Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 594: lntroducing the Radiotelegraph

Chapter 594: lntroducing the Radiotelegraph

Berengar collapsed back into his leather-bound chair within his office and sighed heavily. At the moment, he was in a sorry state, dressed in nothing but a silk robe, and currently had a bag of ice pressed against his crotch. In his hand was a frosty beer, which he chugged as if he was a man lost in the desert. After finishing the beer, he placed the bag of ice aside and cracked open another one, taking a large sip from it before groaning in misery.

“God damn, those girls are going to be the death of me one day…”

After thinking about this, Berengar’s mind entered a strange space where he chuckled as if he could see his own gravestone.

“Here lies the Great Kaiser Berengar von Kufstein died of a heart attack at thirty-five while fucking his wives… Oh lord, I can just see that happening.”

It was at this point he heard a soft giggle emerge from the doorway, revealing Yasmin’s extra curvy figure. She, too, was dressed in nothing more than a silk robe, as she walked by her husband’s side and sat on his desk with a pretty smile on her face.

“Having fun, are you?”

Berengar sighed in exhaustion before answering her honestly.

“More like working myself to an early grave…”

Yasmin giggled once more before taunting Berengar over his actions.

“What did you expect? You asked Linde to tame Adela, but she is a prude. Do you not know that behind every prude girl is a kinky slut waiting to be let out? As for Honoria, I think the training you put her through woke something up in her heart as well. I have never seen a woman with such an appetite before, and my brother married some seriously thirsty bitches.”

Berengar’s smile froze as he heard this, before asking the most prevalent question in his mind.

“How much did you see?”

Yasmin merely smirked. She had a rather conceited expression on her pretty lips, as she was deliberately vague in her answer.


Berengar chuckled when he heard this coy response before asking another question.

“So, if you saw us having fun, why didn’t you join us?”

Yasmin immediately grabbed hold of his beer and took a large swig before answering his question with a sly smile on her face.

“I didn’t feel the need to. Besides, if I threw my fat ass into the fray, I am certain you may very well have perished…”

Berengar grinned as he heard this. Before scooting his chair in close, he immediately grabbed hold of the woman’s thick, tanned thighs and kissed them gently.

“Who says your ass is fat? I think the term perfect is more accurate.”

When Yasmin heard this, she scoffed and took another swig from the beer before shoving Berengar back into his seat.

“Cool it lover boy, you just finished going five rounds with those three little girls. I don’t think you have anything left in you… Besides, I doubt you would find me attractive. I can’t seem to lose the baby weight…”

Berengar could tell by the pained expression on the woman’s face that she thought she had lost her sex appeal after giving birth to their Son. However, Berengar was never more attracted to the woman than now.

If anything, the baby fat gave her the much needed oomph that turned her from a big sister type character to a total milf. Thus, he would not allow Yasmin to sulk over such minor details, and grabbed hold of the pretty face before kissing her passionately.

This shocked the woman, but she did not resist, and instead enjoyed the intimate moment thoroughly. After a while, Berengar released her and sat back in his chair with a wide grin on his face.

“If I wasn’t so wounded from my previous battle, I would take you here and now. Do you have any idea how attractive you are? Now more than ever? Out of all the women by my side, perhaps only Linde is your equal.”

Yasmin laughed when she heard this, before taking another swig from Berengar’s beer. After doing so, she pulled two more out of his ice chest and popped off the lids before handing one over to her husband. She had a doubting expression on her face as she played with her bangs.

“You really think so?”

Berengar emphatically nodded his head before taking a sip of his beer. After ward he responded to the woman’s question.

“Of course!”

This response brought a smile to the woman’s face, where she soon found herself blushing ever so slightly and averting her gaze. Eventually her eyes spotted an interesting file labelled “Radio-telegraph.” Ultimately, the woman’s curiosity got the better of her and she pulled it from its cabinet and looked it over. She silently drank her beer while gazing over the entire document before expressing her opinions on it.

“While I’m not entirely sure how all this works, the general idea is to send telegraphs over long distances without wires, right?”

Berengar nodded his head as he leaned back in his chair and sipped from his beer.

“This is about as primitive as radio technology gets. This radiotelegraph, or spark gap radio, as one might call it, is essentially little more than a combination of a high-voltage transformer, resonate circuits, a spark gap, an antenna, and a telegraph key combined into one mechanism.

In principle, it essentially functions as follows. First, we use the high-voltage transformer to discharge a spark across the spark gap through the coil. From there, the spark excites the resonant circuits, which will cause a ringing sound, in doing so, producing a brief oscillating current which is then radiated as electromagnetic waves by the antenna. After that, the system basically repeats itself at such a high volume that the entire process seems uninterrupted.

In simpler terms, we can place one of these devices, say here in the palace, or the command center or what have you, and another one on a vessel at sea. The two operators of these devices can communicate coded messages through their telegraph keys. The major downside is it is impossible to encrypt such messages, making it very easy for our enemies to potentially pick them up. Of course, such a worry is a matter of the future, as our current enemies do not possess the ability to communicate via wired telegraphs, let alone radiotelegraphs.”

When Yasmin heard this, she was absolutely shocked. While there was a lot of technological jargon in Berengar’s words that she did not understand, she was still intelligent enough to comprehend the real-world consequences of communicating in real time with people across the world. Thus, her first question was about the range of such a device.

“Husband, how far could one communicate with one of these so-called radio telegraphs?”

Berengar had a wicked smile on his face when he heard this, before revealing the extent of his plans.

“Theoretically, with enough power and a large enough device, one could easily communicate across the Atlantic. It is my plan to build several of such devices and spread them throughout the major cities, and the colonies in the New World to ensure secure communications between critical government operations, I also intend to build one of these devices in my allies’ Capitals, to ensure that we can communicate more effectively in emergency situations.”

Yasmin could hardly believe her ears. She was lucky she was sitting down because she likely would have lost her footing from such shock. Obviously, she had to ask for clarification on the feasibility of constructing such devices.

“And you can make one of these?”

Berengar smiled before shaking his head.

“At the moment, it would not be easy, there are still a few more resources I will need if I intend to create such things, but give it a year, and we will most likely have at least one of these constructed in the fatherland, and the new world.”

When Yasmin heard such an absurd goal, she took a long swig of her beer. She drank the entire thing in one go. After doing so, she placed the bottle on the desk and asked the most prevalent question in her mind.

“Husband, be honest with me! Are you the devil?

When Berengar heard such a thing, he immediately scoffed, however when he noticed the earnest expression on Yasmin’s face, he felt guilty lying to her. Perhaps it was because of his physical exhaustion, or maybe the reason lied in his current intoxicated state, but the German Emperor revealed his greatest secret.

“No Yas, I am not the devil…’

Upon hearing this, Yasmin sighed heavily in relief. She would not know what she would do if it were revealed that she had, in fact, married the devil. However, she did not have long to relax for immediately afterward. Berengar spoke again and, in doing so, caused a great disturbance in her heart.

“But I am from the future…”

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