The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 560: Mutual deception

Chapter 560: Mutual deception

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Following the source of the handphone ringing, Sheyan reached his hand towards the right arm of the beggar. After exerting some strength to pry it open, he located the source of the ringing.

A brilliant object that shouldn’t have appeared in this world at all. It was astoundingly a Motorola RAZR XT910 smartphone!

Obviously, Sheyan wouldn’t place the phone he dug out from the filthy beggar by his ear. Instead, he directly pressed to answer with the handsfree button.

"Hello, I am Seaman. You are an hour late according to my expectation. Let me guess, could it be the hurricane has foiled your plans?"

The opposite voice remained silent, inevitably not anticipating Sheyan would answer so spontaneously! For negotiations, this was a rather unfavourable outcome. Especially, when the ones on the other side required Sheyan’s assistance.

"How did you know we would contact you?"

The opposing voice asked suspiciously.

Sheyan replied unenthusiastically.

"But of course. After creating a rabies outbreak in Port Royal and kidnapping Elizabeth, there shouldn’t be any storyline characters in the port that dares to ferry you out to sea. Sometimes, money isn’t all encompassing. You probably can’t set sail with the ship you prepared beforehand in such a hurricane. Thus, you can only implement solutions with regards to contestants. While amongst the contestants, I’m probably the only one with a ship."

"You’re wrong, Seaman. There are at least three factions that possess ships capable of navigating through the open seas." The voice coldly announced.

Sheyan smirked gently.

"Then you definitely aren’t aware that of the ships that possess, at least two were commandeered from the British Royal Navy by me. Secondhand goods that I sold off to merchant profiteers back in Tortuga before they were sold off to them."

The voice paused briefly before abruptly asking.

"What do you want?"

Sheyan chuckled in response.

"I feel, it’s best you refrain from letting me begin negotiations, because I am a person that loves calculating the benefits of others. If Elizabeth Swann was in my hands…..primarily, I will be able to acquire a splendid weapon from Will Turner. After all, he is a terrific blacksmith."

"Next, I’m guessing the wealthy Governor Swann wouldn’t remain stingy over his daughter, and would be willing to fork out 500,000 guineas. As for Commodore Norrington, though he is a man with principles, for the sake of love, one can always violate one’s conscience and principals. You should be able to receive a new 3-masted ship from his hands right. My esteemed sir, if you desire for me to name a price, then the profits of your operation this time…...or perhaps, maybe just a third of your profits which is roughly 200,000 guineas in worth...of course, you can complete the deal with 200,000 utility points as well. Well toss in the weapon from Will Turner as well. If I truly wish for it, then it must be mine."

"You’re a lunatic!" The voice became noticeably enraged.

Sheyan laughed heartily as he replied.

"Didn’t I say so. Therefore, how about you name a price. Right, how should I address you?"

The voice hesitated a little before answering.

"Call me Nick. We have discussed and we feel 10,000 utility points would be a suitable valuation. However, you must bring us safely out of Port Royal and we would only pay half the sum when we reach our destination."

Nick? Sheyan immediately reminisced about something. Back in this world the previous time, Chris had divulged about his party called Triple-K whose party leader was named Nick! Sheyan didn’t encounter him in the previous world, yet was it fated for him to collide with him in this world?

"Hey, mister. Your cold joke isn’t one bit humorous at all." Without waiting for Sheyan to reply, Brother Black interrupted with a spiteful tone.

"I’ve never been one to make jokes. Seaman, do you accept?" Nick coldly urged.

Sheyan smirked and replied.

"Mister, your condition is truly too magnificent and sincere. My business is merely a tiny street stall. In truth, it is impossible to deal with huge merchants like you. Don’t the other contestant factions have ships as well? I feel this opportunity will suit them much better."

The voice paused for a moment, then it was swapped with a female voice.

"State your terms, Seaman."

Sheyan pondered as his eyes flickered with a sly glint. Fortunately, he was on call and the opposing party couldn’t view his expression.

"20,000 utility points."

That female fumed out.

"That’s too absurd. You just need to transport us but wish to plunder such an excessive amount of utility points from us?"

Sheyan wasn’t one to concede.

"Then you can always find others."

That female hesitated before replying.

"Fine, but I know your current influence is tremendous. It is hard for us to guarantee our personal safety once on board your ship, we will inevitably become the weaker party. To prevent villainous acts of falling out after receiving money, we will only pay after ensuring our safety. Hence, payment will be deferred, but we can come to a real contract to guarantee you will definitely receive your remunerations."

Sheyan agreed.

"If the contract utility points fee is paid by you, then there wouldn’t be a problem. Fine then! When shall we set off?"

That woman bluntly answered.

"When we wish to depart, we will inform you."

After concluding, she hung up. Sheyan then gazed pensively at the smartphone.

At present, Mogensha was casting a doubtful glance towards Sheyan.

"Boss, 20,000 utility points to escort them out of the port. Aren’t we taking too huge a risk?"

Sheyan suddenly scoffed.

"Those brats are truly daring. They actually have designs to plot against me? Truly courting death!"

Reef muttered deeply.

"I too feel their suggestion to defer payment is merely a ploy."

Sheyan curled his fingers as he lightly tapped against the table.

"This is far from a ploy! Right from the start, they hadn’t uttered a single truth. If they truly desired to obtain a mere ransom from this kidnapping…..….their hostage is already in their hands for nearly half a day, and they have escaped the pursuit and menace of the marines. With the safe state they are in, then logically speaking, it is high time for them to request for ransom. Instead, they remain aloof. Neither the governor's mansion nor the navy camps have received any extortion threat. This can only signify one thing. The most crucial thing! Their real goal is to bring Elizabeth Swann away!"

"The only dreadful force in the seas that thirsts for Elizabeth Swann, or I should say her golden medallion, is the Black Pearl! Their scheme to request to defer payment is exceedingly sinister. Not only do they seek to depart from Port Royal, they also wish to converge with the Black Pearl. When that time comes, they not only venomously desire for those undying freaks to eliminate us, but can also spare themselves from the expenditure of hiring us. Truly, they are deserving of being the ambitious ones who had schemed to destroy Port Royal with the rabies outbreak."

After Sheyan’s painstaking contemplation and analysis, the others finally attained a panoramic understanding.

Brother Black suddenly laughed out.

"So your answer was merely a half-hearted one?"

Sheyan snorted.

"That bunch revealed quite a handful of tiny traces. Yet more importantly, they are too greedy. So much so that they even plot to drag me into their schemes. What they believe to be flawlessly concealed, in reality, it is only sufficient to deceive storyline characters. It is actually rather easy to find them out."

Reef then uttered.

"It will be a golden opportunity if we can locate them."

Brother Black squinted his eyes and asked.

"Are you referring to that Aztec gold they acquired from Elizabeth Swann? That is a shortcut indeed."

Sheyan gently shook his head and replied.

"I’ve deliberated about this before. Perhaps you guys haven’t noticed, but the Aztec gold isn’t vital at all! The vital part resides in the sequence of events that will be triggered after acquiring the Aztec gold! Honestly, we can eliminate the speed supremacy of the Black Pearl if we obtain the Aztec gold now, and force those damned pirates to seek us out on dry land."

"However, the enemies we will face will be multiplied as well. The robbed Elizabeth Swann would definitely seek to retrieve her gold medallion and detest us. This indicates that her two devoted ‘dogs’, Norrington and Will Turner, will relentless pursue us. We need to carefully ponder. If we were to hastily dive into this, do we have the ability to deal with a combined assault from three major powers?"

Mogensha and Reef plunged into silence after listening to Sheyan’s detailed analysis. Sheyan then coughed gently and continued.

"Therefore, I will follow accordingly to our original plan. First, find Mr Shawen and see if we can construct a ship that can resist the Black Pearl out at sea."

"However, Mr Shawen is locked in a heavily guarded prison." Mogensha frowned.

Furthermore, he was also hinting at unspoken words at play – "Even Jack Sparrow could only dwell within obediently. Trying to fish up someone is virtually impossible."

Sheyan’s eyes flashed with an ominous glimmer. He callously declared.

"Therefore, the already deviated storyline must return to its rightful track!"

Reef muttered.

"Could it be you are implying?"

Sheyan replied sternly.

"Strictly speaking, there isn’t much disparity between the current and original storyline. Though Jack Sparrow is now accompanied by Joshamee, they are still confined in prison. As long as the Lady Elizabeth can continue dwelling in the governor’s mansion, then the Black Pearl’s group of undying pirates would eventually sense the Aztec gold and raid Port Royal. When they kidnap the Lady Elizabeth, then the heavily guarded prison, no, every single defence in Port Royal could even be neglected. Don’t talk about rescuing a single Shawen, even freeing half of the criminals wouldn’t be an issue!"

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