True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 174 - The Gut Feeling

Chapter 174 – The Gut Feeling

After our last performance three days later, we set off to Althea the next day. Althea wasn't that far. It took us two weeks to arrive in the said kingdom. 

I raised my brow when a glass of booze slid in front of me. "This is on me." I turned my head to the side, seeing a young nobleman smile charmingly. 

"I've been a regular in this tavern, but I never quite seen a lovely lady such as yourself." He popped his elbow against the bar counter in this tavern in Clayburn, Althea. "Are you waiting for someone?" 

I smiled. "Yes. I appreciate the treat, but my husband might be disappointed if I accepted it. My apologies." I slid the glass back to him, keeping an amicable demeanor.

"You're married, huh?" 

"Yes. I'm waiting for him." I gazed down at the glass I was holding with both my hands. We just arrived in this kingdom, and I told Bowie and everyone I would like to roam Clayburn while they settle down. And I ended up in this tavern to have some drink and eavesdrop; that habit I never quit.

There wouldn't be any good place to know the current situation of the kingdom if not in this type of place. So far, it seemed the reason we were invited to perform was to divert everyone's attention from the power struggle in the kingdom.

"While you are waiting, can I join you?" the nobleman inquired once again, not leaving me alone, even though it was obvious I didn't need some company. I kept my smile as I sighed, shifting my attention to him. 

"No, I'm sorry," I rejected politely, already used by these kinds of advances. 

"Come on. It's not fun to drink all alone."

"It's alright. I'm used to it."

"That's why you need company since getting used to being alone is bad. You see…" the stranger insisted, explaining why I should indulge with him. My consistent refusal also seemed to annoy him. 

"This is the problem with men," I whispered in the middle of his sentiments. I pivoted on my chair, arm propped against the bar counter, while my legs rested over the other.

"Most men take no as a yes and silence as a yes." I breathed out, giving this man my undivided attention, just as he wanted. "I'll take it as you won't take no as an answer, would you?" 

"Don't make me sound like I am harassing you." He laughed awkwardly.

What a joke.

"If it's not harassment, what do you call it? Don't we speak the same language? I said no." I narrowed my eyes as an icy glint flickered across them. "Will you now force me to come with you? Or call your friends over to intimidate a lady? I wonder which type of buffoon you are?" 

"Hah… you're speaking too cruelly, don't you think?" 

"If you're hurt, then that means I said something true." He frowned while my smile remained. I tilted my head to the side, shrugging indifferently. "It was a pleasant chat."

I pushed myself from the bar counter to leave. I was waiting for Edge and Bowie but never mind that. Staying in here longer was just asking for trouble. 

As I walked away, I glanced over my shoulder. He was following. 

"Hey, wait! That… wench…" I heard him grumble through his gritted teeth, but I didn't stop. Instead of walking out through the entrance, I used the other exit since there would surely be no people there. 

When I exited through the back door and stepped out into the empty alley, I stopped. 

"I said stop, didn't I?" I looked back to see the stranger clicking his tongue, hands on his hips. "I just want to be friends. What is wrong with you?"

"And I said I didn't want to, right?"

He scoffed, eyes filled with malice. "You have a sharp tongue, I give that to you. But do you know who is the person you're refusing to drink with is?"

"Are you, perhaps, the king of Althea?" I asked, just to spite him, chuckling when he frowned. "Then I don't see any other reason to indulge with you. Don't follow me."

I smirked before turning my back against him. Of course, men with inflated egos never listened. 

Just when I took three steps, a hand grabbed my wrist. The man spun me until I was facing him. His eyes were sharp, displeased by what I had said and my actions. 

"So you're that type, huh?" I muttered even before he could speak. "The type I dislike the most." 

In a blink of an eye, I used the wrist he was holding tightly and flung it to the side along with him. He choked when his back hit against the wall, but I wasn't kind enough to give him a moment to understand his situation. 

I grabbed him by the collar with one hand while the other was on my hips. I bent over for a closer look. 

"I told you, didn't I? Don't follow me," came out a cold voice with zero sympathies. "You're the type of person I dislike the most. Don't know how to listen, can't respect other people's decisions, and cannot accept that the world doesn't revolve around them."

The side of my lips curled up mockingly. "You can be the king or an emperor in an empire. I don't give a damn. Just don't bother me." I clicked my tongue and raised my other hand, doing a chopping move between his shoulder and neck to knock him unconscious.

As soon as his eyes dimmed from life, I let him go. He slid down, making me gaze down at him coldly. 

"It's a good thing I went out in disguise," I said while dusting off my hands. "This man seemed to be an important individual on Althea. He wouldn't recognize me if ever he attends the…"


I froze when I heard a woman's voice, turning my head to the end of the alley. All I saw was the ends of a woman's hair passing by. 

'Did I hear her correctly?' I wondered, blinking to gather my thought. 'No. I mean, it could be the same name. There's no way Hugh will be in Clayburn.'

I convinced myself while shaking my head. When I was completely convinced and tossed any ridiculous thoughts at the back of my head, I sighed after casting the stranger a quick look. 

"Edge told me he will fetch me," I muttered, walking away from the unconscious man. "I wonder if something happened." 


Meanwhile, somewhere in Clayburn, Althea…

"Wait…!" Ida panted for air as she finally caught up with Hugo and the rest of the pack. With her hands on her knees, she raised her eyes only to reveal her glares at Hugo's back. 

"Hugo, what the hell? Why would you all run off like that?" 

Hugo furrowed his brows, ignoring Ida completely. After a second, Reks returned and appeared on Hugo's side. 

"Alpha, we lost Edge," Reks reported in an annoyed tone. "He probably thinks he is yet to be forgiven."

"Hmm…" Hugo narrowed his eyes. "Let him be for now. We'll catch him la… ter." 

He trailed off as Hugo looked back when his heart suddenly hammered against his chest. For a split second, he felt a very familiar presence from three years ago, but all he saw were random passersby.

"Hugo?" called Ida, darting her eyes from where he was looking at to his face. "What is it this time?"

"Nothing. I thought I saw a ghost, but it's nothing.. Let's go."

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