Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 686: Returning From lberia

Chapter 686: Returning From lberia

Berengar stood within the office of the Sultan of Al-Andalus. He had commandeered the office as his own since he first arrived in the region. Over the past few weeks, he had enacted many policies that were designed to stabilize the ongoing crisis throughout Iberia. To an extent, many of the immediate issues had been resolved. Enough so that Berengar felt it was the right time to return to the fatherland.

One thing became increasingly clear throughout the extent of these political purges. Urban Warfare had become a significant problem for his forces in the region. Because of this, Berengar needed to give better weapons to his soldiers in Iberia. However, he could not produce them here in Granada. Thus, he decided to take advantage of the current peace that was settling and return to the fatherland to give his troops in the region a fighting edge.

This was just one of the many reasons Berengar wanted to return home and hand over operational control of the Iberian theatre to Adelbrand once more. His other reason was far more significant. The reality was Berengar could not stay in Iberia for long and act as its permanent regent. Though he held all power over the realm, he was also the Kaiser of Germany, and the fatherland was more important to him than Al-Andalus.

It was because of this that Berengar had summoned Field Marshal Adelbrand, and General Ziyad, to the office within the Granadan Royal Palace. The two men stood side by side, in their differing uniforms and at attention. The respect they showed Berengar was more than just common courtesy.

These men had fought for him either directly, or indirectly over the course of the past few years, and understood just how effective Berengar was as a ruler. This caused the man in question to stand up and speak with pride as he handed over the reins of Iberia to these two men.

“I Kaiser Berengar von Kufstein, First of my name, Emperor of Germany, and Regent of Al-Andalus hereby bestow upon you Duke Adelbrand von Salzburg, and you General Ziyad Ibn Ya’is, full authority to act on my behalf while I am aboard living in the fatherland.

The two of you combined shall act as Deputy Regents in my place. I give you Adelbrand sole authority over the German troops in the Iberian Theatre and give you Ziyad an equal position as leader of the Granadan Armed Forces. The two of you are two work side by side, and restore this Kingdom to its former glory as co-rulers in my absence.

Should either of you have questions on how to proceed, you can use the telegraph built in this palace to contact me, where I will convey my orders. As for the young Sultan, my son Ghazi Al-Fadl, he will return to Germany with me to receive a German education, and to be cared for by his mother, Princess Yasmin Al-Fadl.”

After saying this, Berengar saluted to the two men who would act as Co-Rulers over the Sultanate of Granada in Berengar’s stead. The two of them returned the salute before responding in affirmation of their orders.

“Yes, my Kaiser!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Berengar smiled and nodded before further informing the men of their responsibilities.

“I have drafted a bunch of reforms, and left you a guide on how to rule over the Kingdom most efficiently. It is up to the two of you to do what is best for Al-Andalus. Adelbrand, when the region is stable, and the Kingdom is prosperous, you may return to Kufstein to serve the role I previously offered you, until then work with Ziyad to ensure that things get better around these parts.”

Adelbrand nodded his head in silence as he heard these words. With this said, Berengar placed his hand on the man’s shoulder and bade him farewell for the time being.

“I look forward to your return.”

After saying this, he departed from the office, leaving the two men alone to discuss their options. The reason Berengar had made Adelbrand co-ruler in his absence was because he knew the man would put German interests first, something Ziyad was not likely to do. The reason for Ziyad being made Co-ruler was to appease the Moors, so that they did not feel like they were a puppet to a foreign Empire. It was Berengar’s belief that the two men would ultimately balance eath other out while working together.

After giving Adelbrand and Ziyad their orders, Berengar entered the room that housed his son, the young Sultan Ghazi Al-Fadl. The boy was staring out the window with a frown on his face. He was made aware that they would depart for the fatherland today, and did not want to leave this foreign land which he had such fun in. Upon seeing that his son was depressed, Berengar walked over to the boy, and kneeled down where he petted his golden hair.

“Ghazi, I know you have had fun during your stay, and that your cousins have been treating you well. However, it is time for us to return home. Mommy is waiting for you, and I know for a fact that she is heartbroken about her little man being so far away from home. Come, it’s time to go…”

Though Ghazi was initially depressed about leaving this land so soon after arriving, the moment he heard his mother was waiting for him, a smile grew on his face. Though his aunts had treated him as if he were their own son, he missed his mommy, and not just Yasmin, he missed all of his mommies. Upon seeing that the young boy had recovered from his depressed state, Berengar smiled and lifted him up to the air, where he walked out of the palace.

The boy had already said his goodbyes, and Berengar did not need to say a word. Thus, he carried the boy into the armored stage coach, which would act as their means of transportation until they arrived at the German Naval Base located in Gibraltar. As for Berengar, he was quite anxious on the entire journey back to the fatherland. He had left Yasmin during her time of need, to go stabilize her late brother’s Kingdom. It was a tough decision, but one that had to be made. He could only guess if the woman would forgive him for abandoning her to her grief.

Eventually, the ship arrived in Trieste, where the city was as bustling as it normally was. As the main trade city that was connected to the coast, Trieste was always transporting goods across the Empire through the ever-growing train networks. However, there was already a train on standby waiting for his arrival, and this was the Royal Train.

The luxurious train was decorated with gold accents, and was practically a mobile palace. Berengar sat back on a large black and gold sofa next to his son, who was busy playing with a toy that Berengar had given him. As for Berengar himself, he ordered a dirty martini and drank himself into a sense of calm. He would have to face Yasmin the moment he arrived at the Palace, and the idea that she would refuse to see him filled his heart with dread.

Upon arriving in Kufstein, Berengar and his son took a luxurious carriage back to the Palace. On the surface, the Royal Carriage that Berengar and his family commonly used to traverse through the city may look like a normal luxurious cabin. However, the carriage was made of armored steel and had bulletproof glass installed. It would protect the royal family against any small arms fire that might potentially attack it.

With this seemingly normal carriage, Berengar and his son enjoy a rather lavish journey back to the gates of the Royal Palace where his wives and children were waiting for him. The moment he stepped out of the carriage with Ghazi in his arms, Yasmin rushed over to the two of them, where she kissed her baby boy on the forehead and rubbed his cheek.

“Ghazi, were you a good boy while you were away?”

The boy quickly nodded his hand while he was enjoying being spoiled by his mother. However, Berengar was the one to answer on his behalf.

“He was a very good boy…”

Though he put on a facade as if nothing had happened, there was a hint of worry at the tail end of his sentence. Yasmin noticed the conflict in his sapphire eye and grabbed hold of his face with her dainty hands before kissing him passionately. After the public display of affection was over, she rested her head on his shoulder before whispering in his ear.

“I forgive you…”

It shocked Berengar to hear this, as he did not expect the woman to forgive him so easily. Yet there was not a hint of malice in her eyes, only understanding. If there was one quality, this woman had that most of the other girls in his harem didn’t, it was emotional maturity. Though she was hurt that he left her side at such a critical time, she knew that the reason for him departing was more important than her selfish desires.

After going through some grieving, she came to understand that. Berengar felt as if an enormous weight was lifted from his shoulders and exhaled heavily before kissing the woman on the forehead and telling her how he really felt.

“I love you… and I’m sorry…”

The Moorish beauty merely smiled and nodded. There was nothing more that needed to be said between the couple. As for the rest of the family, they ran over to greet the head of their house. Not much had happened in his absence, and they were surprised to see him return from Iberia so soon. Only a few weeks had passed since he departed. This was most likely the shortest trip he had taken since he first reincarnated into this world.

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