Unrivaled Medicine God

Chapter 2400 - Massive Crisis!

Chapter 2400: Massive Crisis!

“Hahaha … I, Tian Qing, finally returned from the spacetime turbulence! Shang Hang, so what even if you exiled me into the spacetime turbulence? This ancestor returning like a king, who can stop me in this era? Hahaha …”

Not long after Ye Yuan returned to the Primeval War Realm, a middle-aged man dressed in ragged clothes rushed out of the void, laughing wildly without ceasing.

His voice was akin to rolling thunder, virtually making the entire world tremble.

Although this middle-aged man was in tattered clothes, the aura on his body was virtually smashing through this firmament.

With every action, it was as if heaven and earth moved along with him!

This middle-aged man was none other than precisely the Tian Qing who was exiled into the spacetime turbulence by Shang Hang!

An epoch later, he finally returned!

Tian Qing’s appearance immediately caused a great panic.

He did not conceal his aura. Within a radius of ten million miles, all of the powerhouses trembled endlessly under his pressure.

Even some reclusive Heavenly Emperor old monsters were alarmed one after another too.

“Tian Qing … Who is Tian Qing? How can he be so powerful?!”

“Too strong! I feel that this is simply facing Heavenly Dao!”

“What does this person want to do? His aura seems to be different from ours! He … wouldn’t be of the divine race, right?”

… …

Some people were frightened until their faces turned green, fleeing for their lives in a panic.

The Heavenspan World had as many powerhouses as clouds, but even Ninth Firmament Heavenly Emperor mighty experts could not cause such a terrifying commotion too.

The divine race’s supreme expert coming into being, it immediately alarmed countless powerhouses.

Suddenly, Tian Qing’s brows furrowed, and he said with a cold snort, “Sure enough, the present Heavenspan World has already been occupied by these ants? A bunch of ants who overestimate their own ability, to actually dare affront the might of heaven! Today, I’ll make you all disappear from this world!”

Done talking, he flicked his finger, an invisible stream of force tore across the air!

An apocalyptic power instantly covered a vast expanse of open ground!


Several cities that were not far from him were instantly turned to ashes!

The billions of powerhouses in these dozens of cities were left without corpses!

The power of a single strike was utterly appalling!

Tian Qing’s face was indifferent as if he just killed a bunch of ants.

However, he was clearly not satisfied yet, his figure moving, disappearing from his original spot.

Very soon, cities of varying sizes completely disappeared from the Heavenspan World one after another.

This commotion immediately caused a huge wave in the Heavenspan World!

This undulation was too terrifying, there was no way for them to not know too!

In the divine race camp, there was elated dancing and cheering!

“Hahaha, we finally waited it out! With Lord Tian Qing returning, it’s time for us to sweep across the Heavenspan World!”

“Those foolish humans think that we’re scared of Dao Ancestors. They completely didn’t know that we were waiting for Lord Tian Qing’s return!”

“An epoch of waiting, and finally, it’s time for the divine race to reign over the world again!”

… …

Among the divine race’s eight lineages, the Heaven Lineage was revered as supreme!

The Heaven Lineage respected Tian Qing as supreme!

Tian Qing was the divine race’s god!

His might could not be measured using words at all.

Destruction with a snap of a finger, it was referring to him.

His battle with Shang Hang back then riddled the Heavenspan World full of holes.

Shang Hang fighting against him with space and time, two great laws, was a notch inferior to him too!

Finally, Shang Hang had no choice but to activate Spacetime Reversal Chaos, exiling Tian Qing. Only then, was there the human race’s final victory.

Now, Tian Qing returned, and Shang Hang was already no longer here.

Who was Tian Qing’s match?

… …

“Father, things are bad! The divine race’s progenitor, Tian Qing, returned from the spacetime turbulence, and struck violently in the Heavenspan World, destroying thousands of cities! Ancestor Water, Ancestor Fire, Ancestor Wind, three great Dao Ancestors took action at the same time. After a great battle, Tian Qing escaped back to the divine race with heavy injuries. The three great Dao Ancestors also sustained severe injuries!”

Jian Yunxin entered the Primeval War Realm in a panic, bringing in this earth-shattering news.

Everyone fell into shock.

“What did you say? Tian Qing … returned from the spacetime turbulence?” Profound Secrets’s entire body trembled as he said absent-mindedly.

Ancestor Lightning’s expression also changed wildly and he said, “The three of them joining hands wasn’t Tian Qing’s match?”

Each and every one of the unpredictable children present was shocked until they were staring with their mouths agape.

His power alone seriously wounded three great Dao Ancestors!

This kind of strength was simply too terrifying!

It turned out that Grand Ancestor Spacetime was not boasting. The divine race strength was really too powerful!

Only then did they understand why these ancient era powerhouses were so apprehensive of the divine race!

That was Dao Ancestor!

Especially Yu Tanzhi, his face was deathly pale.

Only then did he know how ignorant he was.

“Senior Shang, this …” Profound Secrets could not refrain from looking at Shang Hang.

Shang Hang’s eyes flickered. Finally, he let out a sigh and said, “With Saint Azure returning, the Spacetime Reversal Chaos ended. It naturally can’t stop a character like Tian Qing anymore as well!”

Profound Secrets said absent-mindedly, “How can this be? Senior Shang has already passed on, while Saint Azure has yet to attain Dao. Who else in this world can still stop Tian Qing? Could it be that our human race can’t escape this calamity in the end?”

At this very moment, it was as if the sky had fallen down in the Primeval War Realm.

Even Profound Secrets and Ancestor Lightning also lost their wits at this time.

No one could have expected that on the eve of the Doomsday Battle, such a huge change would actually occur.

Tian Qing’s return shattered all of their hopes!

In the previous era, because Saint Profound shielded heaven’s secrets, the myriad races cultivated for hundreds of millions of years in the Heavenly Hidden World before they finally dragged the divine race down from their altar.

But now, there was already no time to let the human race geniuses grow up!

Even if Ye Yuan rebuilt 18 grand arrays anew, it was also impossible to groom a powerhouse like Grand Ancestor Spacetime.

They all believed that if Ye Yuan grew up, he would surely be able to stop the divine race.

But he was running out of time!

“Lord Saint Azure, what should we do now?” Shang Hang suddenly asked Ye Yuan.

In this place, it was also just him who could maintain a trace of composure.

With him saying so, everyone turned their gazes to Ye Yuan.

If say that the human race still had hope, then this hope might lie on Ye Yuan!

Ye Yuan had been silent all along. Hearing Shang Hang asked, only then he slowly said, “We still have time! This battle, although Tian Qing exhibited powerful strength, it also proved one thing, he isn’t invincible! After this battle, I think that the divine race will still be afraid of Dao Ancestors’ strength! Furthermore, Tian Qing probably also wouldn’t dare to make a move within a short time!”

Profound Secrets’s expression was ugly as he said, “But Heavenly Dao will be taking back the power of rules very soon! At that time, we won’t have any reliance at all!”

Ye Yuan asked, “How long is there still?”

Profound Secrets said, “100 years at shortest, 1000 years at the longest!”

Ye Yuan fell silent again.

This time was indeed too short!

Although his cultivation speed was fast, it was also impossible to reach Tian Qing’s realm in a short 1000 years.

Moreover, the divine race’s powerhouses did not just have Tian Qing alone!

Each one of the divine race’s eight lineages’ progenitors could not be underestimated.

Even if they were inferior to Tian Qing, they were absolutely not beneath Profound Secrets too!

Only after being silent for a long time did Ye Yuan slowly say, “Since that’s the case, then there’s only to fight!”

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