The Surrogate Bride Of The Colonel He

Chapter 625

625. He Suppresses It for Him

Translator: Sagocream

“I said I wouldn’t touch you, but you’ve been stirring me up continuously! How can I stay calm?” Zuo Bo said.

‘Is he doing it on purpose? But that’s rare! The old Long Chen would never do such a thing.’ He thought.

At first, Zuo Bo didn’t want to restrain himself and just take the chance and do it with Long Chen, but then he suddenly remembered the doctor’s warning that they should not have intercourse when Long Chen was sick.

He had almost forgotten about it.

Zuo Bo meekly hugged Long Chen and said, “It’s better to sleep, right? You’re not fit for this kind of thing yet.”

‘If Little Longlong’s illness becomes more serious, it would be more trouble than it’s worth then.’

Long Chen was stunned. He had invited Zuo Bo and Zuo Bo turned him down?

“Could it be that I’ve become ugly because I’m sick and you’re rejecting me?” Long Chen asked, no longer angry, but a little at lost.

“You are thinking too much! How can you become ugly? You being sickly makes me want to get more of you! But I have to suppress it a bit after a few days.” For the first time, Zuo Bo actually asked Long Chen not to be too intimate with him.

“Is it really true that I look wretched? Then I’ll go take a bath to wake myself up.” After saying that, Long Chen got up, thinking that Zuo Bo was not telling him the truth.

“No! It’s the doctor who said you shouldn’t have intercourse recently! What if you get a fever again?”

Zuo Bo yelled and held Long Chen back, but after that, he suddenly looked at Long Chen, “Why are you… so active today?”

‘What a surprise! Little Longlong has also become a bit gentler! Could it be that his fever hurt his brain?’

“You’re the one whose brain is hurt!” As if he knew what was on Zuo Bo’s mind, Long Chen said as his eyebrows twisted.

“Then why are you so active all of a sudden? You’re not usually like this.”

“Really?” Long Chen asked rhetorically.

“Yes! Naturally, you would be very different from what you are today.”

“You’re the one who’s looking forward to it, so I should take the initiative! I don’t want you to go out and look for another man! Then rumours would say that I can’t satisfy you! I don’t want to be ashamed.”

Long Chen explained very plainly, but Zuo Bo didn’t know if he was telling the truth. Maybe half of it was the truth, and he said the other half to invite Zuo Bo to touch him.

“Yes, yes, yes, you are right! It’s still hard for you to take the initiative! But I’m not doing it today! Your body is more important than pleasure.”

Zuo Bo didn’t suspect that Long Chen was not telling the truth. He didn’t think Long Chen needed to lie to him.

Long Chen had been unhappy when he heard Zuo Bo say that he wasn’t going to do it, but after hearing Zuo Bo’s words, the corners of his mouth slowly turned into a smile.

‘He’s really being considerate. I’m not just a tool for him to vent his sexual desire.’

“Oh~! Little Dragon, did you just smile?”

“Who was smiling? Hurry up and go to sleep.” Long Chen denied it and immediately pinched Zuo Bo’s face. He was going to turn over his body and ignore Zuo Bo, but Zuo Bo wouldn’t let him escape, squeezing his chin on Long Chen’s forehead tightly, stopping Long Chen from escaping from him.

“What’s wrong with admitting it once? It’s not like I’m going to laugh at you.”

“Why do you want me to admit to something it isn’t true? If you keep being so unreasonable, get out of bed and sleep on the floor.”

‘Heh! Is he using a forceful attitude to make me afraid of him? What a whimsical guy!’

‘But forget it. I’ll let him off the hook once today. There’s plenty of time to make up for it later anyway!’ Zuo Bo thought.

“Good boy! Be docile and go to sleep!” Zuo Bo said to Long Chen dotingly and watched him gently afterwards.

After all, Long Chen was not a love-struck little boy, so he could not possibly panic when Zuo Bo suddenly acted like this. Long Chen’s eyes looked at him flatly, “How can you sleep without closing your eyes?”

“I’ll wait for you to close yours first.” Zuo Bo’s smile was all over his face.

Long Chen knew what was in Zuo Bo’s mind, so he didn’t let Zuo Bo have his way, “Just take your time and watch yourself!” Then he closed his eyes to brew some sleep.

‘He’s not responding?’

‘Well! This method really doesn’t work on him!’ Zuo Bo was a little frustrated.

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