Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 166 – Kong Shang Xin in action

They all remembered that Chu Yang had once made a bet with them that he could go from a fourth grade Martial Artist to a Martial Master within one month. At the time, they thought he was joking. But now, they all thought: Would one month be too long?

This punk broke through three grades in an hour. He is now already at seventh grade!

Thinking about that, the four could not help but feel dejected.

“Don’t look at me like that; I am shy!” Chu Yang laughed so hard that his body shook as he walked, “Time to go to sleep; breakthroughs are truly refreshing!”

Behind him, four people, with their eight eyes, looked at each other. Breakthroughs are truly refreshing? Could they ever be uncomfortable? If we can breakthrough like that, we would be dying from joy.

“Oh hey, Dong Wu Shang! If you are the first person to break through, I will immediately give you the saber of your dreams!” Chu Yang suddenly stopped walking; with his back still turned toward Dong Wu Shang, he said solemnly, “But you have to find the black steel needed to make a Black Saber!”

“No problem!” Dong Wu Shang’s whole body shot up with excitement, “I will definitely break through this month, and then I will go home and get some for you!”

“Stop! First to break through? Dong Wu Shang, who do you think you are?” Luo Ke Di, Ji Mo and Rui Bu Tong glared at him and asked with a look of hostility.

“Ah… I feel as if I am about to break through!” Gu Du Xing stood on the side and suddenly spoke up with a strange expression on his face.

The four simultaneously vomited blood, “You, you will…”

“Really!” Gu Du Xing sincerely nodded, “It looks like I will have to go in closed door cultivation! Everyone, I am so sorry! It looks like no one will be in the position to compete with me for this second elder martial brother title!”

Then he casually waltzed away.

Behind him, Ji Mo screamed until his voice was hoarse, “Gu Du Xing! You are not human! You just broke through seventh grade Sword Great Master…!!!” (TLN: Actually said Martial instead of Sword here and next line. I don’t know why the author distinguish them before, but not now. Perhaps, Martial is more general like biology vs marine biology?)

Gu Du Xing suddenly paused and replied regrettably, “I have to correct your mistake; it has been half a month since I broke through seventh grade Sword Great Master!!!”

Ji Mo cried but no tears came; he swatted on the ground, completely traumatized!

Both of them were sixth grade Great Masters with equal strength. Currently, Gu Du Xing was already preparing to break through to eight grade? This was unbearable for Ji Mo’s large ego…

During the night, Ji Mo and company remained restless. At some point, an abnormal aura emanated from Gu Du Xing’s room. All four people were in tears; they wanted to cry out, “He really broke through!”

Chu Yang slept soundly that night.

Around midnight! A dozen shadows moved toward the prison like clouds in the wind.

Golden Horse Riders Department had finally made its move.

Kong Shang Xin had told them before leaving, “Make trouble! Make maximum trouble! Even if you cannot save Number One this time, you must turn everything upside down. I will go to Bu Tian Pavilion to check for any movements! Once word gets out, King of Hell Chu will, of course, come to see the situation. That will be the opportunity for me to kill that King of Hell Chu!”

King of Hell Chu’s death is much more important than Number One’s situation. Number One is a spy who got captured, so his outlook is not that great anyway.

It would be a waste to rescue a disabled person like him anyway!!!

At least he provides an excuse to kill King of Hell Chu; that could be considered Number One’s contribution.

This King of Hell Chu always hides. Getting our own people close to him is impossible. The only method left is to scare the snake out of its hole.

It was not that Kong Shang Xin never thought about directly attacking Bu Tian Pavilion and killing King of Hell Chu! But without knowing where King of Hell Chu would be, how could Kong Shang Xin kill him? King of Hell Chu would probably escape at the first sign of trouble. Plus, King of Hell Chu would only need to take off his mask to become unrecognizable.

This move to scare the snake out was not exactly good. Therefore, Kong Shang Xin used the fake excuse of rescuing Number One to kill King of Hell Chu!

The prime minister had said to avoid King of Hell Chu at all costs, but he also once said that if a good opportunity arrives, then take a chance! Kong Shang Xin understood this very well.

Tightly guarded Iron Cloud prison.

The traps had been set a day ago. From then to today had not been that long; but calculating the time when Great Zhao started making their move until now, Great Zhao’s force had traveled at great speed to get to Iron Cloud.

Starting today, everything was in a state of war!

A great battle could break out at any moment!

While they did not know who the prisoner locked inside was, they were certain about one thing: This person was certain an important character of Great Zhao. Otherwise, King of Hell Chu would have never bothered putting in so much effort; and the prince would not have fully cooperated like this!

Thinking of this, all of the guards became even more cautious. While there were countless guards, who would dare to sleep? If they fell asleep for a little, there would be no guarantee that their heads would still be attached to their necks in morning!

Right at the moment everyone was vigilant, the great battle finally came.

Without any warning, the largest torch at the highest guard tower suddenly died out. Immediately after, all of the torches in every directions died out as well!

The prison quickly drowned into the darkness of the night!

“The enemies are attacking!” A sharp voice rang out anticipating the horror to come in the mournful darkness.

With a sudden unified cry, all of the martial masters and soldiers waiting in the Iron Cloud prison poured out and quickly took up all the key locations. But the night remained quiet without half a sound. Everyone was tense! The enemies had arrived, but where were they hiding?

Each person had their blade drawn and was on guard!

In the shadow, three Command Horse Riders looked at each other. In this mission, the three of them led a team; Kong Shang Xin was in a secret location and was not participating.

“Look at their defense; the door of the left room is very carefully guarded!” One of the Command Horse Riders whispered, “Given the layout of this prison, there is likely many traps. This will be troublesome!”

All three nodded at the same time.

The incident earlier was caused by them. When people are caught off guard, they show their true selves and pay attention to what was most important to them.

Currently, the three Command Horse Rides made use of this trait. They used their opponents’ reactions to determine where Number One was being held. Finally, they would concentrate their forces at this key position to achieve their purpose.

Only those who were seasoned used such methods!

“Act according to our established plan!” One of the Command Horse Riders quickly issued an order.

In the silence of the night, there was suddenly three horses galloping quickly toward the prison. The wind and hoof beats ripped through the silence.

“Who goes there? Halt!” Someone yelled out at the gate. The atmosphere returned to silence and countless archers aimed at their target. The arrowheads shined so brightly that the night glowed in a faint and mysterious manner.

“Who is in charge tonight? Come out and answer!” All three horses stopped; the two people in the back wore the uniforms of the prince’s bodyguards while the person in front was dress in ordinary attire. His eyes were sharp like those of a hawk as he stared at the main door of the prison.

In the darkness, a person asked with a low voice, “Thunder pushing forth?”

“Iron Cloud forever!” The new arrival immediately replied without any hesitation; then he asked, “Is it Commander Li or Commander Zhou?”

“It’s Li! Were you sent from the prince’s manor? You are unfamiliar!” Within the great door, a person asked suspiciously.

“You don’t need to know who I am! The prince has sent words that Great Zhao will make their move tonight, and their forces will be extremely powerful! The prince is worried that there will be trouble at the prison and sent me as a precaution!” The horse rider yelled coldly, “Open the door!”

“The prison is a high priority area; ordinary people cannot enter or leave! Even if you say it’s a verbal command, it’s still the same!” Commander Li said severely, “If you want to enter the prison, you need the prince’s authorization or Minister Chu’s seal.”

“I don’t have Minister Chu’s seal, but I do have the prince’s authorization!” The person sneered and pulled out an envelope.

“Bring it here!” Commander Li remained on guard.

The other person’s eyes flashed as he said, “Catch!”

He tossed the envelope over. The thin paper unexpectedly spun in the air; it made a whistling sound as it flew for five or six yards before landing in front of the door.

The door still did not open, but a sound was heard as the steel chains along the wall were lowered. A hand grabbed the envelope, and the chains were pulled up.

As the chains were pulled half way up, a saber flashed and severed them. At the same time, seven or eight dark shadows appeared from all directions. Within seconds, five or six people appeared at the front.

The sound of bows being released was heard, and arrows rained down in front of the door.

Iron Cloud’s signature weapon, second to none! The prison guards reacted right away without any hesitation. While this was unexpected, there was no chaos!

But five people made it past and began killing!

The three people on horseback were not to be outdone. They jumped out and were in front of the five in a flash!

Inside and out were filled with loud noises.

The sharp sounds of horns stirred up the prison! Countless soldiers gathered from all directions. The surrounding barracks also sounded their horns. Only a little after, thundering hooves were heard from all directions as they approached the prison!

The five people rushed into the room and immediately discovered that there was a large pit and under them was a large net filled with shining sharp blades!

This was the only entrance to the left of the prison. From this point on, there was great fortification with many meticulous traps. The five people in black seemed helpless as they kept close to the wall for fear of dropping down and getting cut into pieces.

At the same time, cross bows were aimed at them from all directions. One wrong move, then their lives would be taken.

This situation was extremely bad for the men in black! If they continued, not only would they would not be able to go any further, they would probably also have to leave their bodies here.

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