me, right?”

“Now Xiang Li, do you get me?”

“Divine Consort Tang Manni is therefore the easiest for us.”

Xiang Li pondered for a little while before she giggled, “Big Brother, then why don’t you go for Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei? She has kissed you, right? She is the easiest for us.”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

“Xiang Li, you do realize that Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei is not a Divine Consort, right? It is not about the easiest either.”

Xiang Li pondered for a while before she protested, “Big Brother, it is not about the numbers and it is not about the easiest. This doesn’t make any sense at all.”

Ji Yuan frowned, “It is you that don’t understand. This makes perfect sense to me. If this doesn’t make any sense to you, so what is your logic?”

Xiang Li happily replied, “It is easy actually. We make Xu Yifei into your maiden since she seems to like you and the two of you have already kissed. This is a big win for us!”

Ji Yuan felt like banging his head on the wall as he weakly said, “Erm Xiang Li, we only got 70 days for this trial and we have almost used up a week so far. Our targets are only the Divine Consorts and not any of the innocent maidens here. Once we have banged them for 100 Trust Points, it is time for us to say farewell.”

Xiang Li protested immediately, “Big Brother, you can trust Xiang Li on this. If you bang Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei, I am sure that you can pass this trial with flying colors.”

Ji Yuan roared with laughter, “Trust you Xiang Li? Haha… this must be the funniest thing that I’ve ever heard. No, trust me instead.”

Xiang Li pointed out, “No, trust me instead Big Brother. If you bang Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei, I am sure that you will gain the trust of her sister Divine Consort Tang Manni to 100 Trust Points immediately. Then you get to bang Divine Consort Tang Manni as well. This is called ‘Double KO’.”

Ji Yuan chuckled, “Stupid Xiang Li. If we follow your plan the it will surely fail.”

Xiang Li asked, “What if I am right, Big Brother? My sixth sense tells me that Xiang Li is right.”

Ji Yuan roared with laughter, “You will be right? Your sixth sense? I have the seventh sense profound skill and I didn’t even dare to make such bold claims like you do…”

Xiang Li asked again, “But what if Xiang Li is right?”

Ji Yuan could not stop laughing, “You can never be right because we can’t prove it. There is no way that I will chase the skirt of Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei. If I don’t chase her skirt, how do we prove that you are right? You are not making any sense at all.”

Xiang Li asked shockingly, “You are not chasing Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei at all?”

Ji Yuan said solemnly, “If I really chase her skirt then I would have caused her more harm because I am leaving in 70 days.”

Xiang Li asked curiously, “You won’t regret this?”

Ji Yuan frowned, “By the Great Beyond Goddess, if I do regret this, then I will never bang again.”

Xiang Li gasped, “This vow is quite vicious. Then we won’t have any fun anymore, right?”

Ji Yuan: …

“Xiang Li, I won’t regret this so you don’t have to worry about this. Why are you talking so much today? Aren’t you supposed to be cultivating instead? What the heck are you doing here?”

Xiang Li giggled, “Erm… I am just taking a break. All work and no play, is boring.”𝗇𝗈𝒱𝔢𝑙𝑛𝑬xt.𝒞𝑜𝓂

Ji Yuan frowned, “Can’t you learn from Anyang instead? I didn’t even see her for some time now. She must be too focused on cultivating in my inner spiritual sea now. Go learn from her! Go now, Xiang Li!”

Xiang Li looked a little sheepish, “Learn from Anyang?”

It was because Fairy Anyang was actually not cultivating at this moment and Xiang Li knows about it.

Fairy Anyang had assumed her true appearance and was too busy trying the many beautiful outfits that Ji Yuan had brought for his maidens.

She was giggling to herself, “Who cares about cultivating when no one rest is cultivating…”

Ji Yuan had told Anyang and Xiang Li that they could have a first-choice pick at the spirit outfits of the Spiritas and that was why Anyang was trying them out and she had been trying for ages now.

Fairy Anyang was swinging her body like a beautiful model as she tried the many outfits and she was giggling to herself: These spiritas spirit outfits are too awesome. Although they may look revealing but they have plenty of invisible threads that offer a lot of profound defenses. This is so much better than the celestium robes of the Celestial Realm…


When the spiritas spirit outfit is donned, an invisible thread will also surround and protect the wearer in the form of an invisible profound aura and it will not hinder them. 

Fairy Anyang continued to swing her butts and turning her beautiful body, “Alas! I don’t know which one to choose…. These spirit outfits are all so sexy and nice…”


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