True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 207 - Exchanged Gifts

Chapter 207 – Exchanged Gifts

"This is so sad!"

Sally, who stood at a towering tree with her hand over her brows, exclaimed in disappointment. Even from this vast distance from the borders of Everfell, she could see how Clayburn, Althea, looked like a ghost town. 

Almost everyone… disappeared without a trace. She had seen everything ever since that dark shroud covered the small country. 

Dark hands from beneath the ground appeared, dragging everyone they could. Once those eerie dark hands grab onto something, death would soon come after. 

Like how sand absorbed water, those hands also absorbed human life. She had witnessed how a person turned gaunt until their body shrunk to ashes. 

It was scary. She couldn't deny that. Even for a werewolf, it was scary. Fortunately, they only received a minor casualty and werewolves had a long time to break free from those hands because they had a longer life span. 

So now that the shroud disappeared. She could see that barely a few people made it alive. So much for trying to save everyone when the outcome was visibly upsetting. 

Did they win? The vampires from Hendrik Empire retreated. But it wasn't a victory that could be celebrated, since the result was devastating. 

"Sally! Come down now! We'll be meeting Alice and the rest!" Sally looked down, eyes landing instantly at Tomas. "Azazel is already with them!"

"I'm coming!" she yelled back, jumping from that altitude without a care in the world. 

Because of Sally's small figure, she fell down like a feather. She landed on her own two feet, right in front of her big brother. 

"Why do we still need that vampire prince when he can't even win against the crown prince of the Hendrik Empire?" She grumbled, dusting her hands off while looking up at Tomas. 

The latter shrugged as they both marched away to meet the rest. "Well, he knows things we need. With Daniel's declining health, it'll help Hugo claim the title of the crown prince."

"Crown, dumbass prince!" she spat out in dismay, snapping her tongue as she stomped her feet angrily. 

Three years… three years had passed since Daniel battled with life and death. It was something that was known to the royal family. 

Their beloved big brother was dying. 

It was a harsh truth most of them had a hard time accepting. However, they had to. Daniel was stubborn, and his last wish was for his siblings to accept reality. 

Therefore, Daniel, although was still the crown prince, Deimos, the Emperor, had to choose someone else to be his heir. Through the tradition of the Ronmin Empire, they shall crown the strongest and the smartest in the Tempest Clan, and not by age. 

Normally, there should be a competition among brothers and sisters. But taking part in such activity would surely put a distance between them. Hence, with Daniel's backing and everyone's agreement, Hugo was chosen to become the next crown prince. 

Hugo didn't have to prove himself, for he had proven he was worthy even before this happened. He was strong, smart, merciful if it was right, and ruthless if he must. The real reason most of them were here was to show they were supporting him and his future endeavors regarding the Hendrik Empire, which was posing a threat to them. 

"Sally." Tomas cast Sally a side-eye, treading carefully through the forest lane. "Although Hugo hated the idea as much as you, our lives would be in his hands in the future. You've seen what the crown prince of the vampires is capable of doing."

"I know!" Sally gasped in distress. "I'm just annoyed, that's all! It looks like a war will be inevitable. I hate it."

"No one likes war."

She snapped her tongue, eyes glinting with malice that didn't fit her bubbly and youthful appearance. "I hope they like our dumbass crown prince's gift."

"They will… we made sure of that." Tomas's lips curled up into a smirk as they regrouped with Tito and the mad wolf pack. 



Niall burst out in laughter, filling the carriage with waves of delightful laughs.

"Your Highness." Raphael, the crown prince's aide, frowned. He was riding a horse outside the carriage, gazing at Niall through the open window. 

"This is not a laughing matter. His Majesty will surely throw a huge fit if he heard this news." 

"Haha!" Niall wiped the side of his eyes as he recovered. "Isn't he fun? Now I don't feel bad about letting Azazel go since my new playmate is better!"

"Your Highness…"

"Who would have thought?" Niall wheezed before he exhaled sharply. "I thought they will return my gifts in the future. I didn't expect to receive it this soon! He's amazing, no doubt."

Niall grinned, eyes full of excitement. If Clayburn, Althea, was left like a ghost town. In Everfell, the new breeding grounds for vampires and Niall's territory, blood flooded the ground as a massacre had taken place on the same night. 

In one night, two kingdoms fell from their grace. One from the hands of vampires, while the other from the hands of werewolves. 

Surely, this was something Niall didn't expect to hear. He leaned back, biting his lower lip to stop himself from grinning from ear to ear. 

"Hugo Tempest…" his eyes narrowed at the thought before Rinnie's face hovered over his head. "Things will be even more interesting, Raphael. Finally… someone capable of playing with me had appeared."

Raphael gulped, studying Niall's expression. He had served this prince for a long time and he could tell Niall was thinking about trouble. He wasn't wrong, because when Niall's lips parted, Raphael thought his ears were deceiving him. 

"Your Highness?" called Raphael with furrowed brows. 

"My father, His Majesty… had been sitting on his throne for quite some time now," Niall smirked as he cast his aide a knowing look. "He used to be so magnificent, but he's old and had gone asinine. It's time for him to step down."

"Your highness, what…"

Niall smirked as he arched a brow. "Prepare my black attire, Raphael.. We will attend a funeral."

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