The Surrogate Bride Of The Colonel He

Chapter 699

Chapter 699

“What… what?” Ke Moer did not expect Man Dasi to make such a shameless request.

“Why are you so surprised?” It’s not like you haven’t done this kind of thing with Ke Jie. You’re gay. Do you want to keep He Jingyan’s wife safe? Then take off your clothes and entertain my men. Do as you are told and I will carry through on my promise to release He Jingyan.”

There was coldness in his voice and there was no smile.

“Man Dasi, that’s going too far.”

Ke Moer was in a rage. He wouldn’t do that, nor was he gay. The man he only liked was Ke Jie.

“What? What are you talking about?” Man Dasi smirked, “You asked for it yourself. Why did you say that? I’ve told you to answer my question carefully! And you’ve said you would do as you’re told, right? You’re Second Prince, you must be a man of your word. Now you’ll have three minutes to think about it. If you don’t want to do that, we have to do it the hard way and we’ll see a joyful sort of scene.”

Man Dasi jibed mercilessly.

When the four men heard it, they were stunned at first. Glancing at Ke Moer, they were thinking about making a move. After all, Ke Moer was good-looking and his skin was fairer than that of a woman. He was too attractive.

“No. Why do you want to do that? Didn’t you say that you were just using him to threaten First Prince? Why is it different from what you said at first?”

Man Lin was panicked. In order to protect Ke Moer, he could only stand up and interposed himself between them to protect Ke Moer.

Seeing Man Lin, Man Dasi became impatient. “Get out of my way!” Then he kicked Man Lin hard down to the ground. Blood dripped from the corner of Man Lin’s mouth.

“No way!”

It was the first time that Man Lin had such a determined attitude. After he got up, his eyes met Man Dasi’s face.

He hated Man Dasi. It was Man Dasi who brought him into the Man Family. If it wasn’t for Man Dasi, he wouldn’t have had such a hard time.

“Enough! Man Dasi, why did you do that? Why do you want to ruin everyone in your life?”

Man Lin was born in a good family, but he became an orphan because his parents died in an accident.

At that time, Man Lin and Man Dasi went to the same elementary school and were good friends. He didn’t know if Manda was feeling pity for Man Lin at that time or what, and introduced him to Man Na’s mother who had just lost her daughter, turning Man Lin’s life into hell with her own hands.

Perhaps it was well meant, or he couldn’t leave his alone, but they didn’t expect it to turn out this way.

“I ruined you?” Man Dasi was suddenly angry. He looked at Man Lin as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Suddenly, he burst into laughter and it made Man Lin feel cold inside.

“Well, you want to protect this guy, right? You said that I ruined you, huh? So, I must do something not to fail you.”

He roared at Man Lin, then strode to Man Lin angrily, forcing him away from Ke Moer.

Man Lin was so frightened that he cried. “You… what are you doing? Let go of me.”

“What? Let go of you? Why? Didn’t you stare at me and yelled at me for this guy? Look at your face! Are you afraid?”

He seemed to be possessed by a demon. The sight of his eyes made Man Lin’s hair stand on end.

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