Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 668: Rise of an Empress

Chapter 668: Rise of an Empress

Having crushed the enemy forces at Naniwa, and decapitated the rebel general Shimazu Takatame in battle, Itami Riyo returned to her capital in Heian-kyō. Though there was a rebellion underway across her realm, the brutal deaths of the Shimazu clan had forced those who dared to revolt against her rule to rethink their actions. For now, Itami had bought herself enough time to begin the introduction of new weapons to her forces.

Itami knew she could not produce massive quantities of Murata rifles without modern machinery and because of this, she had worked hard to create the first steam engines in the history of this world. Or so she thought. She had no way of knowing that an old acquaintance of hers from her past life had reincarnated into this world before her and had already produced such technology years prior.

Itami needed better weapons, and quickly. It was because of this that she put the first steam engines, along with the advanced machinery she had envisioned to use in the Heian-kyō Armory, prioritizing the mass production of modern weapons above all else. She did not have the luxury to focus on the cultural development unlike her German counterpart.

Finally, after substantial effort, the first of the Murata Rifles were manufactured. This single shot, bolt-action rifle was chambered in the black powder 11×60mmR Murata cartridge. Itami had, of course, changed the name of the weapon and caliber to the Itami rifle, and the 11×60mmR Itami cartridge.

She grinned wickedly as she pulled the bolt back on the weapon and inspected its chamber. Her laborers had done their best to produce a functional rifle, and after months of effort, it had finally been completed. This was a prototype weapon, and had yet to be actually tested, but Itami was convinced that it would not take much more tweaking before her troops could be equipped with these weapons en masse. There was a murderous glint in her blood-red eyes as she voiced her ambitions aloud.

“With this rifle, I shall rule the world!”

She did not literally mean she would conquer the entire world, but that Japan would become the dominant global power, something it failed to achieve in her past life. It took her a few moments to break away from her enlightened state, and after doing so, she did not hesitate to issue her orders to the man standing next to her.

“I want this rifle tested immediately! Let me see how well it functions with my own eyes!”

The man immediately snapped to attention as he ordered a few nearby ashigaru to test the weapon in the testing grounds that were prepared outside the armory. A few soldiers dragged out a prisoner of war who was taken from a recent skirmish with a rival Daimyo clan. The man was a full-fledged samurai and would normally be given certain rights. However, to Itami, who sought to usher in a new age of Imperial Power under her reign, it was only fitting that her rifle would be tested on the warrior nobles of the old order.

The man was clad in his full armor for this demonstration, and was bound, gagged, and blindfolded, while Itami’s soldiers tied him to a post in the yard. After the prisoner was affixed to his position, a single ashigaru used the weapon as the Shogun had instructed him, and loaded a single cartridge into the chamber before slamming the bolt home. After the weapon was properly loaded, he aimed down the iron sights and aligned them before squeezing the trigger.

A thunderous crack resounded in the air as the 11mm bullet flew down range and into the chest of the target, blasting through his tosei gusoku and penetrating his heart. Upon witnessing the rifle in action, a cruel smile etched itself upon Itami’s pretty pink lips as she declared her victory at that moment.

“Haha success! Victory will be mine!”

However, her celebration was cut short as a man approached her with several guards of his own in tow. This man was the Emperor of Japan. For the time being, he was technically the head of state. Even if Itami was the true power in the country. The emperor had a frown on his face as he scolded Itami for something she had done a few hours prior.

“Itami-kun, I hear that you have slapped my son. Explain your actions to me this instant!”

Itami hated it when the emperor referred to her with the honorific Kun, as if she were his subordinate. Did he not realize that she was the one who was in control? The fact that the man had gone out of his way to find her and insult her in front of her soldiers greatly infuriated the young woman. Because of this, she immediately rebuked the emperor in the rudest manner. <del></del>?ll ? ???? Fu??.c?m

“Yamato-san, your son was being a nuisance. I merely disciplined him in your place. You should know better than to question my authority. Had you been doing your job and kept the foolish boy in line, I would not need to raise my hands against him. The next time that twerp raises his voice against me, I will have his tongue removed!”

Such a vicious response caused only further outraged the Emperor. In his eyes, Itami was nothing more than a little girl playing as a shogun. One day, he would overthrow her tyranny and reclaim the glory of the Imperial Family. Itami was roughly nineteen years of age at the moment, and despite this, she wielded unimaginable power. It had been five years since she reincarnated into this world, and four since she took up the sword as the War Goddess. She had just recently gained the title of Shogun, and despite this, many of her former retainers were now in open rebellion.

This, in itself, was troublesome. However, she also had to keep a close eye on the Imperial Family, which was emotionally taxing, to say the least. The woman immediately rubbed her temples as she dealt with her growing migraine. Of course, the shrill voice of the Emperor when he realized what Itami had done in this testing ground further exasperated her condition.

“Itami-kun, what have you done? Is there a reason this man was executed? Explain yourself this instant!”

Itami was generally a logical and rational person. She knew that if she were to eliminate the Imperial Family while the rest of the country was in open rebellion against her rule, the only thing she would accomplish would be uniting the daimyo against her. However, for whatever reason, the Emperor’s shrill screams had caused the young woman to snap. In a moment of animalistic instinct, Itami responded by kicking the emperor in the gut, which forced the man to his knees.

In response to Itami’s actions, the Emperor’s bodyguards drew their blades and attacked her. However, Itami was a second too quick for them, and unsheathed her sword with such precision that she decapitated one guard before he could even react.

The emperor gazed in horror as one of the few men who was loyal to him was beheaded on the spot. In the blink of an eye, Itami was already engaging with her next target. She quickly forced the man on the back step, where her blade bound with her enemy’s. While the two combatants were locked in an armed struggle, Itami kicked the man against the wall. Where she immediately closed the distance and unleashed her tanto with her spare hand and stuck it into the man’s neck.

The life faded from the bodyguard’s eyes as he stared in disbelief at the vicious woman who had so easily claimed his life. After slaying the two samurai with ease, Itami approached the shivering emperor and made a public declaration.

“Your family has ruled as the Emperors of Japan for long enough. Today, your dynasty comes to an end, and in its place, a new imperial dynasty will rise.”

After saying this, Itami slashed her blade downwards and decapitated the Emperor on the spot. Those who witnessed the event gazed in disbelief with their jaws practically reaching the floor. Having killed the Emperor of Japan, Itami issued orders to her troops to storm the Imperial Palace.

“The Yamato Dynasty ends today. Kill the Imperial Family, and anyone who is remotely associated with it. I, Itami Riyo, hereby declare myself Empress of Japan! All who reject my rule shall die by my blade!”

The soldiers who were loyal to Itami immediately unleashed their blades and did as they were ordered. Within a matter of hours, the Yamato family was uprooted and annihilated. Word would spread across the country of Itami’s actions, and her declaration. By destroying the Imperial Family and declaring herself the Empress of Japan, Itami had made many enemies. Those who were on the fence about her rule before were quick to turn against her.

Despite this, Itami was not the least bit worried. In three months, her armies would be armed with single shot bolt action rifles, and by then no force in this world could contend with her military might. The era of Samurai and Shoguns was over. In the land of the rising sun, a new Empress had risen to power. From this day forward, the new Empress would be the supreme authority of the fledgling Japanese Empire.

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