The Surrogate Bride Of The Colonel He

Chapter 663

Chapter 663

“What a loser! You are wimping out like that?”

Seeing that the soldiers had deleted the sound file, Zuo Bo snorted a smile.

“Don’t come out to mess up!” Long Chen said to Zuo Bo. He recognized that it was Zuo Bo who had told the soldiers that the barking sound was actually He Jingyan’s.

“I was just being nice and telling them who it was! How could it be messing up, Little Longlong?”

Zuo Bo pretended to be innocent, but he was actually doing it on purpose! Long Chen could see the corners of Zuo Bo’s mouth were curling at the moment with a look of amusement.

“Then I’m really grateful to you for helping me tell them the truth.”

The cold voice of He Jingyan suddenly sounded behind him. Before Zuo Bo could react to it, He Jingyan had already broken his phone and thrown it back into his arms.

Zuo Bo wasn’t angry, but the corners of his mouth twitched, “Hey, He Jingyan! I’m not the culprit! Why did you only break my phone?”

“Look at it yourself.” He Jingyan glanced aside at Long Chen, who had put his phone away long ago.

What could Zuo Bo say? He was the only one who was still holding his phone at that time!

“Do you want me to break the phones off? Or do you want to break them off yourselves?” He Jingyan was threatening the soldiers with a cold face.

But unexpectedly, Xu Yangyi suddenly rushed to Long Chen with his mobile phone, excitedly saying, “Share it with me! I want it too!”

Xu Yangyi was very bad at reading the atmosphere, but thanks to him, he saved the soldier’s phones.


With Xu Yangyi around, Long Chen knew that He Jingyan wouldn’t break his phone, so he forwarded the audio over to Xu Yangyi on the spot.

“Dad! Give me a call!” Having just set it to be the ringtone, Xu Yangyi couldn’t wait to tell Xu Jing to call him and try it out.

“Okay.” Xu Jing was also starting to feel better. It was a chance for him to catch his breath and change his mood.

“Hahaha! That’s really too funny! It’s like art…” Xu Yangyi started laughing again when his phone rang, completely unable to control himself.


He Jingyan was the only person who couldn’t laugh. What a shame it was!

“Why do you have such a grumpy face? You can use my voice as your ringtone too! How funny!” Xu Yangyi didn’t care his voice was made into a ringtone.

Although He Jingyan also wanted to use it, he did not like the sentence Xu Yangyi said. He didn’t want to hear the word “divorce” whenever he was called.

“Why are you guys so happy?” Ke Moer’s voice suddenly sounded from outside. He was followed by Ke Jie at his side.

“You came just in time! Do you want to try… Hmmm!”

Before Xu Yangyi could finish his words, his mouth has been held by He Jingyan.

“Be good and shut up.” He Jingyan stared at Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi immediately bristled with displeasure and ripped off He Jingyan’s hand, saying, “If you don’t want me to say it, then I won’t say it! Who cares about you barking better than a dog?”

Xu Yangyi’s attitude immediately made He Jingyan wrinkle his eyebrows. What could he possibly do? He had to pet with his wife always.

“I’ll punish you later!”

At this moment He Jingyan did not have that time to continue to mess with Xu Yangyi. He frowned at Ke Moer and asked, “What brings you here?”

‘Didn’t he just talk to Gong Cheng about cooperation? Why is he still coming to us? He’s got nothing better to do? But it didn’t look like that.’ He Jingyan thought.

Ke Moer bowed his head towards Xu Jing before replying, “There is a small matter that requires Colonel He to cooperate with us.”

Ke Moer did not sit down but waited until Xu Jing took the seat. It was also true that Xu Jing was the king and he was the subordinate, so it was impossible for him to sit on an equal footing with Xu Jing.

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