True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 108 - The Words She Never Heard Before

Chapter 108 – The Words She Never Heard Before

Hugo propped his jaw against his knuckles, lying on his side. We barely made it to his bedroom because Hugo was a bit impatient. But we managed. I was tired after our intense activity that lasted for over an hour with multiple rounds, but unlike the first time, I didn't sleep — I couldn't. 

"Rinrin," he called softly, brushing a few stray hairs away from my forehead. "What do you think of Belcoot?"

I lied to my side, facing him squarely. "It's warm."

"Warm?" he chuckled. "I don't recall that you had a drink."

"I mean, everyone is warm." I pouted and slapped his chest lightly while he laughed. "You're playing too much, Hugh."

"Ah, sorry, sorry." He held my wrist, trying to stop himself from laughing. Hugo then dropped the arm that was supporting him, lying naked beside me while under the soft blanket. After surrendering this precious body, my mother was so afraid to be touched by others, I was getting more comfortable sleeping naked with Hugo. His body felt warm, so I moved closer to him. 

Hugo laid his arm and slipped it under my nape, using it as my cushion. I wrapped my arms around his muscular physique, melting into the warmth of his embrace. 

"Not tired?" he inquired, placing gentle pecks on top of my forehead. He tightened his grip slightly before loosening it to not suffocate me. 

"I am, but I can't sleep."

"Should we go again?" he suggested in a more serious tone, but I slapped his bare chest lightly. "I don't mind, though. If you want."

"I just can't sleep," I said and sighed. "Lately, I had been having dreams of the past."

"Do you hate them?"

I remained silent as my eyes glinted with bitterness. "I don't know. I've been trying to address them properly and see the situation with more rational thoughts, but… I always turn my head away."

"One step at a time, Rinrin," he hummed while rubbing my back lovingly. "Don't rush yourself. Take your time. It's fine if you can't come to terms with them overnight. Trust the process, my Bambi."

"Mhm." I smiled. This was what I loved about Hugo. He would constantly spew insults and profanities — he was also blunt through and through. But he would usually catch me off guard whenever he imparted his wisdom. 

Little did I know, Hugo opened his eyes as he spoke. "You're very important to me, Rinrin," he asserted while still stroking my back, pulling me closer to him. 

"Just the thought of losing you is enough to drive me insane. I can't think of tomorrow without you anymore or a life where you're not there," he continued in the same solemn tone with a touch of sorrow. "More than anything, I'm scared that you will hate me as well."

How sweet.

"That will never happen," came out a soft, yet reassuring voice.

  "What if I caged you?" I froze when he raised an abrupt question.

"Do you want to cage me, Hugh?"

"No. All I want is for you to live happily and freely that some people deprived you of." My heart warmed up listening to his voice. "I truly wish that you attain the peace of mind you deserve. Although I don't know if I can give you a peaceful life with my chaotic way of life, bear with me for now. I'm also new to this."

A subtle smile dominated my face, blinking weakly. 'I think I can sleep in peace tonight.' I stayed quiet, listening to his soothing, warm baritone voice. With his fingertips still stroking my back with such gentleness and the warmth that was embracing me, I felt safe. 

"Will you even trust me if someday I would have to decide that you might find… unforgivable?"

"Is there something that will make me not understand Hugo's heart?" I whispered, feeling his worries by listening to his voice and the beat of his heart.

"Who knows?"

This time, I carefully drew back to look at him. When our eyes met, I sported a subtle smile. 

"You accepted me the way I am, so I will accept Hugo the way he is. I know you are doing your best to keep me safe, even though it's not your obligation." I placed my palm to cup his lean cheek. "I don't think I properly thanked you for that. So, thank you, Hugh."

There were more things I would like to thank him for, but we would have to spend an entire night on that. Also, I knew Hugo would understand my heart even if I wouldn't spell it out for him. I leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips, smiling against it as I drew my head back. I rested the side of my head on his arm again, eyes on him. 

Hugo caressed my cheek with a thumb. "You're right," he breathed. "Belcoot feels warmer than the last time I was here."

I kept quiet while keeping my eye contact with him. A moment later, my breath hitched as my back stiffened. That was not because he tried to seduce me again or his subtle action. But his next words were something… I never heard in my entire life.

"I love you, Rinrin," came out a soft confession with a subtle smile. "I know you might not love me the same, but I realized my feelings aren't just a simple infatuation or inkling. When I realized I loved you, everything magically made sense."

For some reason, my eyes stung as they sweltered. To hide this reaction, I leaned closer to him and buried my face in his chest. In my life, I never recalled anyone telling me those words. I heard all types and forms of affectionate words and compliments such as; you are important, I will keep you safe, they like me, and the like. 

But these three words… that simple 'I love you', sounded so foreign. And yet, I could not help but tear up in relief. I wanted to tell him those words, but I was afraid I would choke and break down instead.

"Haha. Let's sleep, Rinrin. You will wake up tomorrow without me, but I will return to join you for lunch." He chuckled while patting my back, keeping me in his embrace.. "Goodnight, my Bambi."

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