The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1006: The Appearance of the Mission

Chapter 1006: The Appearance of the Mission

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

"Just as Gore's fierce battle with the T-1000 entered its most critical stage, Skynet sent its reinforcement. Gore chose to grit his teeth and weather through it because no one knows when a T-1000 will appear again."

Dolittle was suddenly furious.

"Who would've thought that at such a critical moment, the weather would suddenly turn bad. A storm swept across the area. There was a high-voltage electric tower nearby which suspiciously collapsed. The intense electrical current severely limited Gore's range of activities. Using the high-intensity current, Skynet detonated the energy storage of the Terminators who were sent over to help, causing them to explode. Gore immediately fell into a very dangerous situation. He suffered considerable injuries from that wave of explosion."

"But even so, Gore still managed to bring the energy level of the T-1000 to below 40% before cutting off its left hand and bringing it back in a hurry. I still remember the situation back then like it was yesterday. Gore had just stepped through the door with his body completely covered in wounds, but he was smiling. He was just about to say something but the next second, he suddenly exploded with a loud bang! The sight of his body exploding into pieces was so gory that I still have nightmares of it!"

Sheyan frowned and asked, "Did the arm of the T-1000 explode? The power of the explosion was so strong that it immediately killed him? Mr. Dolittle, you should know that we outsiders have some strange power."

To that, Dolittle let out a wry smile in response. He said, "That kind of explosion was not an ordinary explosion. It's called a local fission explosion. Its principle - forget it, you won't understand even if I explain it (Sheyan: Damn you, how would I understand if you don't explain it?). A simple analogy is to confine the power of an atomic bomb to a space the size of a soda can. The energy will not leak out of this space, but the destruction inside the space will increase to a terrifying level!"

"Wait a minute!" interrupted Zi, "Gore should have been a very cautious man; he would never joke with his life. That is to say, he must've made sure that he'd brought the energy reserve of the T-1000 to below 40%. Why would the arm still explode?"

Dolittle sighed. "The only explanation is that the T-1000 had received a sudden injection of energy, but the problem is, Skynet has not mastered such technology yet. After all, it exists 30 years in the future, so there's an insurmountable barrier of space and time!"

What Dolittle implied with his words was obvious. Even now, Skynet has yet to master this technology, let alone a few years ago. That means the culprit was not Skynet. But who could it be?

Sheyan couldn't help thinking about the "strange" collapse of the high-voltage pylon. He suddenly he had a familiar feeling.

Dolittle remained silent for a moment, and then suddenly said something that seemed to have nothing to do with the current topic.

"Gentlemen, and ladies, do you believe in fate? Do you believe in the fact that the path of a person's life is already pre-arranged beforehand?"

Sheyan pondered about it and answered, "I do not deny such a possibility."

Dolittle took two deep breaths before he said, "Gore's death gave me the feeling that someone had changed his fate! This change may not be fatal, but at the same time, the person has also changed the fate of the T-1000. The combination of the two was like a harmless fuse encountering a harmless cigarette butt; it immediately resulted in horrible consequences!"

Party Ace exchanged glances. They could feel chills creeping down their backs. The one they thought of was undoubtedly the "mastermind behind the scenes". If Sheyan had not forcefully led them out of his entrapment, they would have shaven off piece by piece until they die a horrible death.

Dolittle obviously was not expecting a response from Party Ace. He continued, "It's precisely the strange traces left by the local fission explosion that aroused the strong concern of the Ministry of Defense and caused me to be listed by the FBI as an extremely dangerous, red-level terrorist. Because although there's no such technology on earth yet, the relevant theory has already been proposed."

"When this technology matures, it can easily avoid radar and other surveillance methods, and flatten the White House or any important infrastructure with just an object the size of a chewing gum - without the destruction spilling over to other areas around it! This kind of precision strike weapon was originally an idea put forth by the US Ministry of Defense, but now, it might be used against them instead! You can imagine their panic."

"The FBI had only paid some attention to Gore before, but that explosion was the reason the FBI refused to leave me alone even after Gore's death. They've been after me all these years. It was also because of me that Nicholas was dragged into this mess. They would rather kill him than let him fall under the power of another party."

When Dolittle finished his story, the whole incident was finally laid bare in front of them. Even now, Sheyan still felt like it was all a dream. This long and arduous mission series was actually a mission that was discontinued after another powerful contestant had been halfway through it, then placed in his hands after a succession of prerequisite tasks!

Now, there was a reasonable explanation for the Stockholm party's relentless pursuit of Party Ace despite having to pay a huge price to do so.

The first reason was revenge for the loss in the world of the Lord of the Rings.

The second reason was the competition between realms. They probably wanted to eliminate Party Ace, who had tremendous potential, before it could grow strong.

The third, and the most important reason - why did the mastermind behind the scenes plot against Gore? It must be because this mission of Gore's had the potential to cause a lot of trouble for them and harm their interests. Sheyan, who currently held the key mission item, was naturally a thorn in the flesh to them!

The only mystery left was "Fate", who was killed by Sheyan in the Bloody World. What relationship did he have with the mastermind behind the scenes? Why were their attacking methods so similar?

At that moment, Zi suddenly turned to Dolittle and said, "Well, Mr. Dolittle, as you can see, we're also powerful outsiders, so is there anything we can do for you?"

Dolittle was silent for a moment as he contemplated. He then replied, "There's a fatal defect in my body, and that's the problem with my heart. Left by itself, I will only have seven months to live, at most. I can't accept that! Not that I'm afraid of death, but because I now possess so much advanced knowledge. A new door has been opened for me, and yet...yet..."

Dolittle's voice had become fanatical.

"There is a tremendous wealth of knowledge! These are things that transcend mere problems of life and death! I wish to be able to systematically organise these things and leave them to the future generations, but I need at least 20 years to do this work! So...please bring back to me the liquid metal of a T-1000! With it, I can give myself a strong heart, and fulfill my dream for the sake of mankind! Please, I beg you! "

Sheyan immediately received a series of notifications:

[ The first chapter of the Silver Series mission, "Dolittle's Wish", has officially started! ]

[ Mission Objective: Obtain at least five grams of liquid metal from a T-1000! ]

[ Mission Briefing: Dolittle's fragile heart will not hold out for much longer, so you have to obtain the liquid metal in time to repair his heart. ]

[ Mission Hint: The more liquid metal you bring back, the higher the completion rate of this mission. ]

[ Mission Deadline: 7 days. ]

[ Mission Difficulty: Not available. ]

Sheyan had just received the mission he had been dreaming about all this time, but his brows furrowed instead. That's because he had no clue at all on what he should do next. According to Dolittle, it was not easy for Skynet to produce a T-1000. Even TX models had a higher rate of production because the production rate of liquid metal was astonishingly low.

This means that it would not be an easy task to encounter a T-1000.

Mogensha was puffing on a cigar as usual. He said, "The plot in this damn world has changed completely. The Terminators are invading everywhere. Logically speaking, the human governments should've sensed the threat and stopped the research on Skynet by now, but they just seem indifferent to the danger."

"The future will only be delayed, but no radical changes will happen. Terminator 3 has given a very clear explanation for this," replied Zi faintly.

"In Terminator 2, the T-800 wreckage acquired by Cyberdyne Systems, namely the main CPU chip and the arm, as well as all of the company's research data were destroyed. They were the basis of Skynet's research. The lead researcher, Dyson, was also killed. That should've been the end of Skynet, but the momentum of history still gave birth to it."

"It reappeared at 6:18 p.m. on July 24, 2003. Skynet, which exists on the internet network, has no main server. Be it the computer in offices, schools or factories, as long as it's connected to the internet, it becomes the carrier of Skynet!"

Reef was stunned.

"Since humans were already alerted to the danger and had eliminated the source, how did Skynet appear again?"

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