The Sovereign’s Ascension

Chapter 1207 - Shining Brightly (2)

Chapter 1207 – Shining Brightly (2)

“This bastard!” Feng Xuanzi’s body trembled while gritted his teeth. His eyes were fixed on Lin Yun wanting to see the scene of Lin Yun being slain by the three elders.

Everything happened too quickly and everyone couldn’t even react in time because everything had happened too quickly. Practically at the same time when Feng Tianyuan lost his life, the sword from the three elders also stabbed into Lin Yun’s chest with blood splashing out.

When three swords pierced through Lin Yun’s chest, the swords directly penetrated through and appeared on Lin Yun’s back.

The three elders had lived for centuries, and they were all experienced when it came to fighting. They had long discovered that Lin Yun’s heart was comparable to a saint artifact. This was why they choose to stab Lin Yun’s chest beside his heart instead.

At the same time, they had also succeeded as the crimson saint runes were practically destroyed under the three sword and the swords had exited Lin Yun’s back. This scene had instantly left everyone dumbfounded and couldn’t utter a single word.

Although they had expected that Lin Yun would put his life in danger when he unleashed that attack against Feng Tianyuan and placed him vulnerable before the three elders, they still couldn’t help feeling shocked when they really saw this scene with indescribable feelings looming over Lin Yun’s heart.

Lin Yun then threw out a mouthful of blood with his face becoming terrifyingly pale. At the same time, the Demonic Astral Flowers in the surroundings also dissipated like fireflies and the darkened sky became bright once more.

When Lin Yun opened his eyes, his face was terrifyingly pale under the sunlight and the purple mark on his forehead became even more bewitching. As he bowed slightly, he threw out a mouthful of blood and his sword fell onto the ground. He was like a sun that had lost his luster with three swords piercing through his chest because the power of those three attacks had far exceeded his expectation.

The three elders didn’t stop there and pushed their palms against the sword hilt, fully inserting their swords into Lin Yun’s chest to the point that only the sword hilts were left. After they were done, they spread their arms apart and retreated. They were calm and composed as they hovered in the air.

Lin Yun was sent flying out like a fallen leaf and was tottering on the verge of collapsing. Everyone could clearly see the vitality in Lin Yun’s body disappearing swiftly. But even if Lin Yun’s vitality was disappearing, everyone could clearly sense that Lin Yun was still boiling with fighting spirit.

His sword aura that should’ve collapsed actually managed to persevere under this fighting spirit. But the sword aura couldn’t regather as it was sealed by the three swords in his chest like a sun slowly extinguishing in the darkness.

If the sun was about to extinguish in the darkness, then he would ignite it with his life in the darkness, lighting up the sword that he had never given up in his heart. As a violent gale blew and sword buzz echoed out, Lin Yun’s hair fluttered in the wind as his sword aura began to rise violently. Along with the increase of his sword aura, Lin Yun’s vitality was swiftly being exhausted.

Under everyone’s shock, Lin Yun was exhausting his own life to ignite his sword aura and this was simply too insane. They couldn’t believe that Lin Yun still had no intentions of giving up even after coming this far.

“This fellow still wants to turn the tables around? What a pipe dream!” Feng Xuanzi roared, “Kill him!”

The three elders were waiting for this moment. The reason why they retreated previously was that they didn’t want to take the risk of dying together with Lin Yun. But now that Lin Yun’s sword aura had ignited once more, this had proven the three elders’ speculation.

Now that they have seen Lin Yun’s trump card, there was no need for them to tangle with him. The three of them then charged toward Lin Yun like a bolt of lightning. Even if Lin Yun was burning his life to ignite his sword aura, he still had three swords plunged into his body. With the three swords around, there was no way Lin Yun could turn the tables around.

Just when the three elders were charging over and forming seals to cause their swords to buzz in Lin Yun’s body, Lin Yun took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. This was within his expectation, just that the situation was a little more dangerous than he had expected.

But this was also his only chance of winning because he would have no odds of winning if he didn’t place himself in danger. As he descended to the ground with both his hands placed against his knees, he began to circulate the Fleeting Cloud Sword Sutra while he was suppressing the three swords.

One after another azure birds were like his arms as he controlled them as he wishes. His attention was extremely focused at this moment and it didn’t take long for the three elders to appear before him, reaching out to the swords before Lin Yun’s chest. As long as they could grab onto their swords, they would be able to tear Lin Yun apart in that split second.

“Condense!” Lin Yun spread his arms apart as he began to form seals swiftly with his fingers, causing the sky to suddenly turn dark with lightning rumbling in the sky.

“What’s going on?” The audience was all shocked as they raised their heads.

“Quick! Quick!” The faces of the three elders changed because they could sense danger looming over them through their experience. But they were still ultimately too slow as Lin Yun suddenly opened his eyes.

“Fleeting Cloud 13 Swords—Myriad Sword Condensation!” A complete sword seal formed through Lin Yun’s hands as the thirteen azure birds perfectly fused together and manifested the genuine holy spirit of the Fleeting Cloud 13 Swords. It was an ancient sword enveloped in purple lightning that looked like a deity overlooking down the world.

When the three elders raised their heads, the sword ray instantly dissolved their eyeballs with blood flowing down from their eye sockets. This made the three of them let out a painful howl while they held onto their eyes.

That azure sword was as though the king of all swords, causing all the countless swords in the Hidden Sword Pavilion to fly over. As myriads of swords flew over to Lin Yun, they suddenly lose their luster and became rusted because that azure sword manifested by Lin Yun was devouring the luster of the other swords swiftly.

Far away, all the audience raised their head and looked at the stage with deep shock in their eyes.

“My eyes!”

“Damn it, what the hell is this?!” Everyone was trembling with fear because the Hidden Sword Pavilion was pale compared to that azure sword.

Everyone from the Feng Clan was enveloped in despair because those swords were at least dao artifacts, and there were even hundred-rune saint swords among them. But at this moment, even those saint swords had become rusted.

This scene was simply too terrifying as an unimaginable fear began to shroud the hearts of everyone from the Feng Clan. With so many swords destroyed, the loss was simply unimaginable and even Feng Xuanzi threw out another mouthful of blood once more.

When Lin Yun’s seal changed, the three swords plunged into his chest and flew out under the pressure, slamming against the three elders and making them throw out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, Lin Yun’s vitality also stopped flowing away which made Lin Yun let out a breath of relief.

The three swords were dangerous as each sword contained a boundless sword aura. If his physique wasn’t strong enough, he would’ve been torn apart by now. But even so, it was dangerous for him as his life was on a thread.

Furthermore, the three elders were terrifyingly cautious, but this was also the reason why they were defeated. When Feng Tianyuan died, the three elders were also afraid that Lin Yun would drag them along with him and chose to take the safest method.

There was nothing wrong with this because even a swordsman would have to respect death. But true victory would only fall onto genuine swordsmen.

When his vitality stopped being sapped away from him, Lin Yun shook his arms and executed the Golden Crow Nine Transformations. When he took nine steps in mid-air, Lin Yun immediately chased up the three elders who were sent flying away. As golden light radiated off him, the Flower Burial Sword flew into his hand.

Before the three elders could even react, they were instantly devoured by the sword ray, and three of their heads were sent flying away in the next second. Standing on the stage, Lin Yun was shining brightly when he glanced at his sword.

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