Universal Power System

Chapter 331: A Quick Report

Chapter 331: A Quick Report

“Aaarhh…” Natasha groaned as she slowly became conscious again. The healing pill had done her work while she was knocked out and she woke with no injuries.

Her eyes were blurry for a few minutes as she regained strength and began remembering what happened last night.

Immediately anger filled her heart and soul as she remembered how Mako was able to beat her again even after she had worked so hard to get so strong. She also remembered how he humiliated and tortured her for the truth but in the end, a smile appeared on her face as she was still able to fool him.

With the thought of revenge fresh on her mind, she remembered Mako’s truce and a brilliant new plan began to hatch in her mind.

“Alright, lover boy… I’ll go along with your peace for now and when you will least expect it. I will land the final strike!” Natasha said to herself while grinning like a mad witch.

Natasha had no idea how much time had passed, so she quickly got up and checked her card.

“6 hours!” Natasha exclaimed as she checked the time and found that she had been unconscious for such a long time.

“Just how strong was his poison to deal so much damage to my body?” Natasha questioned herself as she thought back to when Mako was injecting the painful poison into her body.


She was obviously enraged by the fact that he had underestimated Mako for a second time. Natasha was a person who liked to be careful. In order to manipulate the string for her best interest, she always tried to read every situation and calculate potential outcomes.

After she had heard that Mako and his friends failed their first-ever mission and were demoted, she was so filled with joy believing that they were too weak to handle a basic mission and would be light work for her after she had awakened her mutant gene; however, this was the very reason she had lost.

She had gone forward on her own assumption before verifying the facts to make sure that she would be a hundred percent certain that she would be able to take Mako down, but she vowed to never make that mistake again.

In reality, Natasha’s fear ability coupled with her mutant gene was strong enough to consume Mako; however, possessing a Blessing of Love that was given to him by his grandmother was something that she couldn’t have possibly calculated.


Natasha scanned the surroundings and found Haruto still unconscious on the ground where Mako had knocked him out.

“Wake your sorry ass up!” Natasha screamed as she kicked Haruto in the stomach jolting him awake.

Haruto groaned in pain and began coughing from the strong hit to his abdomen. Slowly, he gained some strength and got up on his feet.

“Natasha-kun…” Haruto began to speak in his regular skimpy voice.

“Save it!” Natasha quickly cut off Haruto before he could utter a single word. “You had one job, and you were just so pathetic that you couldn’t even fight back! Look at how he treated me and you stood there and did nothing!” Natasha shouted with her words laced with hate.

“But, Natasha-kun… I was only following your orders… you said not to interfere after I brought him to you…” Haruto stated with a pleading tone.

“Oh, I’ll show you following orders!” Natasha shouted with her eyes glowing purple but just then her card started beeping.

She stopped to check her card only to find out that it was the alarm that she had set last night to alert her for her morning classes so that she wouldn’t get too sidetracked by having so much fun torturing Mako; however, her plans hadn’t exactly gone the way she had envisioned and the alarm was another sour reminder of that fact.

“Arrrhh! Quick, Move your ass! The morning classes are going to start in 30 minutes and we can’t be late. I will deal with you later,” Natasha shouted as she quickly exited the training


Haruto quickly followed behind her; however, with a tiny grin on his face as he exited the training room.

“This is going exactly like he said it would…’ Haruto thought as he quickly moved to catch up with Natasha.


Back at the advanced class compound, several cadets exited from a single specific dorm to quickly head to their respective morning classes; these cadets were, of course, Mako’s friends.

The group had decided to link back in Mako’s dorm room after they had told Haruto the plan and set him up for his brand new mission.

None of them were expecting to have such an eventful first day but they couldn’t complain as they were already able to make such significant progress towards their mission.

Erin informed Mako that the commander gave her 3 one-use communication capsules that would enable a 10-minute conversation before self-destructing.

“Commander Sable said to only use these in emergencies or when we had uncovered something very crucial that would need to get reported right away because the communication channels in the school aren’t safe and he didn’t want to raise any suspicion,” Erin stated.

“He didn’t want to take any out of the military base inventory so he only had 3 in his possession which he passed on to me. He said that he would keep the receiver close to him at all times and that we could call him whenever. It generates a unique encrypted frequency that enables communication and self-destructs before any considerable hacker could hijack and listen in on the conversation.” Erin added as she finished her explanation and handed the communication devices over to Mako.

Mako looked at the small communication devices with curiosity before turning back to his friends.

“We have uncovered a great deal of things and if we are able to get the commander all of this information, I believe that he might be able to come up with a good strategy on how to deal with these special class students,” Mako stated.

The rest of the group agreed with Mako that they should use one of the communication devices now and report back on this massive discovery.

They all huddled up in a circle around the device and Erin entered the receiver frequency that belonged to Commander Sable.

After a few moments of different colored blinking lights, Commander Sable’s Holographic figure appeared in front of them.

“Kids… I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon. Is everything alright?” Commander Sable said with a hint of concern in his voice.

“We are alright Commander, we used one of the communication devices to relay our findings on the mission so far,” Mako replied.

An expression of shock and pride filled the commander’s face as he heard Mako’s response. It had only been a day since the group’s arrival so he was skeptical of what they might have uncovered in such a short amount of time that it would prompt them to use the

communication device so early.

“Proceed,” The Commander ordered.

Mako gave a full detailed report of everything that had taken place starting from the moment he encountered Haruto who had been waiting for him inside his dorm room.

Since he only had 10 minutes before the communication device self-destructed, he narrated the events as quickly as he could while also explaining details along the way so as to leave no


“This is the plan that I have come up with to deal with Natasha using our newest recruit, Haruto,” Mako stated as he concluded his report in under 4 minutes and 30 seconds. The Commander was genuinely impressed by the level of the report and quite surprised to hear so soon. He had a huge smile on his face as he was very proud of his students. “Excellent work, young man. This is crucial information that will help us catch that bastard faster than even I anticipated. For now, I would advise you guys to law low and continue as normal. Get your lessons and start training since those special class cadets won’t be a joke when you eventually face them,” Commander Sable began instructing the group. “The cadets are allowed to have a day to communicate to their families back home via old school letters at the end of each month. I will try to follow up on your lead and see if I can find out about the other two special class cadets or the operator who turned on the teleporter.”

“It will be an unmarked letter so that no suspicion will fall upon you for receiving a letter from the military base and it will remain in the locker box number 25615. You guys will have to steal it from the collection office and if I find any information, I will write in that letter using the same cipher that Mako has developed.”

“I would advise you guys not to worry so much about the Pyronite for now as it is still months away and focus on your academics, World History can be quite brutal” The commander concluded with some friendly advice.

The group acknowledged the commander’s orders and right on cue, the ten minutes were up

and the small communication device began sparking as it short-circuited and fried itself completely, but not before it relayed the commander’s final words.

“I am so proud of you all…”

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