The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 696: A man chewing steel

Chapter 696: A man chewing steel

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

The appearance of this dark-gold grade equipment caused the trio's eyes to sparkle. Brother Black was bursting with joy, as he squeezed out chuckles from his thick lips. The cigar dangling by his mouth fell to the ground.

His excitement wasn't strange at all. Truthfully speaking, who wouldn't be enthralled by a dark-gold grade equipment?

More crucially, Sheyan and Reef both had the indomitable 'Life-Link' ability which skyrocketed their chances of survival. Nevertheless, they were both MTs and Brother Black couldn't dispute the fact that both of them had to risk their lives at the battlefront.

Even so, even the common male would subconsciously examine their own little brothers upon noticing the large assets of naked male pornstars.

In the face of Sheyan and Reef's supreme survivability, Mogensha naturally felt rather lacking in security. Just so happens, this dark-gold grade equipment could make up for that feeling of lack. The crux was its defence and survivability enhancing capabilities. Moreover, it even held a controlling ability crucial to long range combatants – the ability to quickly pull open a gap between him and opponents. That was something he lacked the most!

However, excluding the dark-gold grade equipment, the remaining three items were relatively trash tier. The only one worth mentioning was a black grade dagger. Sadly, it had a negative property that lowered physique by 10 points...

Without a doubt, the trio decided to offer it to Odin, in exchange for strengthening their 'Flesh Explosion' ability.

Odin probably loved battle spoils that were acquired from killing, and the trio's 'Flesh Explosion' ability simultaneously raised by a notch. Sheyan's additional true damages were upgraded from 5-20 points to 10-25 points. Next, Reef's 50% chance of recoil damages were raised from a minimum of 10 points and maximum of 30 points, to a minimum of 15 points and maximum of 40 points.

Mogensha's ability was dealing additional damages after three consecutive shots, where the enemy's agony and blood would invigorate Odin's might; dealing true damages and a one second stunning effect, where the effect took 'Domain' precedence! For his improvement, the cooldown period of this stun effect was reduced from 9 seconds to 8 seconds.

Mogensha suddenly blurted out.

"Weird, I seem to have received an item from the enemy. Just a commonplace bandage though."

Afterwards, Reef discovered that he had also received precious American dollars worth 500 in currency. Apart from that, he also obtained a piece of paper that contained four question marks. An 'x' was marked above three questions marks, while the last one remained unmarked.

On the other hand, Sheyan received an apparatus, which was indicated as 'Unknown Glass Tube'. As for its description… was unexpectedly decomposing dinosaur bodily fluids!

Without a doubt, this should be a mission object belonging to one of those dead contestants. To that contestant, it was probably worth a thousand gold, yet it held no benefits to Sheyan at all. Sheyan felt rather regretful over this. After all, these objects should be the random drawn loots from their victory, and wouldn't be considered that rare.

When Sheyan examined Reef's acquire piece of paper, he quickly recognized it to be a sketch. After analysing it, Sheyan reckoned it to be a district map of the vicinity. As for the three question marks marked with an 'x', they should be places that had been searched already, while the final one hadn't.

Sheyan sunk into pensive contemplation as he scanned the map. Instead, Mogensha quickly suggested to escape from this area. Besides, Drizzt had mentioned clearly that the Skull Party was already controlling a satellite surveillance post.

In response to that, Sheyan investigated his military authority and resolved this problem.

His current military rank was Major. By spending one point of achievement point, a network disruption protection would form and resist such a probing suppression....

This goes to say that for contestants whose military rank was lower than his, they wouldn't be able to resort to utilizing the native technological methods to obtain information on him.

Of course, if a contestant possessed his personal satellite surveillance ability, the network disruption protection would be rendered invalid.

After adopting the disruption protection, the trio finally felt a peace of mind. After all, it wasn't a good feeling that someone had been monitoring them previously.

Of course, while the trio was feeling at ease, someone else was naturally feeling fidgety…...


In the midst of a ruinous district, a semi-wrecked billboard remained exhibiting news of the glorious olden days. A american dollar fluttered alongside the breeze while being nailed down by a rusty iron. A dislodged rock finally couldn't resist gravity and crumbled to the ground.

Its landing impact startled a cockroach, as the cockroach frantically sped away; seeking asylum in a narrow and shady corner. All of a sudden, its feelers tapped onto something black. Then, a shoe squashed down onto its head.

The owner of the shoe glanced down as he observed a mushy little bug. His face revealed a cruel bliss.

"Hoi! Judas, any news on them yet?" The owner of that shoe gloomily inquired.

The person speaking was a masculine and tall male. One could notice a shade of ironblood ruthlessness in his eyes. He had high cheekbones and a pair of falcon like callous brown eyes. When looking into his eyes, one would feel as though one's naked body was being seen through, no secret regions could evade his sight.

He wore a red and black cloak that had an enormous skull imprinted on it.

"Lord Skull...!" A short old head with a gloomy countenance marched out from the nearby house. This house that seemed to be on the verge of collapse, actually housed plenty of electronic facilities. Countless signal lights glinted and it resembled a telecommunications computer room.

The old head's appearance release a tremendous queer impression. One would think of an old rat with the first glance, a cockroach on the second glance, and a venomous snake on the third!

He gloomily reported.

"The situation is extremely complex. The district territory governed by branch head Dizzt is suffering from a disturbance. From the looks of it, Drizzt that brat is exploiting our weakness, that our satellite system is by the native technology of this world. I reckon that Drizzt has reaped an amazing profit and is unwilling that we should know."

Skull released an icy snort. After sweeping a glance through his surroundings, he grabbed a warped steel frame and swiped away the loose rust on it. Then, he actually stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it with large bites! The solid steel release crunching sounds as he chewed it. Eventually, he spat out a disgusting mess of steel wreckage, that appeared completely rusted as though it had been placed in water for decades. It was truly a repulsive sight, and no longer reflected the shiny luster of steel.

Just from spectating his expression, one couldn't tell he was chewing on steel but rather, chewing on a sugarcane..... This person called Skull swallowed some without reserve, as though he was indulging in his meal!

What kind of freak was he???!!!

"Is this situation really that complicated? Judas, Drizzt doesn't have the balls or appetite to devour what's mine. He will at most try to make a bargain!"

Judas shrugged his shoulders and replied.

"I'm not done, Lord Skull. I also believe they had suffered a severe blow, and lost four of their members! Furthermore, even after the disruption ended in that area, I couldn't find a single suspicious character! According to my investigation...I'm sorry to say this, but we've been suppressed in terms of military rank. The opposing party is an official field officer, I'm unable to track their whereabouts with the native's satellite system."

"What I want is a solution." Skull munched on another steel sheet.

"I've released a satellite that belongs to us." Judas earnestly reported.

Suddenly, Skull emotionlessly swung a kick at Judas. Crisp sounds of bone fracturing could be heard, as Judas had broken at least one leg. Bearing the pain, he muttered.

"Lord Skull, I reckon it's Glory Party that has pulled one over us with a hidden trick. You understand that in this world, there is no such thing as true peace! Even mere achievement points can suffice as motive!"

Skull munched down every single steel sheet on hand, and sucked on his fingers with an unsatisfied demeanor. His eyes turned additionally firm and sinister!


Vroom! Cha! A wooden door was sliced apart by Reef's lightsaber, as fumes emitted from the cut edges.

Reef then stomped open the wooden door. Instantly a piercing stench of rotting assailed his nose.

The rotting stench originated from a reclining corpse behind an office desk. This corpse had shot itself in the head. Nothing astounding could be seen from its front, but a massive mutilated blood hole could be seen at the back of its head; brain juices and blood had dried up on the floor.

This was the location indicated by the final '?' on that piece of paper.

Sheyan noticed a silver metallic box lodged in the left hand of the corpse.

After opening it, photos of various dinosaurs spilled out and lastly a document.

「 Fighting Essentials 」

Beneath the header, were slovenly written words.

「 Rookies take note: This information may not be of particular use, but it may prevent a Tyrannosaurus from biting off your head and treating it like oven baked cookies

「 A: At the start, fools will be immeasurably self-satisfied with seeing flesh and blood spewing from the exterior scales of a Tyrannosaurus, while assaulting it. The reality is this – injuring a Tyrannosaurus is easy, but to penetrate through its real skin and deal a fatal blow to it, one not only requires outstanding power, but also the wondrous luck of the caribbean sea

「 B: When a Tyrannosaurus charges in and you happen to be standing in front of it, either dodge immediately or repent 」

「 C: A Tyrannosaurus' astronomical physique and terrifying weight are its advantage, but can also become its flaw

「 D: Try your best not to engage a Tyrannosaurus in open ground. As far as I know, districts with short buildings like the ghettos would make a pretty adequate playing field 」

「 E: Although the difficulty of killing a Tyrannosaurus will be completely out of your expectations, but if you can accomplish this grand deed, the rewards will absolutely be a surprise 」

「 F: One last advice, this world is filled with countless horrifying variations. If you find yourselves in an inescapable predicament.....stand tall and fight! 」

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