The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary

Chapter 241 The Truth

Chapter 241 The Truth

“So you are my opponent for today?” Jin asked as he brought up his Katana up and readied his battle stance.

“You are always so outraged against the System, even though it tries to help you… Even though I try my best for your sake. So this is your chance. Fight me, talk to me and tell me honestly what exactly is your problem with the System!” Yun dashed through with a straight charge. No schemes, no tricks.

Jin was a little hesitant to tell the truth, even though he was indeed angry with the System. “What? Too sissy to even voice out your worries? I am still able to hear your thoughts, you know!” Yun slammed her cleaver towards Jin’s Katana and the impact caused dust to fly about tens of metres away.

Jin did not imagine that Yun had such high strength and he nearly lost his footing clashing head on with Yun. With a knee kick, Yun pushed Jin away and started to slam her cleaver once more at Jin.

“Why?! Can’t you speak? Am I proving to be too difficult of an opponent for you?” Yun’s eyes were glowing with rage as Jin dodged the attack and the cleaver smashed the ground, causing the cleaver to be stuck.

But Yun was not done, she raised her hand up and summoned a spherical ball of black flames and directed it towards Jin. Jin had no chance but to be torched alive by the black flames and he yelled in pain.

“Is that not black fire? How is Yun able to use a Panda Spiritual Union skill? Or was it just a generic skill?” Jin was unable to figure it out but thankfully, he managed to tolerate the burn as the flames subsequently died out.

However, this did not stop Yun from attacking as Jin saw the edge of the cleaver coming towards his torso area. If not for the Perfectly Normal Parry Slash, he would have been cut into two. Yun continued her barrage of attacks while Jin did not even have the chance to take a breather.

“Still not speaking? How about this?” Yun released her cleaver and went towards Jin barehanded. Yet Jin did not dare to retaliate using his Katana. His hesitation proved to be his downfall. In the next moment, Yun sent out an impactful punch that caused him to vomit some blood and stomach acid.

“Oh my god! Is Boss Jin getting wrecked?” A customer wondered out loud, as he could only make out the silhouettes with the rest still being covered by the dome of darkness.

“Are you willing to speak now? Do you need any more persuasion?” Yun followed up with a kick towards Jin’s stomach to force him to spit out his thoughts.

“FINE! I ADMIT IT! I AM ANGRY AT THE SYSTEM! I AM ANGRY AT YOU!” Jin finally broke his silence as he endured the kick from Yun’s heels. Yun finally stopped and allowed him to speak.

“I have always been following the System’s commands, and the System had been forcing me to do things which I found outrageous! I did not mind doing this kind of stuff previously but after that incident, I could not bring myself to trust the System!” Jin shouted from the bottom of his heart as he tried to stand up.

“I still have no clue about what the end goal of the System is. How CAN I be sure whether it is helping me because it wants to help me or because it is trying to fulfil some hidden agenda! I am sick of being kept in the dark like how the others treated me when I was young! They told me to follow their orders, without questioning anything! Told me not to ask about how you died! How Dad died! Can you imagine being told as a little kid, that you would never again be able to see your parents? That even though resurrection is possible, it would not work in your case, that there was NO WAY of resurrecting them!!! Telling me to simply accept that fact and not to stick my nose in other people’s business!” Jin cried as he spoke his heart out.

“I feel troubled. I feel irritated, worried that I cannot trust anybody! What absolute loyalty?! You guys seem to be more loyal to the System rather than me! Even though I tried my best to gain respect from all the other monsters! I built houses for them, I made the houses especially in a way so that they could feel at home. I tried to listen to their problems! I tried what I could! I am so busy ALL THE TIME! I haven’t even had the time to simply relax, play any kind of game, meet up with some friends or anything of that sort. Ever since I started this whole business! I am so tired of it!” Jin raised his sword and tried to hit Yun back, but she dodged it as if it was perfectly normal.

It was at that moment that she held Jin and slapped him in the face. She struck him so hard that he fell to the ground again. At that moment, the cinematic magic eye diverted its attention to Qiu Yue and her opponents, the three goblins.

“The System is your inheritance from your grandfather, your great grandfather and the generations before that. The System is your prophecy to fulfil. To rebuild and continue the Royal Zodiac Panda Bloodline.” Yun said as Jin was lying on the floor, stunned.

“What do you even mean…?” Jin did not know how to reply. He was in so much pain that he was unable to comprehend what he had heard when Yun told him the truth.

“You are technically the last descendant of the Royal Zodiac Panda Bloodline. I did not wish to tell you anything previously because I was afraid you would become arrogant. That you would end up flaunting your powers, your title. I wanted to keep quiet until I knew that you were ready.”

“Did Grandpa Ming know about it?” Jin tried to stand up, but Yun kicked him down again.

“Stay down! And listen with your head low! You do not deserve to know the truth! Always kicking a fuss, being so immature about things. Why can’t you see things at a wider perspective!” Yun shouted at Jin as he held onto his torso.

“Then if I am the last descendant, why did Grandpa Ming not rebuild the Bloodline! Why did you not rebuild the bloodline?” Jin managed to ask, and Yun folded her arms.

“Because of some idiot, who tried to be a smartass, challenging the twelve zodiacs even though he was not ready. The System subsequently punished my dad by refusing him its powers and reversed time to make sure that no one would know about it.” Yun answered.

“The System is that powerful? To even reverse time?!” Jin continued to wallow at the ground for being this distrusting against the System.

“Yes, and I was killed before I ever had the chance to inherit the System’s powers. Eventually, the responsibility has been passed on to you,” Yun explained as she paced around Jin.

“Do you know… the identity of your killer…?” Jin swallowed his saliva before asking it.

“The last remaining family retainer of the Banned Emperor.” Yun said without any doubts.

“So, the System…took your soul?” Jin slowly folded his arms and legs into a grovelling position.

“Mine and the ones from our ancestors. The former members of the Royal Panda Zodiac Sect, excluding Ming.” Yun replied as she approved of Jin’s change in attitude.

“But I have never heard of this particular Zodiac before…” Jin lowered his head as he spoke.

“Well, it is not surprising… It could even be considered classified information of the highest grade. It is only known by the Royal Panda Zodiac. All traces of it have been erased in collaboration with the Jade Emperor.” Yun sighed and shook her head before she started to walk away.

“Complete your mission at hand, and we shall talk more in private.” Yun walked away as she snapped her finger and disappeared while Jin realised that the dome of darkness was removed.

Jin then noticed that Qiu Yue was struggling terribly against the three goblins. With the floating platform that he was on heading straight towards them. He braced himself for impact as he moved at top speed and shouted at Qiu Yue.

“Qiu Yue! DO A HIGH JUMP!” He kept waving his hand up into the air to exaggerate his intentions.

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