The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 819 The Dark Goddess Of Destiny

The Smiling Divine Maiden and the Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong had been lost in the maze-like iron gigantic forest for 2 days now.

They did not even see the sight of any of the other 57 cultivators and there should be even more cultivators that have come to investigate the legendary Secret Oracle Gate by over the past 2 days by now. 

The Divine Smiling Maiden said unhappily to the Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong, “Are you sure that we are heading in the right direction?”

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong returned a weak reply, “This forest is a little bit tricky but at least I am able to get us out of the severe dangers in this place…”

But all of a sudden, he was smiling as he spotted a rainbow flower that was in a clearing of flowers, “Isn’t this the Rainbow Carnation? Judging by the size of the Rainbow Carnation, this must be at least 300 000 years old. This Rainbow Carnation will be able to boost my cultivation by quite a bit and is also the perfect amalgamation for some of my most powerful profound pills. We are in luck!”

When he had said that, he had already flashed forward to try to pluck this Rainbow Carnation. 

“Maiden Chu Lixue, I just need you to provide some support just in case there will be some dangers…”

But all of a sudden, he had noticed that the Smiling Divine Maiden Chu Lixue was gone. 

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong: …

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong: …

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong: …

The reason why Chu Lixue had agreed to go along with the Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong was because she wanted to reach Ji Yuan as soon as possible. But she had found out that this he was only interested to obtain profound treasures for his own cultivation over the past 2 days. 

And he did not care if he would run into any dangers because of this because all the possible dangers were easily settled by him alone. 

Most importantly, he was slowing down his speed of navigating through the maze of iron forests by constantly checking for the sights of rare spirit plants and telling her how useful it would be to advance his cultivation.

And he kept telling her, “I will help you if you are willing as well.”

He was hinting for her to follow him from this day onward. 

Chu Lixue was not interested in obtaining the spirit plants for her cultivations or to sell them; she was only here to look for Ji Yuan and worried that something may have happened to him.

If it was Ji Yuan, he would almost never pick a roadside spirit flower by being super cautious and would continue on his way. 

It was not to say that Ji Yuan may not be able to defeat the profound beasts that were guarding the spirit plants but he did not want to do anything unnecessary. 

That was actually what she liked about Ji Yuan; he was less interested in cultivating and more interested in his romantic notions. 

And for this Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong, he had thought nothing about plucking a 300 000 year old Rainbow Carnation for his own needs. 

A 300 000 year old spirit plant that would be gone just like this, all thanks to his selfishness. 

Does he have any idea how long it takes for a spirit plant to grow to the age of 300 000? And the number of ecosystems that depend on it in this dense iron woods?

In the past 2 days, this Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong had been plucking spirit plants left and right that were hundreds to thousands of years old to further his own perfect cultivation.

And Chu Lixue was quite displeased with his selfishness; he is just like the other cultivators that will not stop to reach the very top using whatever means that they can do. 

That was the reason why Chu Lixue had joined the Death God Mingwang in the first place as she was quite disappointed in the selfishness of the celestial cultivators who are mostly interested in gaining more and more cultivation wealth and treasures to further their cultivation or personal power.

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong thought to himself: After I’ve plucked this Rainbow Carnation, I will look for Maiden Chu Lixue. This won’t take me too long right?

He had already reached out to pluck the Rainbow Carnation and he had to exercise all his profound strength; it was because the spirit roots of this Rainbow Carnation were firmly rooted. 

Also, it may look small and vulnerable compared to the towering iron trees in this place but it required a high cultivation profound strength in order to uproot it. 

But as the Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong was pulling the Rainbow Carnation, he was quite startled that the entire soil beneath him was loosening like a quick sand. 

In fact, the entire ground seemed to be alive and he could suddenly sense that he was standing in the mouth of a gigantic monster that had concealed its presence so completely that he was unable to detect it!

A 300 000 year old spirit plant will radiate an invisible profound animus for miles around, feeding the many powerful primeval profound monsters that requires it as their spiritual sustenance.  𝔫𝞸𝑣𝔢𝓁𝑛𝐞xt.𝗰𝗈𝗆

In exchange, the profound beasts will protect a spirit plant when such a symbolic relationship is established. 

The older a spirit plant, the more powerful the profound beasts will be.

And right now, the divine sense of the Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong had told him that this profound monster below him was an epic 9th rank profound monster! 

He tried to loosen his hold on this Rainbow Carnation but to his dismay, he found out that his hands were struck and even his profound strength was being slowly drained away by this Rainbow Carnation.

“What? This Carnation Flower can even fight back?!”

But luckily for him, he is the Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong and he has several cheats to use to escape from his current dilemma.

A blessed son of the heavens like himself would naturally not be killed in this manner and even his misfortune would bring upon him a great fortune instead.

Therefore, he was not too worried as he displayed his spirit animus to fight back against this Carnation Flower and the profound monster below him.

But all of a sudden there were tens of gigantic ape-like profound beasts that were at the 7th rank and they were dropping down from the trees around. Soon they were howling and attacking him with their profound fists. 

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong quickly thrown tens of his physical talismans around him in a desperate measure to keep these fierce profound apes at bay. 

And soon there were huge profound explosions that were caused by his talisman and he had even pieced a ape with his divine sword. 

As the Perfect Hero, he was always prepared for the worst possible outcome. 

One of the profound apes had ripped apart his left arm as it had attacked him on his blind spot. 

But the Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong was not too worried; it was because he had been in even worse battles and had always survived. 

He may have lost an arm but he would be able to find a stronger arm somehow to replace his lost arm. 

After all, he had the golden halo of a MC and he would not die even in the direst situations. 

All of a sudden, he had discovered that he was able to jump out of the pit amidst the profound explosions that were caused by his talismans even as a group of 30 profound apes were trying to attack him from all sides. 

Fortunately for him, these profound apes were too big and they could not attack him all at once. 

With a push of his profound strength, he had leapt out of the pit. 

Perhaps leaping was not the right word to use.

It was because he had suddenly discovered that he had lost his his lower body completely and he was horrified!

And then he had landed with a loud stump on the ground!

This could not be happening to him!

He did not feel any pain when his body was being swallowed up by the 9th rank epic profound monster…

But even now, he could not believe that he could actually die. 

Perhaps, an immortal goddess would drop by and to save him?

His silence musing was quickly answered. 

This was the power of his plot armors! 

All of a sudden, a veiled maiden in black had suddenly walked in front of him and she had a beautiful long dark rod with a golden circle that was decorated with 9 precious stones.

She appeared to be smiling as she said with great delight, “I have finally found the 9th destined cultivator with the hero destiny and I can finally use his soul to finally complete my profound rod of destiny.” 

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong said panicky to the veiled maiden in black, “Maiden… your goddess, please save me!”

Perhaps this was his goddess savior…

The veiled maiden in black chuckled softly, “Didn’t you hear what I’ve just said? I am going to take your soul away from you to be in eternal darkness. Don’t worry, you won’t die. You have a most die-hard destiny but unfortunately, you have met me in this place. My destiny is to collect the souls of the die-hard heroes. You are not my first victim but my 9th and final. You should feel proud that you will be helping this dark goddess to fulfill your eventual destiny. Heehee…”

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong took a look at the 30 profound apes that were suddenly obedient in front of this strange veil maiden in black and he had the most uneasy feeling.

And also, the numerous tenacles of the 9th rank epic profound monster that were rising from above the ground may be still rattling loudly but did not make any attack

He wanted to fight back with his remaining trump cards but he had already lost his two legs and an arm.

So, he could only ask weakly, “Who are you?”

The veiled maiden in black answered nonchalantly, “I am the Dark Goddess of Destiny, the devourer of all good destinies and I am here to collect your destiny.”

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong was panicking shouting, “No wait! Wait! There is a someone with a better hero destiny than myself. He is Ji Yuan the Great Spiritas Hero!”

The Dark Goddess of Destiny pondered for a while, “The Great Spiritas Hero Ji Yuan?”

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong saw a ray of hope as he said panicky, “That’s right. Ji Yuan is his name. In front of him, I can’t even be considered a true hero. So he does have a better destiny than me…”

The Dark Goddess of Destiny smiled as she cut him short, “You are indeed right…”

All of a sudden, she had raised her dark rod by the end of its sharp edge and had pieced through to his chest!

“But I am still going to take away your soul. Unfortunately for you, he isn’t my target because he doesn’t have a perfect destiny like you do.”

The Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong could feel and see that his golden body was being sucked dry by the dark rod of this terrifying dark goddess and he could not believe that today his destiny would be ended for no reason at all. 

When the Perfect Hero Jiang Guanzhong was just a dry husk and his soul completely absorbed into the dark rod of the Dark Goddess of Destiny, she said slowly. “Don’t blame me. Blame yourself for overplaying your destiny due to your own greed. In case you do not know, you can only overplay your destiny only 9 times.”

She took a pleased look at the brilliant 9 colored precious stones that were engraved in a golden circle on her dark rod, “I’ve finally completed my divine rod of destiny. Finally I can cease to be the Great Oracle of Delphi and is freed.” 

With that, she had disappeared into the darkness.


1. I’d really appreciate it if the readers can contribute power stones to this story as a show of support even if you are reading from other websites. Your spirit stones are crucial for motivations and releases. Also, it means alot me/ story, Many love and thanks! ლ(⌒▽⌒ლ)


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