The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 574: Laying hands

Chapter 574: Laying hands

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Hearing their conversation, the pirates around couldn’t refrain from giggling. They were completely surprised by such a treatment method. Instead, Sheyan maintained his expression and gently assured.

"I can assure you, just do it, my subordinate. On the contrary, Blacksail will treat you to a drink after awaking. I believe that after this lesson, he wouldn’t stick his tongue into things as he pleases."

Actually in chaotic situations, the most important was having a mainstay. After Sheyan explained his observations clearly, the pirates felt as though a huge burden had been lifted off their chest. To things they knew, they could boldly rush forth; even against tier-7 or 8 legendary creatures. However, they couldn’t refrain a restraining fear from forming towards the things unknown.

In reality, this peeing therapy was a folk remedy that Sheyan had heard of back in the real world. When he suggested it, he actually didn’t hold confidence that Blacksail would recover.

Nevertheless, such a mischievous tactic would cause the pirates to laugh inwardly, and ingeniously lighten this torturous atmosphere.

Davies had all along been deifying Sheyan’s words. Hence, he fished out his uncultured item and fired off towards Blacksail’s mouth with alacrity!

"Psshhsshshsshh" The steaming foul smelling urine poured out, soaking the unlucky Blacksail’s face.

In his deranged state where anything goes, Blacksail even drank down a mouthful. But very quickly, Blacksail’s stomach started rumbling. Instantly, he retched and a repulsively turbid viscous liquid was regurgitated out. Following that, Blacksail finally woke up after an intensive bout of retching; utterly oblivious of everything that had happened.

The pirates observed the contents of his vomit. Unexpectedly, the sludgy sediments formed into a sticky fish scale chip, which appeared exceedingly bewildering. Yet to their amazement, some of the food residues then congealed into tadpole like shapes. Evidently, if Sheyan didn’t suggest such a vile method, Blacksail would probably be impregnated.

Meanwhile, seizing this delay, Taitish had begun seeking for the trigger of that gigantic hatchet. After displaying a series of occult magic, she discovered a hidden mechanism. After destroying the underlying links, she successfully crippled the entire booby trap.

Suddenly, sonorous rumbling resounded from the wall behind, accompanied by the piercing friction of metal clanking; resembling enormous and rusty gears clashing in high speed motion.

Following that, a black glow flashed out from the stone wall to the left, before a massive 6 metre wide pendulum axe fell out and smashed to the ground with a loud bang. Dust and sediments puffed out as it jammed by the wall.

Instantly following, a stretch of cavern wall started crumbling. Everything appeared like a chained domino effect, where the supporting pillar had been knocked down. Fortunately, the crumbling didn’t affect the whole cave but was limited to a particular region. Hence, the pirates didn’t fly into an irrevocable panic.

After a long long while, the crumbling ruckus finally ceased.

Although some of booty digging pirates were buried by the overspill of crumbling rocks, they were definitely not weak individuals who couldn’t stand up against the wind, and drilled their way out from the rubble successively. Apart from the shock and lacerations, there wasn’t a single casualty.

Due to both Sheyan and Reef protecting their subordinates, they were also buried rather deeply.

In spite of that, their strength were amplified that of the pirates. With some assistance from the pirate subordinates, their heads were finally heaved out quickly and efficiently. At the very least, they had escaped the crisis of being suffocated beneath.

All of a sudden, an unfathomable sensation swept through Sheyan’s body. Because he was semi-buried underground, he was extraordinarily sensitive to tremors on the ground. It was as though after this collapse, a steady trembling had been invoked somewhere quite a distance away.

Initially, it felt as if a creation myth, the giants, were strolling here. Yet right now, it was as though every granule of sediment was trembling evenly, like being sieved into fine sand. Such a sensation felt as though it was filtering through all unstable objects!

Sheyan finally caught whiff of a familiar fishy seawater odour, where a spark of insight jolted through his mind. Immediately, he perceived the precautionary means the Black Pearl pirates had established!

This treasure cave should shockingly be located beneath sea level. Once they wrecked any hidden mechanism, it would activate a magic trap established beforehand. The rampart covering the cavern hole would then be removed, thus allowing seawater to flood in and utterly submerged the place!

"Hurry and flee!" After Sheyan had hastily explained his conjecture, the rumbling of rushing seawater was already crescendoing explosively. Even the winds were rushing excitedly against their faces; the sign of air being rapidly flushed out from this place.

Nevertheless, most of the individuals here were pirates who grew up by the sea! They were exceedingly confident in their swimming ability, each exclaiming they wanted to plunder some treasures before swimming out.

At this moment, Sheyan’s face became sullen as he coldly declared.

"Do you think Barbossa’s intelligence is minute? Does he expect mere seawater to prevent robbers from lusting after his wealth on this island of the dead? The flooding of water is merely the first deadly snare! Schemes after schemes like fine threads, don’t you understand why those pirates only arranged snares at places where treasures can be seen? It is to cloud your judgements with those mountain heaps of treasures! Alluring you into a reluctance to depart. I don’t have the time for this trash talk, all of you can stay if you wish to die. For those that don’t, leave at once and fend for yourselves!"

After his berate, the majority of the pirates hastily retreated with Mogensha and Reef.

Nevertheless, a few brats hoodwinked by greed still stayed behind. Sheyan glanced at those three pirates with a forced smile. They were former members of Chevalle’s pirate fleet.

"Since you’ve decided your own fate, there is nothing else I can say. Follow me and be careful."

Three minutes later, another terrifying and weird sound echoed through the cavern channel. A sound hinting of a starving great beast hissing with for a devouring. Actually, that was the whistling of the wind after being pressured out by the pressing rush of water. Gradually, weird sounds continued to multiply within their ears.

As the crashing sounds approached, an overflowing dash of torrent could be seen behind as it battered in with turbulent destructiveness.

Sheyan tightly hugged around a stalactite beside him. If he was incapable of stabilizing himself, his only outcome would definitely to be flushed by the water and collide repetively against the solid cavern walls. He would be like the ball of an intensive table tennis match, being struck incessantly before dying without having his corpse spared.

Meanwhile, the three ‘blinded by greed’ pirates were similarly impressive. Although it could be said that every second of diving into the water would result in exceptional riches, they only started swimming towards the treasure trove after waiting for the maelstrom in the water to turn mild.

By now, the entire cavern hall had been irrigated by seawater. The floating embers inside the jars of mermaid fat had all been extinguished. Fortunately, the distant treasures still emanated their bright splendor, sparing them from searching in the darkness.

At present, the realm allowed for Sheyan to breathe for close to half an hour underwater. Thus, he leisurely and prudently swam towards the treasure trove.

Yet unbeknownst why, he would frequently dive with weird trajectory; circling around in large loops as though he was avoiding something. No one could fathom his true objective.

Blinded by greed, the three pirates behind had long tossed out Sheyan’s warning, after beholding the treasures ahead and perceiving there were no dangers around, why would they even remember to follow behind his back? Instead, they straight up dove towards the treasures, picking up articles before fleeing.

Towards the conduct of those three pirates, Sheyan neither obstructed nor praised them; allowing them to reap with wild joy before fleeing frantically. He observed the treasure trove as he gaze gradually inclined upwards. Finally, his gaze stopped on an elevated rock.

Gold and silver were mindlessly heaped along this elevated ground. A golden cross was exuberating an alluring brilliance underwater. Like the smooth skin of a beauty, an exquisite antique china laid askewed by the side.

At the center of these invaluable treasures, was a chest crafted with stone. The periphery of the chest was carved with the pattern of a smiling sun and a weeping moon, decorated by a peculiar nefarious serpent with long wings surrounding them. Although the engraving of this nefarious serpent was probably done in a few strokes, it was vivid and lifelike. Its wings seemingly indicated it could soar into the horizon.

"This is it."

Wherever Sheyan passed through, he naturally didn’t forget to attempt picking up pirate treasures. Instead, he would receive a notification, informing him that though these treasures could be acquired, they hold a malicious curse that could only be purged by the blood of Black Pearl pirates. Moreover, they couldn’t be stored into his personal storage but had to be manually carried.

Sheyan obviously wouldn’t waste his precious time and energy for treasures that could only be exchanged for guineas.

He directly dove towards that ancient stone chest. Exerting great might, he pushed open the lid. Instantaneously, a dazzling golden of deep malevolence emitted out from within!

Momentarily, that golden brilliance refracted through the engulfing seawater and against the cavern walls!

881 pieces of Aztec accursed gold coins laid peacefully in the chest. They were merely missing their final compatriot for the entire family of accursed coins to have a reunion of merriment.

The cursed treasure of Cortéz!!!

Reaching this stage, Sheyan ought to be beaming with delight.

Instead, his eyes remained greatly conflicted as he observed this treasure. It was as if he was hesitating about something. Or perhaps he was awaiting something. Or perhaps he was afraid of something.

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