The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 516: Spinning silk from cocoons

Chapter 516: Spinning silk from cocoons (Painstaking investigations)

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

After talking with his thick accent for so long, Lohan became rather thirsty. Picking up his mug of coffee, he smelled the rich aroma before drinking down several delectable mouthfuls.

"Let me be frank, I am only able to guarantee a 20% increase in your ship’s speed, because she possesses several precious components. However, those components aren’t able to exhibit their full attributes due to their incompatible arrangement and installation methods. Without those few precious ship components, it would even be tough to enhance her speed by 10%."

Hearing this point, Sheyan nodded as he placed 10 gold guineas on the table.

"Truly captivating, Mr Lohan. Your story that is. Your eloquence and the coffee is worthy of such a valuable. Also, to facilitate the speedy modifications of my ship, I will no longer tarry your time."

Lohan then sent them out.

"I will send my men to start work at your ship. At this hour tomorrow, mister, you will see a warship that soars on the ocean."

"I’ll be waiting." Sheyan smiled humbly.

The group of four then continued touring around this bizarre shaped but prosperous Tortuga port. When they arrived at a shop with a familiar name, ‘Chicken and Dog*’, Sheyan became amazed as he witnessed that crafty profiteer Mole Waller, comfortably slouching on a chair; casting lazy glances at the passersby. After the collapse of Turtuga port, this ‘Chicken and Dog’ shop had actually managed to revive itself here.

(TN:*This was the store Sheyan encountered in vol 3, back in Turtuga port )

Jinkuang had long heard of the history of Sheyan being bullied by this old man. Hence, he planned to charge over, wanting to settle him for Sheyan. Instead, Sheyan halted him saying that the time isn’t ripe yet. On the contrary, Brother Black and Reef personally went up to experience the wretchedness of this old man. In the end, it was the unfortunate Reef who got drawn in.

Mole Waller immediately dragged Reef in when he had just stepped into the store. With tears and mucus flowing, the wretched old man chided Reef for being careless; blaming him for squashing his only companions over the years – the pet ants he was rearing. Seeing the old man choking with old tears, Reef with his gentlemanly elegance could only speechlessly purchase a ‘gem’ of this Chicken and Dog shop, as a form of compensation; a toothpick described as manufactured with the beard of a white holy tiger. Only afterwards, did Reef managed to escape his clutches.

The distant Jinkuang hissed furiously about wanting to rob him of his family fortunes, as he watched things played out. Instead, Sheyan pulled him back, suggesting that they should first accumulate the debts, before slowly claiming it back once it reaches an all time high....

Here in Tortuga, the greatest place of interest would be the Abattoir. The Abattoir had no relations to butchering, fatty meat or greasy bulky butchers. Instead, it was simply an average auction marketplace.

Having plundered many booties, many pirates wished to swiftly sell of these treasures; frequently, they would also obtain cheap bargains at this place. However, Sheyan and buddies arrived at an ill timing, and all that were left of the auction marketplace, were sporadic loose junks. After making some inquiries, they realized an ‘official’ auction would be held every ten days; during the intervals, only loose junk would remain. The previous auction had just concluded, and they had to wait another 7-8 more days.

After touring around this junk market, Sheyan didn’t acquire anything much. In the end, he spent 3,000 guineas to acquire blue grade hybrid timber board, which could provide a 25% increase in durability of the ship’s hull. Apart from that, nothing else was alluring.

Noteworthily, Reef obtained an unexpected harvest. He managed to find a saber sheath, yes, a sheath that somehow could contain his lightsaber.

The material composite of this sheath was peculiar; slightly identical to rock. Strange designs were engraved onto it, and it wasn’t considered an equipment but an item instead. Its feasibility was exceedingly direct – after safekeeping a weapon within it for 120 minutes, the weapon would have its explosive strike rate increased by 3% after pulling it out;for a duration of 60 minutes.

Having toured around Tortuga port for a while, Sheyan noticed the time and spoke.

"It is about time."

Reef asked confusedly.

"What time?"

Sheyan chortled and replied.

"About time those contestants run into a wall."

Reef became further puzzled, and asked.

"Can’t you speak in a clearer fashion?"

Sheyan nodded as he answered.

"Fine then, it is about time to expound on my plans. At the same time, you guys can reference it to ensure I haven’t overlooked anything. Firstly, let’s talk about our mission, which is to obtain an Aztec Gold Coin that curses the crew of the Black Pearl."

Reef and Mogensha nodded. Sheyan then resumed.

"Presently, we’ve been fortunate enough to obtain the coordinates of the Isla de Muerta – where Barbossa’s treasures resides. This means that if we wish to acquire the Aztec Gold, we can blatantly steal them; hence, the difficulty of obtaining one is actually nearly zero."

"Instead, the problem posed to us now is – once we touch the Aztec Gold, Barbossa would instantly sense it and advanced in wild pursuit against us. Unfortunately, we have to maintain possession of the Aztec Gold for over three days!"

Reef then added in.

"Deducing with the original storyline perspective, Barbossa and his crew are currently an undead existence, being unable to be killed. Hence, defying them in resistance is impossible. Those savage cutthroats wouldn’t feel a thread of pain or fear. If we cross hands with them, the ones to perish will definitely be us."

Shena nodded and declared.

"That is why, the realm has allocated a full month for us to prepare! Think about it carefully, what should we be preparing?"

Mogensha revealed a pensive thought as he mumbled.

"Since our rival is an unkillable existence, our only option is to run and hide. In actual fact, the mission detailing us to obtain an Aztec Gold for three days also feedbacks this point. Despite that, our opponent is a ship that possess the swiftest velocity of the caribbean sea! Attempting to flee with the Aztec Gold is simply not realistic!"

Sheyan nodded and continued.

"Thus, this is the problem I’ve continuously been considering after obtaining this mission. No doubt, our rival has two advantages over us. First, is being unkillable. Second, their speed is second to none in the caribbean sea. Being undead is a superiority that we are unable to defy. Instead, the superiority of speed, there are certain reasonable methods to curb with that."

Reef muttered.

"You’re implying....going ashore?"

Sheyan clapped his hands and replied.

"That’s right! Going ashore indeed. The Black Pearl is not a flying ship. Once we can reach the continent, it would be equivalent to eliminating the greatest superiority Barbossa and his crew possess! But here lies the problem. Barbossa can distinctively sense the position of the stolen Aztec Gold. Therefore, that pellet size Isla de Muerta wouldn’t be suitable for us to hide and bide our time. According to its coordinates and referencing to the map, the closest distance between that treasure island and a mainland is 1,300 nautical miles...."

Speaking till here, a suddenly flicker flashed in Sheyan’s eyes.

"Therefore, what we must have, is a ship; an exceptionally fast ship. This ship must be able to traverse 1,300 nautical miles within the shortest time and hit the mainland. Moreover, during this process, it mustn’t allow the Emperor of Swiftness, The Black Pearl, to catch up! Hence, I have been attempting by every possible means, to obtain a speedy ship. This ship doesn’t have to be faster than the Black Pearl, but minimally it must guarantee we can successfully ascend ashore without the Black Pearl catching up to us."

"After having just heard Mr Lohan’s narration, do y’all understand the intentions of the realm allocating an entire month to us now? Naturally, that is the time for us to pillage other ships, allowing us sufficient buffer to capture quality components; and finally, construct that exact speed boat!"

"An entire month period…...this suffices to say, the speed of the Black Pearl, is definitely much swifter than our imagination of it! As the saying goes, know thyself and thy enemies to emerge victorious in every battle. Therefore, what we need to understand now, is how fast the Black Pearl truly is! Of course, if we can comprehend some of its weakness, that would be better."

Brother Black’s eyes had currently brightened up.

"The captain of the Black pearl, Barbossa, would definitely not accept our interview. However, there is another that understands the Black Pearl more than Barbossa. His name doesn’t need to be illustrated right! Indeed, Jack Sparrow who had been marooned by his traitorous crew! However…...what relations does this have to do with ‘running into the wall’?"

Being forewarned is being forearmed, as Sheyan laughed in response.

"I had a brief encounter with Jack in my previous world, an encountered riddled with suspicions. Moreover, his crew had just started a mutiny against him. Do you think he would trust me, and confide with me? That is utterly impossible. Therefore, a recommending middleman is essential. This individual’s identity is extremely special. Firstly, Jack Sparrow trusted him, and secondly, we must be able to obtain his trust..."

"Coincidentally within Tortuga, there is someone; someone presently in dire straits that he cannot even afford the cheapest priced rum, and is dejectedly living inside a piggery! His name is obviously, Joshamee Gibbs! The reason I mentioned the contestants running into a wall, is because those guys would definitely not let such an obvious lead slip away. Though there’s a chance their reputation be higher than mine, it is absolutely impossible for them to produce something that can move Joshamee; and that is a ship!! A huge ship that can brave the billows and sail the seven seas!"

Speaking till here, Sheyan paused and continued.

"Apart from him, if possible, there is someone else we must pay a visit to; because the one and only the Black Pearl was sunk, was done by him. That is the governor of the East India Trading company, Cutler Beckett. In order to rescue the Black Pearl that had already been sunk to the abyss of the sea, Jack struck a bargain with Davy Jones to serve on the Flying Dutchman for a century!"

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