True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 221 - Pre-written

Chapter 221 – Pre-written

"There's a mole in this place."

There was a moment of silence between Azazel and me. I held my breath, eyes holding his clear gaze. I wasn't surprised, although it should be surprising. Perhaps that was because I prepared my heart the second Azazel sought to talk to me in private. 

"I came to tell you this because I am unsure if I should tell your husband about it," he continued after the prolonged silence. "I mean, as you already know, I am a refugee and a vampire on top of that. Even if this information is true or not, they will see it as a vampire putting a wedge among werewolves."

"You liked the werewolves." I pointed out, causing the space between his brows to furrow. "That is why you're passing the burden on me. Isn't that right?"

Once again, there was nothing but the mild whisper of the wind that caressed our ears. His expression remained cold and aloof, but his silence was enough for an answer. 

Azazel was smart. It just so happened Niall wasn't just blessed with a sharp mind, but abilities no other vampire could surpass. Not to mention, Azazel could feel compassion and remorse. He didn't hate the werewolves just as much as Niall. 

And I was certain his brief stay in Ronmin Empire, Azazel got to like the werewolves. I kept tabs on him and I heard from Bowie that Hugo and his brothers usually drag him with them. Werewolves weren't hard to like; they were friendly in nature unless provoked or threatened. 

"You are the lamb, weren't you? I am simply giving you the option to relay this information to your husband or to anyone you trust dearly." Azazel cleared his throat, raising his chin slightly. "It's your choice if you want to disrupt the harmony in this place or move in secret. I already swore to side with the werewolves with the brewing tension between Hendrik and Ronmin. Even so, I am still treading on eggshells."

I pressed my lips into a thin line as I let out a shallow breath. "Are you certain there is a mole in Ronmin?" 



"Niall will not know about my affiliation with His Grace if no one sold me out. I am a thorough person, Your Grace. I always make sure I keep a step closer with Niall," he explained, proceeding to mention how Niall was certain they would eye on Althea and all Azazel movements with Hugo. 

I listened very carefully, understanding his point. Although there was a possibility that the mole could be in Azazel's end, there were certain things that didn't add up. Hence, he concluded that…

"… he or she is a royalty. This information would only be known if they work closely with the Grand Duke. For the past three years, he had been working with his siblings because of the crown prince's deteriorating health," he continued with the same affirmation in his tone. "That is why… I am telling you this. It's your choice to do what you want to do with this information."

Azazel and I stared at each other for another minute before he tilted his head down, taking a step back as he excused himself. I remained silent, only for my lips to part when he turned his back against me. 

"You should've gone directly to Hugo," I spoke, staring at his back solemnly. "If you find it suspicious, Hugo would've noticed as well. You've been working with Hugo for the past three years. You should've known by now that behind his kind smiles lies truths he is keeping all to himself."

Azazel took a deep breath as he turned his head back to me. "I know that, but this is regarding his siblings and people. He might be a beast, but I don't think he can punish his people, much less his family."

"Wrong." I shook my head, snapping my eyes ever so tenderly. "Hugo is a decisive person, Your Highness. Werewolves might be friendly in nature, but they don't tolerate traitors. You should tell Hugo about this and risk the bond you are building in this place. Only that way you will truly find the true meaning of trust with them."

I paused as I stared straight directly into his eyes. "I am saying this not because I don't have the heart to relay this news to Hugo. As you've said, I am the lamb. The lamb doesn't care about anything else other than the safety of my people — that includes my husband. Once the war is declared, he will be standing in the front line and I won't let anyone stab him in the back." My eyes darkened, but my demeanor remained calm.

"All I'm saying is, you have to prove your stand is on the same side as me. Risk everything that is left and put all your stake on them." I flashed him a kind smile, letting out another faint exhale. "Azazel, you were a kind soul from then until now. I know the werewolves are different from the vampires. They won't condemn you for speaking for what you think is best for your ally."

"That is so easy for you to say."

I shrugged. "It's not, Azazel. I, too, at one point, like you. I was afraid the people in here will look at me differently once I spoke something they might not find pleasing in the ear. However, truths are always better than lies or neglect. Even if truths were painful to face, they were far better."

Azazel balled his hands into a fist, jaw tightening. He didn't speak another word as he loosened his grip and walked away. All I could do was stare at his back in silence. 

"How foolish," I whispered, turning around to face where the breeze was blowing. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. When I released the air through my lips, I opened my eyes ever so slowly. 

"A mole, huh?" I looked up at the clear blue sky. "No matter how perfect their family is, there will always be a mole. That…. is just the order and also the cruel fate of that person."

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