The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 664: Carcass of the crimson giant Boss Licker

Chapter 664: Carcass of the crimson giant Boss Licker

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Even though this Sun subtribe guardian was merely an average fighter, he absolutely wasn’t someone Sheyan could rival with his current state. Besides, even if the disparity between both parties were 2 tiers in a realm, phrasing in the perspective of Xuanhuan novels, a genius Sword Master would still fall short of challenging the weakest Sword Saint. In terms of Xianxia novels, an earthly cultivator can only run in the face of a measly, weak thunder immortal.

Fortunately, this Sun subtribe guardian had just suffered an ‘arrow to his knee’. With a major portion of his mobility being impeded by that, the limping guardian couldn’t catch up to Sheyan even in an hour.

Nevertheless, Sheyan couldn’t shrug him off either within a short span of time. Most critically, the brain substances of the Licker were truly repulsive. Even after being wiped off, their rich odor permeated out distinctly, and without a good rinsing, it served as an illuminating guide to any foe.

While fleeing ahead, Sheyan concurrently observed the man that was pursuing him. The veins on the guardian’s neck had swelled thickly, drilling deep into his body like tree roots. His eyes were thickly bloodshot and the sound of violent breathing could be vividly heard. A normal individual could never possibly reach such a berserking state. Clearly, the virus infection plaguing his body was worsening disastrously.

All of a sudden, Sheyan felt a gust of wind blowing into his face ahead; a cooling and moisturizing sensation. Knowing that he should’ve made it to the misty zone of the inner reaches, his spirit was instantly aroused.

The terrain of the inner reaches was complex and vast, polluted with multitudes of mutated abominations. Meaning it would be easy to escape and hide. As long as he could find a place, shrugging off his relentless pursuer would be extremely possible.

A faint glimmer pervaded through the dense strands of vines ahead. Evidently, a tunnel exit was right ahead. Hearing the sounds of heavy panting crescendoing behind him, Sheyan reflexively channeled more strength to his feet. Covering his head with both arms, he bashed through the tunnel exit with an anguished roar.

As it turns out, this exit was a cliff of over 20 meters in high!

Upon bashing out, Sheyan instantly understood he was in deep shit when his feet landed on emptiness. With the low visibility of the region, he could only see a dark shadow patch beneath; unknown if it was vegetation of rocks, he could only inhale deeply as he fell.

An acute pain shot up his legs as he crashed down, with muddy water splashing up. Sheyan immediately executed to a roll to cushion his fall.

Yet after his fall, Sheyan secretly rejoiced. The feeling of his leg distinctly told him that he had landed on a soft muddy marsh, with growing reeds everywhere. Though that was so, his legs still suffered inevitable injuries. And the muddy water had soared tremendously upon the impact, raining down in large brown droplets and thoroughly drenching him wet.

Quickly after, a muffled groan echoed from behind. Evidently, that Sun subtribe guardian had similarly leaped down. However, due to his earlier leg injury and the impact from the fall, when he landed onto the swampy ground, the damage he received was akin to adding hail in the snow.

Vividly seen, the leg bones of his wounded leg had twisted grotesquely. Such a fracture wasn’t that simple and probably had pierced deep into his flesh. Nevertheless, that Sun subtribe guardian preserved in his raging howls and hobbled towards Sheyan!

Noteworthily, the pain limitations for this world was set to zero. As such, Sheyan was still affected by the pain, while that berserking guardian seemed to have become numb to all senses. After pursuing and fleeing for 200 meters, they were both soaked like drowned rats by the torrents of rain. Panting with violent ferocity, Sheyan gulped down endless mouthfuls of rainwater.

Suddenly, the Sun subtribe guardian pursuing Sheyan behind released a shrilling scream!

Sheyan immediately looked behind, and to his horror, the guardian’s eyes were popping out with wisps of blood. Moreover, he had seemingly drawn an unknown strength, which supplemented a thriving impetuous to steamroll towards Sheyan.

Sadly, that guardian was now like a headless housefly. Bang! He collided straight into a large boulder that Sheyan had darted behind! Upon collision, a huge portion of the boulder crumbled with rock fragments spraying everywhere. In contrast, the guardian instantly bounced back upon impact; with his face flowing with blood, he sprawled to the ground.

Not long later, the Sun subtribe guardian stood up again. One could clearly see two thin mangled flesh dangling down from both his ruptured eyes. One eyeball was still suspended and streaming with blood, but was instantly rinsed by the torrential rain.

This Sun subtribe warrior stood rigidly where he was with a widened mouth; his white teeth additional distinct in contrast to the oozing maroonish blood. From the depths of his throat, transmitted strange pulses of snarls.

Firstly, was a drawn out but deep croak, followed by an enraged and sonorous snarl. Next, came a plaintive groan. The symphony of sounds was consecutive, piercing, barbarous and appalling. A remote deathliness and a tinge of surreptitious overwhelmed the entire place.

Unbeknownst why, this guardian warrior maintained his tight grip onto his stone hatchet, where the webbing between his fingers exhibited a melancholic paleness.

All of a sudden, a gentle and light ‘pu~’ sound drifted out from the guardian’s body. It was a soft yet melodious sound, seemingly lingering around the void briefly before dispersing away.

The guardian’s face instantly botched with paleness, and his jaws widened extremely from the agony; blood oozed down the corner of his lips. Sheyan could clearly observe – most of his soaked skin had seemingly been lacerated, revealing bright red chunks of muscles and flesh. Soon after, an eerie rib pierced out and shot out! Knocking against the boulder, the rib landed and bounced several times on the ground, before rolling and finally halted.

Soon after, the bones of this Sun subtribe guardian neatly jabbed out the surface like organizing an extravagant banquet. With insurmountable intensity, they broke free from the positions that they ought to reside in.

Finally, only an astounding sight of a body drilled with thousands of holes remained, before slumping to the ground like a tattered sackcloth; flooded with warm blood. Shockingly, the remnants of flesh continued convulsing; gently at first, before transforming like a frightened centipede attempting to bite and screw its surroundings!

The entire sensation felt as though the skeleton of this Sun subtribe warrior had rebelled against him simultaneously, making a frenzied getaway from his body!

Sheyan was utterly flabbergasted as he witnessed this scene. Still, time was tight and he proceeded to escape deeper into the misty inner reaches in deep thoughts.

At present, Sheyan was all alone. Moreover, after rinsing and reapplying the herb medicine, he successfully masqueraded away his scent. Thus, he displayed zero fear while advancing.

Although Sheyan was extremely clear that every second he stayed was equivalent to burning money away, there was still one thing he had to do; one that he couldn’t not do.

Because, if he didn’t accomplish this, then the true profits to gain in this world would effectively shrink by half!

This wasn’t mere frightening words to scare people. Besides, this entire affair had been incredibly outrageous to begin with. If not for Mbenga revealing the final secret after having his lifelong aspiration fulfilled and being freed from all grievances, Sheyan wouldn’t have been able to reach this conclusion even if he exhausted all his brain juices.

"Eh....what’s that ahead?" As Sheyan cautiously stealth through the gloomy visibility in the pouring rain, he discovered an abrupt trace of viscous crimson fluid. Hasting his footsteps forward, he suddenly caught a whiff of an unbearably foul stench. There was surely a deceased creature right ahead.

Sheyan cautiously crawled up a boulder and wiped the flooding rainwater off his eyes. When his blurry image cleared up, Sheyan instantly heaved a breath of chilling air.

On the path ahead, was shockingly a terrifying beast the size of a tiny hill.

It was the gigantuous, crimson blood Boss Licker!

Its appearance was exceedingly sinister. Its tongue stretched out to ancient lengths, that breathing could be considered a luxurious affair. One of its horrifying claws was strapped to its throat, which had been ripped into a mutilated mess.

Under the pouring rain, this Boss Licker was slowly dissolving, with some decomposed areas already exposing bones.

Not a single trace of life could be discovered on its body, much less to say of its earlier dreadful pressure. Undoubtedly, this creature that could be associated with the likes of Kraken Paul, had perished.

No one would feel fear from a clump of rotting flesh, even if this clump of rotting flesh had been unrivaled under the heavens before, possessing boundless might.

Sheyan understood this extremely clearly; this wasn’t some illusion or that his perceptive sense was being misled. The Licker was like a human, while Sheyan an ant that could be trampled to death easily. A human wouldn’t need to pull a double bluff strategy to deal with a single ant.

Observing that humongous dissolving carcass, Sheyan slowly trudged forward. As he pinched forth with his hand, his fingers feedbacked a peculiar tactile sensation. It was akin to touching a fresh squid or the cap of a mushroom. A sticky sap adhered to his fingertips.

Sheyan’s heart was still brimming with doubts. According to logic, this creature existed at the apex of the food chain. Probably even with every Ndipaya Kingdom Guardian allying together, they would still fail to fatally wound and slay this beast.

However, how did it die here? Looking at its current state, the surrounding environment still retained its original feel – a feeling of suffocating insanity.

"Just what kind of invincible existence….can execute a slaughterer as though it was invisible?"

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