The Surrogate Bride Of The Colonel He

Chapter 564

564. If You Can’t Cure Him, You’ll Die with Him Together

Translator: Sagocream

“What’s the situation? I heard someone is holding the hospital hostage.”

“It seems that the doctors were away but the abductors had a seriously ill patient, so they went berserk.”

“Maybe they’re someone from abroad! Everyone knows that our doctors in Country T have Sundays off!”

“I guess they are tourists from abroad or someone like that. Our people in Country T have no such guts. After all, doctors are directly under the royal family.”

“Stop discussing. Let’s go and have a look together. Someone has just called the police and they will definitely be here in a while.”

“Really? It’s such a big deal?”

“For sure! The abductors have fired shots! We’re not allowed to carry guns in our country!”

“Stop it, stop it. Let’s go watch the fun.”


At this point, the outside of the hospital was filled with onlookers, who were talking and pointing, not afraid of getting hurt.

The police came over after a short while and told He Jingyan and his men to put down their guns and come out and surrender.

“Are you joking? Surrender? In your dreams.” Xu Yangyi scoffed, also not afraid of death.

He Jingyan was afraid that the police would suddenly shoot, so he shielded Xu Yangyi in front of him, “Honey, you stand behind me first. We don’t know the police in Country T. Don’t stand too far away.”

“Okay!” Xu Yangyi obediently stood behind He Jingyan.

Zuo Bo was anxious as hell. He had been waiting for more than ten minutes, but he still hadn’t seen Yan Chengyu and the others return.

“Something must have happened to them!”

“I don’t think so. If something happened, Yan Chengyu would have contacted me. So, don’t be too anxious. It’s probably a traffic jam.” He Jingyan reassured Zuo Bo.

He knew that Zuo Bo would be worried because he was afraid that Long Chen would really pass out and never wake up afterwards.

“People inside the hospital! We won’t shoot! We just want to settle things peacefully! So, hurry up and surrender! Don’t force us police to take action!”

There was nothing wrong with the police officers, but most of them were fatter than pigs, all standing in a crooked position, just standing there with a megaphone shouting.

“What the hell? These are the police?” Xu Yangyi, who was sticking his head out to look, was stunned.

He Jingyan also didn’t expect the police in Country T to be so lax. However, it was reasonable. After all, Country T had not gone through a war for a long time and the country was now in a state of affluence.

“Why do I feel like there’s someone inside who looks familiar!” One of the officers looked straight at He Jingyan and said.


“Eh. It seems like I’ve seen him somewhere. Is he a star?”

“A star would do such a thing? You’re kidding me!”

The man scratched his head in embarrassment, “That’s true!”

Suddenly, a horn sounded outside, signalling for their police to move out of the way.

Naturally, the police found it hilarious and went over to stop them, but Yan Chengyu didn’t have this time to wait for them to move the car and he rushed straight through as they fled in disarray.

“Colonel! Warden Zuo Bo!”

After stopping, Yan Chengyu rushed to pull a man out of the car, presumably the doctor that the nurse had mentioned.

But strangely enough, the doctor was at that moment merely wearing a pair of boxers and a pair of bunny ears on his head.

“Are you guys sick? I said I’m off today and I’m not accepting any patients!”

The doctor yelled. After all, it was really humiliating to be pulled over like that.

“What’s the point of yelling! Just come here when I ask you to! Why do you have so much nonsense?!” Yan Chengyu dragged him straight over to Long Chen’s side.

The doctor tried to resist again, but Zuo Bo’s pistol was already against his head, ” If you can’t cure him, you’ll die with him together.”

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