Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 690: Ending the Mori Rebellion

Chapter 690: Ending the Mori Rebellion

Weeks had passed since Itami first conquered the Mōri clan. Currently, she was sitting on horseback as she and her army arrived at her home territory. The smell of smoke and blood filled the air, while the echoes of gunfire resounded throughout the vicinity. Evidently, the conflict was still ongoing as the sounds of battle flooded the valley. A wicked smile formed on the woman’s pretty face as she gazed at the fortress she had built years ago.

The Itami clan’s holdings were initially very minor. So much so that in the past, they could barely afford the taxes they owed. However, ever since Riyo reincarnated into the world, she had amassed a fortune thanks to the knowledge she held from her previous life. In the early days of her rise to power, she invested in her homeland, buildings its fortifications to the extent she saw now.

This was the reason she was confident that she could leave the defense of her family’s territory to her General, and the 10,000+ men beneath his command. Despite the enemy having a larger army, they could not break through the heavy defenses of the region. As if inspired by western castle doctrine, Itami designed her family’s castle so that they would have to break through three separate gatehouses just to enter the courtyard where they would be surrounded by archers and arquebusiers.

The layout of the castled forced the enemy forces through a series of ravines that existed between gatehouses. The narrow pathway allowed for only three men to stand in a row. Such insignificant numbers were not enough to break down the gatehouse, instead they were slaughtered where they stood.

There were a grand total of fifty thousand men beneath Mōri Nobuhisa’s command, and yet they could not breach the Second of the three gatehouses. The more men who were killed in the ravines, the more difficult it became for the Mōri soldiers to advance along the narrow path.

Itami gazed at the slaughter that was unfolding and decided to alert Mōri Nobuhisa of her arrival. With the swing of a sword, the order was given. The men beneath her command took a position on the hills above the battlefield and lined up their artillery battery with the enemy army in sight. The echo of artillery resounded in the air as a single barrage exploded among the ranks of the rebel army. Claiming the lives of dozens, if not hundreds, of enemy soldiers.

Mōri Nobuhisa immediately looked behind him to see he was flanked by a force of men dressed in unusual attire. At the head of these men was Itami Riyo, who had her sword in her hand while on horseback. She held the blade of her Katana to the neck of the rebel General’s son and called out to him.

“Mōri Nobuhisa, I have your family. I suggest cease your hostilities and negotiate your surrender, or else I will chop off your little boy’s head!”

It shocked Mōri Nobuhisa to see his eldest son in such a precarious situation. Initially he planned to refuse Itami’s demands, knowing that he had several other boys who could take over, however in the next moment his entire family was lined up on the hill above, with rifles pointed to their backs. Upon seeing such a sight, the man had no choice but to order an end to his assault of the Itami Clan’s home.

“Stand down!”

With this order, the warriors beneath Mōri Nobuhisa’s command ceased their hostilities and exited the ravine of death, where so many of their comrades now lie dead. The two parties quickly got to task setting up neutral ground between both armies, where Itami and Mōri would meet up with one another to discuss the terms of the Rebel Army’s surrender.

Sitting at one side of the table, Itami was flanked by her officers, aside from those dwelling within the Castle, while on the other side Mōri Nobuhisa was advised by his own. The young boy, who was the heir to the Mōri clan, sat obediently in Itami’s lap as she refused to hand him over to his father until after negotiations were completed.

The boy glared at the beautiful woman with bitter hatred in his eyes, but refused to say anything for fear that the crazy bitch might take his life. Itami ignored the boy’s hateful gaze and started the negotiations by outright taunting her rival with a threat.

“You have such a beautiful boy. It would be a shame if something happened to the kid.”

The officers beneath Mōri Nobuhisa’s command quickly stood up, enraged by the threat, however before they could do anything stupid, Mōri Nobuhisa raised his hand, silencing them. They quickly sat down and grumbled to themselves. Upon seeing the enemy being so obedient, Itami smiled before addressing her conditions.

“Let’s cut to the chase. You already know my demands, but I will state them for the record. Strike your banners, order your armies to return home, and have your successors to swear their fealty to me. If you do that, I will show your rebellion mercy.”

Mōri Nobuhisa did not believe a word the woman said. After all, she clearly stated that she wanted his successor to swear his loyalty to her instead of himself. Such a thing implied a death sentence. How was that a mercy!

“Mercy? Like hell I’d believe that!”

Itami had the eyes of a devil as she carefully outlined the cruelty of her mercy with a wicked grin on her face.

“I swear to all the Kami, that I Itami Riyo will show all of your Clans mercy despite your little rebellion. After all, I’m a woman of my word. I will be satisfied with just the heads of those who lead the rebelling clans. I shall spare everyone else.”

The men in question were all present to witness this remark. They immediately protested this decision with various insults.

“You little slut! You think you have the power to force us to give up our lives? Guess again!”

“Fucking bitch, I’d like to see you claim my head!”

“The only woman who will take my life is Izanami!”

Itami was patient with the men in front of her and quickly issued another threat to silence them.

“If you deny my mercy, then I will be forced to kill all of your families, starting with this little boy here! Go on, child, tell your father and his friends how much you want to live! You do want to live, don’t you?”

There were tears in the adolescent boy’s eyes as he pleaded with his father to sacrifice his life for him.

“Father… please… I don’t want to die!”

Being forced to choose between his death, or that of his children, that was a cruelty only a parent could truly understand. Upon seeing Itami raise the blade closer to the Boy’s neck, Mōri Nobuhisa had no choice but to concede defeat. If he did not, then he was a monster who cared only for himself.

“Very well… if those are your terms, I surrender, but I can not guarantee that those beneath my command will do the same!”

The generals beneath Mōri Nobuhisa’s command had bitter expressions. None of them wanted to die, but neither were they willing to condemn their entire bloodlines to extinction. As a result, they begrudgingly lowered their heads in defeat. Upon seeing this, a wicked smile curved itself upon Itami’s puffy lips as she let the boy say goodbye to his father.

“Congratulations kid, it looks like it’s your lucky day. Since I’m not heartless, I will permit you one last farewell to your old man!”

The boy had tears streaming down his eyes as he hugged his father, apologizing for his cowardice. Mōri Nobuhisa hugged his son and whispered something in his ear before being taken away by Itami’s soldiers.

“I have failed you, my son. I give you this last piece of advice and that is to not follow my path. This woman is not to be underestimated. Bury your hatred and obey her, or you will one day share my fate, along with whatever children you may have.

After saying this, the leaders of the rebellion were arrested on the spot, they would be forced to commit Seppuku when they returned with Itami to the Capital. As for the Rebel Army, they broke ranks when their leaders declared their surrender, and returned to their homelands. If they stood and fought, they would only be dishonoring their masters.

As for Itami, she had outplayed her enemies and would take advantage of the fact that she was in her homeland to visit her family. She had not seen her darling little sister in some time. If she returned to the capital now, she would be forced to overhaul Japan, and would be plagued with work on modernization of the region for years to come. Her little sister would never forgive her if she did this, thus she decided to take a brief vacation.

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