The Storm King

Announcement - Further Revisions

Announcement – Further Revisions

I’ve finally reached a point in my revisions process where I can start to let people who aren’t my patrons see what I’ve been working on! So, the first half of the new Knight Academy arc is now available to read on my website (link below) for anyone to read and comment on! You’ll notice quite a few changes, mostly taking the form of probably 20-30% of the entire arc being cut, changes to characterization to make certain characters less tropey and cliche, and more!

I hope you enjoy the changes I’ve made, and be sure to let me know what you think either in the comments section below every chapter, in the comments section here on RR, or in my Discord server! (link to discord down below as well.)

Read the revisions here!


If you find any errors ( broken links, non-standard content, etc.. ), Please let us know < report chapter > so we can fix it as soon as possible.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.