613 Firefighter...or so

“They’re dead, all of my mutants died…to protect me…”

Victoria’s voice was silent, nearly inaudible, and the expression on her face was overflowing with sorrow and agony. But that expression on her face only remained for a second or two before a stone-like expression hide away all the emotions she sought to express…just not right now.

Dilan was dense and insensible, but he knew that it would be stupid to question Victoria about the loss of the Mutants.

He knew that she cared a lot about the Mutants because they had been the last things that reminded her of her father’s glorious time as the Old Vampire Lord.

It was also because of her father that she had been so proud to be a Vampire. Yet, in order to become stronger, she had even given up on parts of her bloodline as Vampire.

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‘Just how much did you have to sacrifice?’ Dilan wondered when looking at Victoria, who disappeared all of a sudden.

She changed her position to fight against a batch of Adamantine Boars next to Kathrine and Yvonne. Victoria wandered through the shadows whenever Dilan found her new position. This made clear that she didn’t want him to look at her right now, and Dilan followed her wishes.

‘It is not only Vicotria who sacrificed a lot…everyone here sacrificed a lot…everyone did…’ Dilan thought, his gaze finally landing on Rory.

The Red Dragon had probably changed the most. Instead of fighting in her Dragon form, she was currently using brute force and her Dragon flames to tear apart and burn everything in her surrounding.

Rory was probably the crudest fighter in their group, but that was only obvious. She was not adept at fighting in her human form and Rory would rather use Mana and her Dragon breath to decimate her opponents.

However, this was hardly possible in the Crimsonwood forest because she would destroy everything in her surrounding the moment she turned into a one-hundred-meter-tall and six-hundred-meter-long dragon.

Even if Rory were to adjust her size, it would drain lots of mana from her. Only her original form and her human form didn’t require any additional mana to be maintained. As for the reason why the human form didn’t require any additional mana, even the Great Wise couldn’t say for sure.

But even if it was possible for her to take on the form of a human without problems, it was not as if she could learn how to wield weapons in the blink of an eye. To become a truly formidable fighter, one had to learn the intent of the weapon one wielded. That was not something one could achieve easily.

In fact, none of the Demi Gods had comprehended the intent of their weapon yet, and Dilan was pretty sure that they would require a few more years before they could create their own intent with the comprehension they made. Afterward, it would take a few more years before they could create an Aura.

But even then, their learning period was not over. It would only begin and become more troublesome and complicated the further one walked down the path of a Swordsman, Spearmaster, Polemaster, or any kind of other weapon.

Rory didn’t like most weapons. She would, at most, wield a staff in order to strengthen her dragon flames before causing death and destruction around her, burning everything until only corpses would remain.

Dilan watched Rory’s battle as a human and he felt shivers running down his spine.

“I guess I can teach her the Lightning God’s Fist…she will just use her dragon flames instead of lightning and then everything will be fine…probably? She would be a firefighter then…well not really, but a Red Dragon in human form fighting with fire…” Dilan mumbled to himself while he continued to watch how Rory tore apart everyone in her way.

She didn’t really have a tactic and ignored the injuries the strongest monsters inflicted on her.please visit panda(-)N0ve1.co)m

Her body was extremely hard and her body was able to heal at a ridiculously fast speed. She was a Tier-5 Mythical Creature who had devoured a fragment of the Sun God’s faux Divinity.

It was only obvious that Rory was powerful, ridiculously powerful, and even Dilan knew that he wouldn’t be able to tear apart monsters with his bare hands like Rory was doing.

He never even thought about tearing apart humans like that…it was too grotesque and not efficient at all.

‘At least I know now that Rory is their meatshield and that she attracts everyone’s attention fighting like this. The Sun God focuses on her as well, providing the openings for everyone to weaken or injure the Sun God until he retreats…that’s not bad, but it’s not like Rory can go on like this forever…’

Watching Rory, Dilan recalled something he had sensed when his halved body had been reattached earlier. He used more mana while exerting the Mystic Eyes while simultaneously using bits of the True Undying Essence when Rory was stabbed by a three-meter-long bone tusk of the biggest adamantine boars.

After getting stabbed, Rory felt a sudden surge of vigor spreading through her entire body. Her eyes turned serpentine and scales grew out of her body. Her hands ended up turning into huge claws that grasped the bone tusk. With a tight hold of the bone tusk, Rory started to use her brute force to break the tusk.

She pulled it out of her stomach, where she saw that her injured organs were already healing and that threats of her flesh pulled her body together.

For a moment, Rory was lost in thoughts, until she noticed a familiar gaze lingering on her.

‘You’ve figured it as well? That’s good then!’

Spinning the boar tusk in her hand, she pierced it out, cracking and finally crushing the skull of the humongous adamantine boar. Rory ended its life, with blazing flames that charred the boar’s brain before she turned around, just to see Dilan’s somewhat satisfying smile.

“I did well, didn’t I?” Rory asked, proud of herself, but Dilan just shook his head, not believing that the Red Dragon had turned into this.

“Little Girl, how about you stop getting pierced by everything? I am Undying, you are not!”

Dilan tried to scold Rory, but she changed back to the human form and showered him with a bright smile.

‘She really thinks that she is invincible now, doesn’t she?’ He wondered, not sure how to explain to Rory that she was far from invincible…very far.

Dilan was not invincible either…it was just that he could heal from any kind of damage…as long as he was not forgotten by everyone in the Universe…or within all Universes?

He was not actually sure how Undying worked, let alone if the Oracle’s words had made sense.

The Oracle knew the name of his True Undying Essence but it was not as if she could be sure, after all, the Oracle didn’t look better than a somewhat powerful, God-like…fraud…

‘Whatever that fraud said…Carylon of Souls…I should find out something about that stuff when we finished taking care of Milarn…whenever that will be!’

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