True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 230 - Elizabeth

Chapter 230 – Elizabeth

The loud bells ringing at a constant beat were heard across the entire capital. Three days had passed since that night, but the silence in the empire just grew significantly. Everyone was mourning the death of the first princess.

The weeping of Alice's two sons had been caressing my ears as they buried her remains after the long funeral.  Wearing nothing but black attire, Han held his sons with each of his hands.

Until the end, this man didn't want their children to see their mother in a different light. Behind the three who were right in front of Alice's grave were us, the Tempest Clan. 

Sally, Teresa, and Priscilla were consoling each other. Their eyes had become puffy from all the days they had wept upon hearing the shocking news of Alice's death. Daniel had been silent, standing in the front with the emperor and his other brothers. 

Meanwhile, Cora was on the other side with Garrett. Her eyes bloodshot, gripping her husband's hand on her shoulder, eyes on Alice's grave. After that night, Cora had cried until she could no longer shed a single tear. I didn't see her after that, and only today did I see the deep anger beneath her eyes. 

And then, Hugo. He was standing by my side. Until now, I was holding his hand. From the night of Alice's death, Hugo didn't shed a single tear as well. He turned his grief into anger, an emotion he was storing to unleash for those who needed to pay. 

I just had to hold his hand so he wouldn't do something reckless. Hugo was aware he would commit something brash if no one held his hand. So, I didn't want to let him go and stuck with him everywhere he goes — even tagged along with him during official business matters. 

It wasn't surprising that no one questioned my presence. If anything, they all knew the reason, even though no one told them about it. Knowing Hugo's temperament, even the emperor would need to use extreme means to stop Hugo and his pack from attacking the enemy's territory. 

"Let's go," whispered Hugo, tugging my hand slightly. "We'll be attending a meeting."

I looked up at him before I glanced at everyone. Some officials in the empire were now approaching Han to relay their condolences, but no one approached the royal family. If anything, the emperor simply squeezed Han's shoulder and smiled weakly at his grandchildren. 

But when he turned around, Deimos's eyes had shifted to a dark red. His jaw tightened while the vein in his temple protruded. Not just him, but his sons who followed his tracks also bore the same eternal fire in their eyes. One look and everyone could tell their anger. 

Their grief… would be justified soon.

Even Cora ground her teeth before she and her husband followed the emperor. Only the three princesses, who weren't heavily involved in this situation, remained to help Han in accommodating guest. Or rather, only Teresa and Priscilla didn't bear the same anger in their eyes. 

Sally was simply concealing it, as she needed to be the big sister in here. She might look young, but Sally could also act her age when needed. 

"Mhm." I hummed after a minute and cast Hugo a look. 

With that being said, we headed to the inner palace, hand in hand. The silence was still the same, the mourning atmosphere was still thick. But along with it was also the heat, the turmoil the Tempest clan had in their hearts.


"An abolishment." 

  Silence followed Deimos's quiet voice, who was on the head seat of this long meeting table. Everyone, not only the council members, but every important individual in the empire, were present still in their funeral attire. 

"The Hendrik Empire… those vampires had threatened our land and they're preparing to eradicate everyone in our kind as we speak," he continued with no room for negotiation. "They had crossed the line. Therefore, they must pay for the price."

"The Hendrik Empire must fall; I want to see that wretched kingdom burn to ash," he added in the same tone, eyes scanning every single individual sitting around this table. "If there is an objection, you may raise your concern right this instance."

"I had none." Hugo was the first to speak, knocking against the wooden surface. "If not them, it would be our kind who will perish."

"I second the Grand Duke and His Majesty." Silas also voiced his opinion. "The vampires didn't hesitate in slaughtering a member of the royal family. If we didn't take action now, how are we going to protect our people? It will only mean they can do whatever the hell they want in our territory and will leave freely."

"I'll kill every single one of them." Cora's voice shook as her eyes were sharp, barely containing her anger. 

"Why did you even invite everyone if the decision is already been made?" Suddenly, a woman's voice, the one who had been away from the empire only to return to attend her sister's funeral, caught everyone's attention.

Her hair long dark ash hair was tied into a ponytail, granting everyone to see her beautiful yet scarred face. She had this huge scar on her lean cheek, but that didn't make her any less. If anything, her aura, her eyes, and her expression just spoke intimidation. 

I thought Cora was already intimidating, but this woman was different. It was just our first meeting, but I could tell she was of an entirely different caliber. Someone who fell into the same category as Daniel and Hugo. 


Unlike the solemn expression and the anger in everyone's eyes, Elizabeth was… calm. And she wasn't even trying to be calm. She simply didn't share the same emotions with everyone. 

"I'm not saying I disagree with my cute brothers." The side of her lips curled up, scanning everyone as she leaned forward, arms propped against the edge of the table. "All I'm saying is those who were having second thoughts about a full-scale war should be ready to get their tongues cut out. Every second you waste, you're letting the enemy get a second ahead of us."

"Don't waste my time," she added with a smirk, quirking a brow as she glanced at the emperor. "Father, you're so modest, as always. But, you're welcome."

"Heh." I glanced at Hugo as he smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned back. 

'Ahh… no wonder he was being so calm. Someone is here to take that role from him.' 

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