The Surrogate Bride Of The Colonel He

Chapter 660

Chapter 660

“Then what should we do? We have secretly got married. When my father finds it out, I guess it’s possible that he really won’t let us be together.”

He Jingyan saw Xu Yangyi being so nervous and somehow indescribably cute, so he teased Xu Yangyi and said that.

“I… I don’t care! I’m not leaving anyway.” Xu Yangyi was angry again, but the fear in his eyes increased a little.

It was clear that Xu Yangyi was such a boy but He Jingyan still came up with a sentence, “But wifey! We are not legally married now, so there is no such thing as divorce!”

Xu Yangyi was frozen and only then did he react.

His eyes were suddenly hot and he looked like he was about to cry.

Seeing that it was not good, He Jingyan hurriedly coaxed Xu Yangyi, “Honey, don’t cry. I was just joking with you. The marriage between us was arranged by my father, so how could he not agree to it?”

He Jingyan was worried that he really went too far this time.

“You lied to me, didn’t you? You lied to me because I was crying, didn’t you?”

But Xu Yangyi thought that it was He Jingyan who was coaxing him and that what he said was not true.

“Why should I lie to you, wifey? This is indeed true! When you recover your memory, you will naturally understand it.”

“You must have lied to me! I won’t listen.”

Xu Yangyi cried and covered his ears, not wanting to hear what He Jingyan had said.

This time, He Jingyan’s joke went too far that he had really made Xu Yangyi cry.

He Jingyan believed this time he had shot himself in the foot.

He took Xu Yangyi into his arms and gently patted Xu Yangyi’s back to apologize, “I’m sorry, wifey. I shouldn’t have joked with you about this. I won’t do it again, so don’t cry, okay?”

He Jingyan’s heart ached because at this moment Xu Yangyi was sobbing so hard that He Jingyan was really afraid he wouldn’t be able to breathe.

The group outside, who had listened to the conversation between the two of them, didn’t know how to roast He Jingyan, who had scared Xu Yangyi into tears for no good reason.

Maybe Xu Yangyi had gone through a lot of things now, so he has become a lot more sensitive. If it was his usual self, he probably wouldn’t cry; he would just give He Jingyan a slap on the face.

“Don’t cry, wifey. My hurt hearts when I hear you cry.” He Jingyan hugged Xu Yangyi tightly again and kissed him on the neck to comfort him.

“You now remember to care about me? You son of a b*tch! I want to divorce you.” Xu Yangyi wiped his tears as he cried and scolded He Jingyan.

“I won’t do it next time. Really. So, don’t cry.” He Jingyan exhaled a breath in introspection.

“Really? Next time you really won’t joke around with that?” Xu Yangyi looked at him with a sniffle and red eyes.

“Of course! There definitely won’t be a next time.” He Jingyan immediately smiled ingratiatingly.

“Alright then. I’ll forgive you if you bark like a dog.”

‘Ah? Why should I bark like a dog?’ He Jingyan’s face darkened.

“Look, you’re not even reflecting on your mistakes.”

Without looking at He Jingyan barking, Xu Yangyi started crying again, tears falling as soon as he said they would fall, like a pearl necklace with a broken string.

“But wifey, what does this have to do with making me bark like a dog?” He Jingyan was still confused, asking with a very funny look.

“Because you are not honest! You have to bark as your promise to give me your word! And next time if you do it again, I will make you bark for a day!”

‘So, that’s what he has in mind! But there’s no need to make me bark like a dog! If everyone outside could hear me! Wouldn’t my reputation be ruined?’ He Jingyan thought.

“I knew you were cheating on me! I want to divorce you!”

“Fine, fine. I’ll bark.” In the end, He Jingyan had no choice, so he barked with his face all red.

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