The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 741: Pitfall

Chapter 741: Pitfall

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Following that, Test-subject 2 displayed a tremendously potent electric shock special ability – a blue electrical network that could paralyze all foes. It was clearly to combat flocks of Deinonychus and Velociraptors and held outstanding offensive might

Sadly, Sheyan's and Reef's abnormal resistance was ten folds that of ordinary Deinonychus and Velociraptors. For the contestants who grasped the weakness of these robots, such degree of strength obviously could't impede them.

Zi easily easily destroyed them with her 'Force Walls' as she exploited the robots' poor mobility on stairs. Sadly, the two robots didn't drop any equipments but still offered 3,000 utility points to each member.

Meanwhile, Reef faced those robots with a sensation of heroism without weapons. It would be fine if he hadn't witnessed the official MTs battling. Yet after that MT war of different paths, he couldn't help but thirst and desire the day he could step into their realm.

As for the guards....they unluckily fell prey to Brother Black's deathly barrels. Furthermore, they were utterly wrecked by Mogensha also due to Sheyan's terrifying virus effects. For these guards with physical constitution similar to real world humans, the 'Bronchitis' and 'Influenza' virus strains descended gravely onto them!

At present, Brother Black had one foot on Test-subject 2's flickering but dimming electric eye. He lit a cigar and said.

"If these machines were as mobile as humans, we would've been in deep shit today."

Zi replied indifferently.

"It won't be that simple. I reckon it'll take years before technological advancement in the real world can resolve that issue. Don't even mention humans walking, even running on four limbs like animals for a fully intelligent robot would be an immense challenge; much less to say of going into combat."

Sheyan then abruptly interrupted.

"Perhaps we should try negotiation with their upper management. There's a proverb; what we can't acquire from battle, we can't from negotiations. However, since we've already demonstrated our capabilities, perhaps the top executive is willing to listen to our request?"

Mogensha doubtfully replied.

"Negotiation? We are rushing for time you know."

Sheyan earnestly continued.

"If I'm not wrong, the top executive of such this large conglomerate ought to possess his own private elevator. Although our blatant rampage can earn us the 'Alpha Spraymist' in the end, we may not necessarily get into the executive databank and retrieve the coordinates of the secret lab. Therefore, shouldn't we approach this differently?"

Speaking till here, Sheyan's eyes glistened slightly.

"Moreover, this method may possibly offer us additional benefits too."

All these while, they were conversing through the party channel. After concluding, Sheyan glanced at a surveillance camera and spoke aloud.

"I am Major Seaman, you should've heard of my name before aye. We aren't here to appropriate your company's secrets, but merely fulfilling our highly classified mission to retrieve some coordinates. Pass my intentions to your top executive, if you are willing, we will leave once we retrieve the coordinates."

30 seconds later.

A minute later, followed by two minutes. Still no answer.

Observing the rather awkward atmosphere, Zi didn't know whether to smile or not while Reef was attempting to bring the mood up with jokes. Instead, Sheyan spun around and declared.

"Let's advance."

After trudging five steps forward, he warned with a solemn expression.

"Everyone be careful. The only reason they aren't negotiating even after we've demonstrated our capabilities, is possibly due to a hidden trump card. To them, this trump card will surely eliminate us. Hence, the lack of respect!"

As planned, the group of four ascended to the 40th floor.

After all, the 'Alpha Spraymist' wouldn't run but top executives could.

The theory of a private escape elevator was merely a guess, however, prior to encountering the Test-subject 3 robot, they had already ruined all normal operating elevators. Those elevators couldn't be fixed within a short duration.

Therefore, without an escape elevator, the only way down would be the fire escape staircase; this would be like catching a turtle in the jar.

Meanwhile, Sheyan's propagating viruses was on a complete outbreak. Violent coughing and sneezing filled the building. Under such circumstances, Sheyan could only apologize to the innocent workers suffering in this calamity.

When they arrived at the 40th floor, the route ahead separated into two left or right access channels; forming a gigantic loop for this floor. Furthermore, the main access gates adopted numbered signages instead of specific titles like 'general manager', or 'treasurer' etc.

The 40th floor was decorated with a futuristic scientific theme, with sleek corners and brightly lit walls of stainless steel. The place was pristine without a tinge of dust, and the floor was constructed with transparent plexiglass; arrayed with two rows of illuminating lights beneath.

The gang of four were rather surprised by such a decoration style, in their minds, they believed the executive floor would be filled with a business flare.

"Mogensha and I will take the left channel. Zi, you and Reef will take right and we should be able to converge at the end. Be careful, we cannot allow anyone to escape." Sheyan instructed.

This combination of one tank one long-range combatant should suffice to deal with any accidents.

Sheyan didn't discover anyone in the first two offices he searched. When he lightly forced open the third office, his eyes instantly met with a frightened guard. The guard was currently on a call and his panic tone sounded deflated.

Their gazes met, but the guard's reaction wasn't fast. With a loud cry as though he had just seen a ghost, he hurled his phone at Sheyan before reaching for his weapon by his waist.

Although the weapon at the guard's waist appeared analogous to an ordinary rifle, Sheyan could guess it was similarly a deadly weapon created specially for combating dinosaurs.

DA! DA! DA! Just as he was about to dodge away, Brother Black triggered his golden AK from a distance behind. The first bullet exploded the guard's brains with blood splattering everywhere, leaving a headless convulsing body idling momentarily before collapsing to the ground.

Proceeding from there, Sheyan spared any innocent unarmed employees he encountered. Unfortunately, those employees were clueless to his questioning and merely shook their heads in fright.

Still, resistance continued pouring in stubbornly as another small squad of elite guards attempted to ambush Sheyan and Mogensha.

In the end, that floor was utterly wrecked and the atmosphere reeked with rich blood stench. The corridor and office walls were dyed blood red with occasional brain pulps, as corpses sprawled on the ground.

The numerous mass of guards still failed to tarry Sheyan and Mogensha for long along this hundred plus metres loop channel. Eventually, they arrived at the end of the channel where Reef and Zi had already arrived from the right channel access.

At this point where the two channels converge, both parties shook their heads and expressed their fruitless adventure.

Nevertheless, ahead of them was now a straight access channel. The theme of this channel was different; exhibiting a velvety red carpet arranged sporadically with green plants by the side, arhaic oil paintings along the walls, and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. This channel was warm to the senses; akin to a five star hotel, this channel stretched to roughly 60 metres where one could behold an exceedingly spacious conference room ahead.

"We should be reaching the boss soon." Brother Black puffed his cigar and scolded. "Shitty brat, better pray he doesn't get caught by me!"

"Wait." Sheyan blurted out.

""I believe our deduction isn't wrong and we are reaching the hiding spot of the top brass. Still, they have yet to meet us which indicates they possess a contingency; an extremely formidable back-up! Therefore, this moment where we are closest to them, will also be the most dangerous moment."

Zi furrowed her brows and asked.

"What are you implying? We should move separately like before?"

Sheyan replied.

"If the top brass executives have prepared a private elevator, then we naturally should charge in and prevent them from escaping. If they do not, then delaying a little shouldn't pose an issue. The most dependable method is finding someone who knows the internal affairs here."

Zi sighed as she felt that Sheyan was being excessively cautious like an old granny. She refuted.

"No need for the hassle. Reef and I will head in first and you guys back us up."

Sheyan frowned and remained silent. Brother Black and him then maintained their positions.

Reef and Zi then marched into the pathway channel with a seemingly complacent demeanor. Nevertheless, they remained exceedingly vigilant.

However, when they reached the middle of the channel, two steel doors abruptly emerged without a warning and flawlessly blocked off their way out.

Those steel doors appeared like the kind that could withstand a nuclear blast. When the doors shut, a circular handle could be seen turning automatically before the doors were secured together with 'clunk'.

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