True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 186 - The Brewing Tension About To Reach Its Boiling Point

Chapter 186 – The Brewing Tension About To Reach Its Boiling Point

"Hugh? What are you doing in Clayburn? And how did you know what will happen in this kingdom?"

I glanced up at Hugo, staring at his rear cluelessly. Right now, even when I couldn't see what was going on outside, the faint sound chorusing; the shouts, cries, fires breaking out, and the clang of weapons was enough to know what could be seen outside. 

It was a little shameless of us to be lying naked on the bed after making love intensely when Clayburn, Althea, was on a brink of getting ruined. Maybe because I was a visitor, I didn't have any particular feeling about it. Or it could also be I didn't want to bear any feelings regarding it, since it would only bring back those emotions when I fled Everfell. 

Either way, I was curious. Ronmin Empire and the small kingdom of Althea weren't connected in any way. I understood Hendrik Empire if they had an eye on this place since it was close to Everfell. It was only natural that the empire full of vampires would shift their attention to this place after Everfell. 

So, what was Hugo's intention in bringing his people into this place? Was it solely for 'fun', just as he claimed? Or was it to sabotage Hendrik Empire? Was a war between vampires and werewolves brewing in these three years?

"Dan…" my breath hitched as soon as he mentioned Daniel. "Dan and the crown prince of Hendrik Empire were similar in a way. They equally hate the other race and only wished for one thing, to eradicate the other race."

Hugo carefully bats his eyes while facing me. "When we returned to Belcoot the first time, Daniel raised the security around the empire. We agreed that once we left for Belcoot, we'll test if vampires would only come to Belcoot for you or will still linger in the capital."


"Bambi, do you think my father will allow me to return to Belcoot before the mating season? He wants us to stay and attend our wedding, but because of those annoying bats, I had to take precautions," he explained with a mixed tone of solemn and indifference. "I used the bats as the excuse and, well, you as the bait."

"…" I didn't hear about this until now. In other words, he planned to use our time in Belcoot to see the vampires' intention? And I had no idea? I looked at Hugo with conflict in my eyes. He was cunning; I didn't know he was until now. I thought he was all about brute force.

"To put it simply, we want to see if you're the only one the vampires want. But apparently, although some bats came to Belcoot, they lingered in the empire longer." He hummed as he set his eyes back on the ceiling again. "The emperor was livid. Knowing his short temper, he dared send a few vampires' heads back to the Hendrik Empire after engraving his message in their flesh."

"What?" My eyes dilated in horror. 

"In other words, before the mating season starts, the Ronmin Empire and Hendrik Empire had been taunting each other. My father, the emperor, kept sending the remains of the vampires who infiltrated Ronmin to the emperor of Hendrik. The latter, on the other hand, mocked us by slaughtering wolves and piled them up in the borders of Ronmin. Some even wore a wolf's head as a mask," he detailed as if this was not the sign of the brewing tension between two powerful empires that could lead to war. "Ever since then, we kept an eye on each other."

"Will there be a great war, Hugh?" 

Hugo pressed his lips into a thin line. "Depends. Azazel, the fourth prince of the Hendrik Empire, doesn't share the same objectives as the crown prince. A war that huge between two species guarantee devastating casualty for both parties."


"I am helping the fourth prince fight for the throne." I froze at his remarks. "The crown prince of the Hendrik Empire wants nothing but destruction. He conquers lands for fun. Although he was similar to Daniel, my brother still chooses the best and most rational thinking. If someone like Azazel succeeds the throne, then werewolves and vampires might find a way to co-exist."

Hugh…" I looked at him worriedly, but he returned it with a reassuring smile. 

"Don't worry, Rinrin." He rolled until he was lying on his side, facing me squarely. "Everything is under control. The rebellion will fail. I made sure it will."

My eyes softened with worry, staring into his pair of clear golden eyes. "That's not it, Hugh. It's just… vampires cannot be trusted."

"I don't trust them. I never trusted Azazel. I will kill him the second he thought of betraying Ronmin." He smiled as he leaned his face forward. "I simply trust my judgment."

"What about Daniel?" I blurted out, watching him draw his head back. "Why are you here and not him to supervise? Wasn't this something the crown prince of Ronmin to deal with personally?"

It was a dumb question. Of course, Daniel didn't need to move from his office to get things done. He had people and going into such a dangerous task would endanger the life of the next sovereign of Ronmin. However, I wanted to know about Daniel. 

I had to know if he was still alive and what he was up to. I don't believe Daniel would think 'rationally'. What was rational for that person was to see as much blood as possible. He was no different from that Niall in the Hendrik Empire. 

Both Niall and Daniel were born to ruin each other. We three returned at the same time to end what we had started. It seemed Daniel and my decision to live differently weren't enough. As long as the child of evil existed, history would repeat itself. 

"Daniel… is busy." My brows furrowed at the slight difference in his voice. He pinched my cheek lightly as he smiled. "Just rest for tonight."

I pressed my lips and hummed. "Alright." I didn't probe, because I already knew his answer was a lie. Daniel wasn't busy. It was either he already died or was on a brink of death. 

I had to see him if the tension between the werewolves and vampires was already reaching its peak. If Daniel died… I clenched my teeth as my eyes sharpened, hiding in Hugo's embrace so he wouldn't see my expression. 

'If Daniel died, every single werewolf will die in the hands of vampires. Niall… no, Azazel… cannot be trusted as well. Until I am certain that the fourth prince's intention is apparent…. I will have to intervene.'

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