Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 670: A Difficult Life Outside the Empire

Chapter 670: A Difficult Life Outside the Empire

While Berengar focused on expanding the Industry of his Empire, and securing his borders. Itami had begun her plans for modernization of her newly formed Imperial Japanese Army. Soon enough the woman would launch an attack on the rebels, and cut the heads off the multi-headed hydra that were her enemies.

However, this was not the only major events occurring in the world. The Sultanate of Al-Andalus had invaded Morrocco, and while Hasan was off playing the role of a Conqueror, German forces exerted control over Iberia, ensuring that the Spanish and Portuguese people did not raise their swords in rebellion.

However, war was not the only major events going on in the western world. As a result of the Catholic League’s sanctions against the German Empire, poverty, famine, and pestilence had begun to spread across the Catholic World. This did not only affect the peasants, but the nobility as well.

Millions of young French women flooded the German border, seeking asylum and marriage with German men. They no longer cared if they were a second, third, fourth, or fifth wife, so long as they could escape the cruel fate that awaited them in their homeland.

It was not only France that was having this problem. In the neighboring Kingdom of Hungary, things were not going well for the average person. Even the nobility have suffered under the catastrophic effects of the trade embargo that the Catholic Kingdoms had presented against the mighty German Empire. Many of the products that Europe relied upon for survival were no longer entering the Catholic Kingdoms. One of these commodities was medicine.

Over the past eight years since Berengar had first entered this world, the medical industry of the German Empire had grown substantially, supported by the chemical manufacturing plants, many modern forms of medicine such as anti-biotic cream, and penicillin were products that people all over Europe now relied upon for their survival.

The German Empire had a simple policy of trade. Anything that they had manufactured an excess of, they would sell to the neighboring kingdoms at a reasonable price. However, with the Catholic League placing many sanctions against the Reich, these products no longer entered the neighboring kingdoms and because of it, the people suffered.

A young Hungarian nobleman by the name of Vászoly Viktor stood over the grave of his younger sister. The funeral for the girl had just ended, and yet he remained behind. Tears streamed down his eyes as he repeated the words.

“I’m sorry…”

This young man came from a wealthy family, and despite all the fortune they had earned throughout the centuries, it was not enough to save his sister’s life. If Hungary had remained in trade with the neighboring German Empire, he could have purchased the medicine he needed to treat his sister’s illness. Unfortunately, the King had embargoed all goods from the Reich.

A black market had developed supported by German smugglers who carried contraband across their borders into the neighboring realms. However, even then, medicine was in high demand and was almost impossible to get one’s hands on without having ties to the German pharmaceutical corporations.

It wasn’t just illness that had spread across the land, famine came with it. In previous years, the nobles of the Kingdom of Hungary had imported artificial fertilizers from the Reich. This product helped in the growing of his crops. Without it, the harvests had suffered in terms of quantity and quality. If not for the Catholic Church and its obsession with bringing down the German Empire, the Kingdom of Hungary would thrive right now.

Viktor and his family were just one of many noble houses that had suffered immensely under the sanctions, and he knew that the other Catholic Kingdoms were also enduring similar hardships. If only he could convince his father to send his little sister to the Reich in pursuit of a political marriage, she would still be alive.

Unfortunately, the hatred for the German reformation ran deep in the veins of the Catholics, and their most devout members would rather die than send their daughters as brides to the German men. He would not make the same mistake with his youngest sister, who was still alive. Now that his father was off on crusade, Viktor was the acting head of his house, and he intended to ship his little sister to the borders of the Reich to ensure that she could live a happy and peaceful life in the German Empire. Having wiped the tears from his eyes, Viktor made a solemn vow to his now deceased sister.

“I promise you, I won’t let Noemi follow you into an early grave…”

After saying this, Viktor departed and returned to his family’s estate where he found his little sister, Noemi was sitting by her lonesome. The rest of the family were busy weeping over her elder sister’s death, and only a stuffed toy that her brother had bought from Germany years prior kept the girl company. Despite being thirteen years old, Noemi loved the stuffed rabbit more than anything, and dragged it around with her everywhere she went. Viktor approached his little sister and patted her auburn hair before commenting on the situation at hand.

“Noemi, what happened to your sister was a tragedy. However, you don’t have to worry. I will use my contacts to help you immigrate to the Reich, where I will find a proper husband for you. You will live in peace and luxury, like your sister should have.”

The girl had a blank expression on her face as she gazed out into the distance, not looking at anything in particular. She had heard what her brother said, but had no reaction other than questioning his words.

“What about father?”

The two of them both knew that their father despised the German Empire, and everyone in it. He would never agree to sell his daughter off to some German nobleman so that she could live a luxurious life. However, after witnessing the death of his other sister, Viktor refused to allow the girl to follow the same path.

There was nothing left for her in Hungary, so long as the Kingdom stood opposite of the Reich it would never prosper. That was the genuine belief of the young nobleman. With a bitter smile on his face, Viktor petted his sister’s hair before assuring her that everything was alright.

“You let me worry about, father. I am sure that a happy life awaits you in the Reich. Did you know that your brother has visited the city of Graz? Compared to Budapest, it is like a city forged from the heavens. Such wealth, and opulence, I have seen nothing like it before.

The average person there lives better than much of our nobility. Food is in abundance, medicine is widely available, and they have this magnificent device of travel called a train, which can rapidly bring you between the major cities of Austria. I have heard since my last visit, the railway which these trains travel upon have expanded into Bavaria, Saxony, and Prussia as well.”

Despite his story of visiting Austria, the young girl remained emotionless. She simply nodded her head in silence. Losing her elder sister was a tremendous blow to her fragile mind, and she was struggling with her grief. After a few moments of reflection, the girl finally looked up at her brother and asked the question on her mind.

“What about you Viktor? Will you be coming with me to Germany?”

The young man choked back his tears as heard this question. He wanted more than anything to accompany the girl, however he could only shake his head in response.

“Unfortunately, I am needed here. Besides, German immigration laws are strict. I don’t believe I would be able to permanently reside in the Empire. However, you will have a proper escort and caretakers who will look after you and, more importantly, make an appropriate match for you on my behalf.”

In response to this, the young girl hugged her brother tightly. She remained silent, but her eyes did her speaking for her. She was thankful that he was taking such a risk so that she could live a better life. Things were only going to get worse in Hungary if these trade embargos continued. Before long, it may even reduce their wealthy family to destitution. It was not uncommon for Catholic Noble families to lose everything in these troubling times.

Unfortunately, Viktor couldn’t follow his sister to the German Empire. He had to remain in his family’s lands and do his best to keep them afloat. While his father was off crusading in the Holy Land, he was preparing himself for the upcoming war with the German Empire. Fully aware that he would be forced into battle.

Win or lose in the Holy Land, the Crusader armies would immediately after turn their attention to Germany, and having witnessed the technological marvels that existed in the Reich, Viktor was certain that the Catholic League would be defeated. He could only sigh and lament his lot in life, as he kept his sister company during these troubling times.

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