The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 504: Summoning

Chapter 504: Summoning

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Sheyan simply chuckled in response to the diviner’s suspicion.

"Go ahead."

That gypsy diviner appeared like an expert. Leaning in for a careful inspection, she eventually nodded and announced.

"It is genuine, this tail had indeed been severed from a living Chupacabra. Moreover, it has strangely retained its freshness, as though it was just chopped off. With this tail, it is indeed possible for an alchemist to produce an ointment imitation of its scent."

Jiejie was currently pacing back and forth within the tent. Evidently, an intense battle of notions was currently ongoing in her heart. Then, she suddenly declared.

"Regardless, offending that invincible existence who placed the seal is out of the question. If not, our troubles will never end. However, though unsealing it is impossible, we can weaken the strength of this seal to its weakest state. Proceeding from there, you can seek out a priest or simply sprinkle holy water to unseal it. This is the best we can do."

Sheyan asked dully.

"But how can I know you have weakened the strength of the seal to its weakest state?"

Jiejie snorted and fumed.

"We gypsies have never resorted to deceit!"

Sheyan contemplated before answering.

"Fine! But I will be observing the ritual from beginning till the end."

Several gypsies glanced at each other before reassuring.

"That isn’t a problem. Instead remember this – not a single reckless movement or sound must be made, and only you are permitted to stay."

Reef then bluntly shrugged his shoulders with regret, as he turned to exit the tent. Sheyan then laughed.

"It’s a deal."


After a sequence of hurried preparations; the torches within the tent were then extinguished, and the people cleared out. Only 12 gypsy diviners remained as they formed into a circle, their fingers interlocked before their bosoms. Mumbling incessantly with their lips, the two sculptures behind the throne were encircled within.

All of a sudden, those two sculptures emitted a living sensation. As bright as the combusting sunset, four stunning beams cascaded out from the four gem pupils of the sculptures; cauterizing out distinct scorched lines onto the ground. An indescribable welling pain would plague the eyes of onlookers who glanced at it.

After a long while, a fledgling shape gradually emerged within this ritual circle; shockingly exhibiting the sketching of a satanic six sided star!

Soon after, a red veiled diviner released an uncanny husky and shrilling screech.

From outside, several warriors clad in armour strolled in with emotionless demeanor, as they escorted a male who was masqueraded by a black head cloth.

Sheyan’s present expression turned graver, as he discovered he had underestimated the difficulty of the gypsies weakening the seal. Looking at the current scene, were they shockingly about to engage in human sacrifice?

While Sheyan pondered, those armoured warriors drilled their blades into the back of the male, before pushing him into the ritual circle.

Though the strength of these warriors couldn’t be considered great, Sheyan could tell they had stabbed their blades into his heart; a cleanly execution of direct fatality. Furthermore, blood didn’t splash haphazardly out from the man’s word. Clearly, those warriors were professional assassins.

13 corpses piled up in succession inside the ritual circle.

A forlorn depiction of terror ensued as blood drenched the ritual circle, with flesh and foam overflowing out. Blood trickled and interweaved within the ritual circle as though possessing sentience, looking exceedingly horrifying; as though a giant had been slaughtered within this six-sided star formation, and shifted into a dying loop.

Black mist begun permeating up from the ritual circle gradually, alongside the thunderous rumblings from underground; as though a colossal creature was wrestling intensely within.

Unbeknownst why, this massive tent was howling with the sounds of wind, and brewing with fierce intent; gradually, the wind sliced against their faces, issuing a pain akin to a scorching knife.

Through the gaps of the black mist, distinct crevices could be seen erupting at the center of this ritual circle; as though something was viciously drilling upwards beneath.

Very quickly. A gigantic egg emerged, formed by the decomposing flesh and blood of those 13 corpses. The egg’s surface appeared like a mutilation, with agonizing and weeping faces revolving around its periphery that were unleashing bitter piercing wails.

At this moment, Jiejie tossed the ‘Diary of Morgan Fokke’ into the ritual circle.

Instantaneously, 4-5 cracks shattered, producing an opening at the tip of that gigantic egg. Black crimson blood mist purged out from the opening, maintaining the hovering ‘Diary of Morgan Fokke’ in mid air.

At this instance, Sheyan could vividly observe; layers of square brilliance were stunningly confounding onto the ‘Diary of Morgan Fokke’. Those square brilliance stacked layer upon layer, interweaving as though confining the shackles of time and space. Such a scene incited a subconscious impression of dark clouds and flashes of lightning through the vast skies.

A long stream of superfluous phrases were recited out of Jiejie’s mouth; a language seemingly alien to Sheyan. Jiejie recited with matchless fluidity, her words and tone released a sensation of attempt to distort time, and throw one’s vision into disarray.

At this instant, Sheyan irrationally recalled the rapping of African American rappers; reckoning that Jiejie would surely be able to become world renowned back in the real world in this particular field.

As Jiejie’s vocals started to synch with cadence, that gigantic egg gradually ignited with massive flames. The grotesque faces on it started to warp, as its mutilated surface melted away; issuing ‘sizzz sizzz’ sizzles as it dripped onto the ground. Indigo fumes saturated out without dispersing.

Under the persistent fumigation of the indigo fumes, the layers of squarish brilliance overlapping the ‘Diary of Morgan Fokke’ begun turning dim. Then, like glass shattering, layers begun peeling off and dissipated into the atmosphere; projecting out a sensation of silent surreptitiousness.

Yet, the fleshy composition of the gigantic egg was rapidly diminishing. Despite that, Jiejie was already duly prepared, as she repeatedly called for black cloth masqueraded males to be escorted in for the slaughter. Hence, the problem of energy malnourishment and replenishment didn’t occur.

At present, Sheyan finally understood why these gypsy males appeared dispirited and lifeless.

Indeed, they were living in such precarious states. Even for talented and promising males, they could only deteriorate with age in the face of such apathetic and merciless oppression.

Watching as layers on the seal were stripped off….when the final layer was round the corner, Jiejie finally released a sigh. She then spoke with a low voice.

"Once this layer is stripped off, the final remaining layer contains the lingering soul of Morgan Fokke within it. Though its vengeance is gravely incited by the removal of those layers of seal, it itself remains relatively puny."

"Oh." Sheyan reacted and continued.

"I understand. A vigorous fighting spirit from the heart can uplift a warrior, but a dagger can still easily puncture his heart."

Jiejie nodded and advised.

"Find a church, or priest or just sprinkle holy water onto it. Help the vengeful soul of its master to find peace. Still, I must inform you. That process will still be as dangerous as before.

Sheyan humbly stood up and thanked.

"Your advice will be vital to me..."

Yet, right before the layer of seal shattered, a dull haze suddenly emerged within the 6-sided star ritual circle. Immediately following, an unfathomably bone chilling sensation overwhelmed everyone present.

If one were to observe now, one would discover the ritual circle had been astoundingly enveloped by a layer of thin ice. The layer of thin ice was swiftly condensing, as it emitted icy crackles. Sparkling and twinkling like sapphire, its surface emitted strands of chilling steam, before spreading rapidly towards the gigantic egg at the center.

The diviner whom Reef had punched earlier suddenly released a mournful shriek.

Concurrently, with another diviner, they simultaneously leaned towards the two sculptures near Jiejie; each touching the respective sides of those sculptures. One could observe the four beams shooting out of the sculpture’s eyes turning more robust at that instant, as the ice layer enveloping the 6-sided star ritual circle begun to dissolve bit by bit.

Instead, Sheyan noticed that the exposed smooth skin of the two diviners were swiftly deteriorating, degenerating into the exact limp and wrinkled state like their faces. It appeared as though they were utilizing their vitality to support the casting magic of the two mysterious sculptures!

Eventually, following the uninterrupted fumigation of indigo mist by the gigantic flesh egg, the seal layer on the ‘Diary of Morgan Fokke’ finally dissipated away.

Sighs of relief could be heard from everyone, but right at this instant, a melancholic drawn out neigh pierced into the air!

Sheyan’s pupils contracted. He had heard this particular neigh before.

It was shockingly, the neigh of that herculean demonic horse – Momore*!

(TN:*Recap, Momore is the horse of Bernard Fokke, the mount that little lord fokke rode back in vol 2)

According to theory, the current Turtuga port had been totally decimated, and reduced into a tiny fishing village. Ever since Little Lord Fokke’s campaign against the Black Pearl in that originally vibrant port, both sides had suffered devastatingly.

Objectively speaking, whether Little Lord Fokke and his demonic horse, Momore, could survive, was still a questionable doubt. Hence, Sheyan had never placed that man and horse in his heart at all.

Truthfully speaking, Sheyan was more wary of Ammand than Little Lord Fokke!

Sheyan couldn’t really be blamed for this negligence. Back in Turtuga port, he had merely observed that lord from afar; not knowing a clue about Little Fokke’s capabilities at all.

It was only now that Sheyan recognized one fact – he had thoroughly underestimated the capabilities of that defeated ‘lord’. In reality, how many individuals could go on a rampage on the Black Pearl?

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