True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 169 - Pressing His Nerves To Stop Him

Chapter 169 – Pressing His Nerves To Stop Him

Hugo searched for Rinnie that night, all alone. Even when his body was on fire from fever and even when he could barely breathe, he followed her scent like a mad wolf. He looked for her all night until he collapsed in the middle of the cold.

Yet, he didn't stop. 

Even when he had to crawl like a wounded wolf, he kept moving forward. In his mind, if he waste another second, she would get even farther from him. But alas, even if he searched every nook and cranny, there was no trace of her. 

He even went to the Tarsa tribe's settlement area. But only a few were left to protect the forest, and for their brothers beyond the border. They didn't know where Rinnie went because she told no one about it. 

The longer he searched for her, the slimmer the hope in his heart. But he was determined, not allowing the negativity to cloud that sliver of hope. 

He would find her and bring her back. 

However… Hugo had his limits. Two nights after he left the castle, Daniel finally came to find his brother. They had been watching him, but no one couldn't approach him with the anger he was exuding. They waited until Hugo was drained of energy.

After reaching the last town, the exit of Belcoot, Hugo stood beyond the gates. He was just standing there all alone, eyes ahead.

"Hugh," called Daniel after gesturing everyone to stand from a distance. "You're at your limit. Let's go back, brother. You will never find her in this state."

His eyes fell on Hugo's bleeding feet. He had been looking for her barefoot, making everyone think he had lost his mind. It wasn't an exaggeration, though. Hugo was barely keeping himself sane. He couldn't even shift with his current state of mind, inviting frostbite in this cold climate with only his night attire.

"There," Hugo whispered, pointing in a direction ahead. "She went there. If I just move a bit more, she'll be there…" 

Daniel frowned. "No, Hugh. You've been mumbling that repeatedly, but she's not in anywhere you went. Rinnie left, and it's been days. If you come to her in that state, do you think she will be happy?"

"Just a bit more…" Hugo murmured, dragging his feet forward. "… I'm faster than those fatties. I can catch up."

"Dan." Alice turned her head and gazed at Daniel's rear. "He will die at this rate."

Daniel didn't look away from Hugo's pathetic back. "Hugh…"


Before Daniel and Alice could even take action, Ida's figure went past them like a bolt of lighting. Before they knew it, she was already several steps behind Hugo. 

"Your Grace!" Ida yelled her lungs out, making Hugo pause in his steps. "Stop this right this instance!"

Even without looking back, Hugo already knew who owned that voice. The side of his chapped and pale lips curled wickedly, turning around with his head hanging low. As soon as he did, he tilted his head while studying his destined mate. 

Was it because he was ill that he didn't have the energy to run back to that woman? Or was his determination to see Rinnie overcome his instinct? No one knew. 

Either way, that didn't matter at the moment. Ida was in danger as Hugo's crimson eyes were glinting as his canines grew longer and sharper. And yet, Ida fearlessly looked back at him. 

"She left because of you." Ida curled her hand into a fist, eyes holding his brooding gaze. "She did so because she wants you to be well. She didn't want you to die, but what you are doing is the opposite of her wish –"

Ida's breath hitched as her eyes popped open, along with the strong gust of wind from the east. Her heart drummed against her chest, slowly turning her head to her side. 

Hugo was already standing in front of her, arm on her side as if he planned to strike her with an intention of chopping her neck off. Fortunately, Daniel was fast enough to stop and grab Hugo's arm. 

"Hugo Tempest." Daniel let out a low snarl, tightening his grip. But Hugo didn't seem affected by Daniel's aura as he looked at him in the eye. 

"Dan, why did you stop me? Because of this woman, Rinnie left. If only she's dead, there's no reason for Rinnie to leave." The sound of Hugo's teeth grinding scratched Daniel and Ida's ears. "Let go, Brother. While I am asking nicely."

Daniel noticed that the hair on his brother's arm was growing thicker. "Ida is not at fault, Hugo. You know that. And Rinnie left because of you."

"Daniel Tempest."

"Hugh." Daniel tightened his grip on his brother's arm, sensing the challenging aura Hugo was emitting. "If you are not well, how can you find her? In this state… are you sure you will find her or die before that? Don't be so pathetic, Hugo."

A ridiculing scoff escaped Hugo's mouth. "Pathetic, you may call it, but I don't fucking care. If you're not here to help, get fucking lost." Hugo pulled his arm away and clicked his tongue irritably. 

Even in such a state, it was a feat to stand before Daniel's commanding aura like it was nothing. But that… alarmed Daniel and his siblings. Right now, Hugo was in a state to reach a certain peak; a breaking point that could endanger Hugo's life even more. 

As Hugo snorted at Ida and turned around to walk away, Daniel took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, a glint flickered across his eyes. 

"Between you and Rinnie, I will always choose you, brother," he uttered solemnly, letting his canine grow. "I will kill her." 

That finally caught Hugo's attention. He stopped and looked back once again.

"What did you say?"

"I will kill Rinnie. In that case, you can always keep her by your side. Her remains, I mean." Daniel stretched his neck sideways. Rinnie knew this would happen, so she specifically wrote to him. 

"Hah…" Hugo laughed in ridicule, cocking his head to the side. "You will kill her?"


"Say that again."

"I will — Perci, Silas!" 

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