The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 784: Realm’s intention

Chapter 784: Realm’s intention

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Under the combined assaults of the three contestants, the unlucky orc shaman's vitality plunged swiftly. Besides, an orc shaman was still a shaman and couldn't escape the fate of a brittle physique.

When the orc shaman finally groaned and collapsed, it dropped a silver shimmering key!

Sheyan and Reef wasn't expecting the orc shaman to drop anything. Moreover, a silver storyline grade key wasn't extremely enticing to them anymore, hence, there was a delay in retrieving the key.

Who knew, that gloomy woman, upon witnessing the silver shimmering key, quickly reached forth her wrinkled hand with a sparkle in her eyes. Unexpectedly, the silver key started flying towards her!

"Eh?" Sheyan gasped in astonishment. He and Reef wasn't expecting someone to dare extract a tooth from the tiger's mouth.

Fortunately, the flight of the silver key wasn't fast. Sheyam immediately leaped up and snatched the silver key back.

In response, the gloomy woman knitted her brows and hissed out.

"Very good, very good."

The cultured middle-aged male issued sullenly.

"Yerna, you are no longer the party leader. If you don't change your habits, you will land yourself in trouble."

Yerna glared icily at Sheyan and Reef.

"Mind your own business, Franklin."

Reef was about to say something, but Sheyan had just summoned out a silver chest and reached in for a draw.

He actually pulled out a silver glittering orc skull staff! Based on its exterior, that was shockingly the bone staff that belonged to the orc shaman.

Sheyan was rather curious about the staff's properties because it seemed rather outstanding; as though it didn't belong to such a poverty-stricken mini boss.

[ Muyogu Arm ]

[ Type: Staff (relevant staff type ability will be enhanced) ]

[ Origin: Any world with orc magic ]

[ Rarity: Silver Storyline ]

[ Material quality: Excellent ]

[ Material: Chitin + Yellow hillwood + male unicorn fur + cursed blood + magic ]

[ Addons: gem/crystal ]

[ Weight: 3.4 kg ]

[ Usage requirements: Intelligence 50 points, physique 20 points, spirit 50 points ]

[ Durability: 7/7 ]

[ Property: Intelligence and Spirit +5 ]

[ Property: Physique and strength -1 ]

[ Equipment position: Dual hand ]

[ Ability: Flare – when wielder casts an ability, there is a chance of magic flare where damage dealt to enemy is raised by 15%. Magic consumption also increases by 15% ]

[ Ability: Bone Erosion – Magic force originating from the bone marrow of the staff will lower all of opponent's resistance by 20%. However, wielder will be affected by the bone erosion and personal resistance falls by 10% ]

[ Active ability: Magic Javelin – casting chant of 1.5 seconds, releases a magic javelin of 30 meters range. Deals a 1 second stun to the enemy and a 50% reduction in movement speed for 5 seconds after the stun ]

[ Detail: Magic Javelin damage equivalent to intelligence x 6 ]

[ Ability: Muyogu's Soul – the individual who crafted this staff utilized several cruel methods to enslave two innocent souls. When using the staff, there is a chance of being hypnotized by the two innocent souls for 5 minutes. Hypnosis is dispelled upon receiving damage ]

[ Detail: Fortunately, the two innocent souls are extremely greedy. Therefore, during such emergencies, you can pay utility points to awake from hypnosis. (utility points fee = fixed 2,000 points + world difficulty evaluation (0-5,000) ]

[ Description: Ensuring economic reserves is the first step to employing this magic staff ]

To Sheyan and Reef, this weapon was merely pleasing to the eyes. Instead, it could be a marvelous addition to other individuals.

Spectating the greedy glint in Yerna's eyes, Reef sneered in his heart as he waited for her to proactively snatch. Sheyan naturally knew what Reef was thinking and chose to keep quiet.

Nevertheless, Yerna was no idiot. When she noticed that both Sheyan and Reef were seemingly fearless, her heart was filled with doubts. Thus, the scene plunged into a certain awkwardness.

Suddenly, shouts of battle drifted in from outside.

Without a change in expression, Sheyan and Reef marched out where a scene instantly greeted them.

As it turns out, this was a mountain depression filled with shrubs, underbrush, and some chopped tree laying horizontally on the ground. The tree stumps appeared smooth and were probably treated as stools by the orcs.

Still, the current scene permeated with a rotting stench and broken bones could be seen everywhere.

The shouts came from the west, where loud sounds of metal collision could soon be identified.

Plop! Plop! After a while, two sounds that resemble sandbags dropping resounded in. It was as though a creature was struck flying.

Then came a clamorous crashing sound, which sounded like magic enhanced knight armour colliding. Following that, was a series of muffled echoes, as though someone was waving around a cumbersome large tree.

A second later, the contestants watch as an orc, unknown if dead or alive, soared in with limbs waving before crashing down heavily. Its eyes ruptured hideously when it landed, and black-maroonish blood streamed out from its eyes.

When that dead orc landed, the remaining few orcs fled in horror. However, lassos flew in like venomous snakes and descended precisely onto the necks of two fleeing orcs, although the rest caught nothing. With a forceful tug, the two unlucky orcs bounced into the air like kites and were dragged back to the grass.

Consecutively, a fine bronze truncheon carried an oppressive wind sound as it smacked in horizontally!

This truncheon, though just a truncheon, actually resembled a mace. It smashed against the orc's skull and bluntly mangled it like it was a watermelon.

The person wielding then…...drilled up from the grass.

Indeed, drilled was the correct world.

Because, this fierce male that could sweep through and massacre armies was barely 1.5 meters tall. He had a large red nose with a braided beard. His arm muscles were robust and his body seemed to develop horizontally instead. Still, he didn't appear comical and seemed firmly stable.

Indeed, this was a dwarf. A dwarven warrior clad in heavy armour and adept in using a dual-handed war mace!

The dwarf scanned around and trudged towards the wooden canopy. He quickly discovered the head of stable boy Pombo, before clutching his face and sobbing spasmodically; as though his relationship with Pombo wasn't shallow.

Moments later, others streamed in from all sides.

A brief while later, a male with golden curly hair who wore a black velvet mantle emerged. He walked over with large strides, as the sword scabbard clinked distinctly against the chain vest he wore.

The dwarven warrior looked over and exclaimed with sorrow.

"Mister Wright! We retrieved our goods but dear Pombo has been killed!"

Wright sighed and replied.

"Oh Segimli, go on and grieve, the lives of humans are short and death is an inevitable fact. Your uncle handed you to me so you can experience the joys and sorrows of life."

Next, he gazed towards Sheyan and the others.

"You travellers must have been abducted too? Winter is soon coming to Misty Mountains, the orcs are recently growing bolder; abducting all races everywhere. We're just retrieving the goods plundered by the orcs, ai.....what plans do you have?"

Franklin was the first to stroll forward, and pressed his hand to his chest before bowing.

"Respected Mister Wright, I've nowhere to go, please retain me kind sir."

Wright shook his head gently and replied.

"My caravan fleet does not lack numbers but we're destined for Rivendell. The paradise merchants of middle-earth, their banquet requires our supplies. I can bring you to the outskirts of Rivendell, I believe you can find a caravan in need of workers there."

Without a doubt, rescuing stable boy Pombo was akin to a free entry to Rivendell via Wright's caravan group. If one chose not to rescue, then one could only reach the outskirts of Rivendell where a sequence of mission awaits, and entry would only be given after mission completion.

Franklin bowed and responded.

"My gratitude for your kindness."

Following that, Yerna also joined in to follow the caravan.

Just when Wright was about to ask Sheyan and Reef, a group of humans arrived. This group clearly comprised of contestants, and seemed like a party albeit looking like a rather disorderly and messy one.

Observing this situation, Sheyan immediately whispered into the party channel.

"I just realized the realm's intention for us with this world's arrangement. Do you still remember how we first met? Likewise, we are left with two of us for this world, and therefore, triggered a certain secret condition. Once the world begun, it allocated parties with scattered contestants, or soloist without any parties. The realm intends for us to replenish our members!"

Reef contemplated and answered.

"That does sounds possible, but why were we imprisoned right after entering this world? That is extremely strange."

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