Vampire’s Slice Of Life

Chapter 1103 Harem Categories

1103  Harem Categories

[A/N: Has Yuri. Please skip the chapter if you dislike it. A TLDR will be given at the chapter's end for the important bits of this chapter.]


After her momentary burst of shock, Rivera calmed down and tried to make sense of the situation. She couldn't comprehend the Prince's words so far.

Lith took a sip of tea and said while looking into Rivera's eyes, "You deserve my attention, Duchess. Your loyalty has moved me. There's nothing to feel surprised about."

Rivera placed her palm on her chest and asked, "My apologies for being so audacious, Your Highness, but could you please elaborate on this?"

Lith put the teacup down and walked up to Rivera. He turned her chair to face him and bent down to bring his face closer to hers. Placing a finger under her chin and gently lifting it up, he stared into her red eyes. Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

Rivera's fastened heartbeat could literally be heard by Lith. Rivera had a strong rosy smell cloud her mind. The Prince smelled so good and appeared so handsome when she looked him up close. She couldn't help but get charmed and stare at him.

Lith gave Rivera a few seconds to get in the right mood. Once her eyes seemed to get slightly hazy, he said, "It is exactly what I mean. I'll give you my complete attention and…"

Lith slowly placed his index finger on Rivera's juicy pink lips, seducing her.


A dry cough broke the two's immersion and Rivera felt somewhat annoyed by it.

The two turned to look at the source and found it to be coming from Luna.

Luna walked beside Lith and bowed slightly while putting her glove-covered hand on her breast. "Your Highness, please do not touch the Duchess in that manner."

"Hmm?" Lith got up and hummed.

Rivera's brows jumped as she heard that, but before she could say anything, Luna continued:

"The Duchess is not into men. She's a lesbian and likes women. It is unbefitting of a Prince to force himself upon someone."

"What?" Lith acted as if he was surprised.

"..." Rivera was baffled, totally speechless.

Luna nodded her head. "Since His Highness is His Highness, stopping you from making any move would be seen as an act of treason. The Duchess is in no position to do that, so it is my duty to help you protect and keep your image clean."

"Oh…" Lith said with an understanding look. "W-wait please…" It was Rivera who spoke this time.

She got up from her seat and bowed to pay her respect.  "There seems to be a misunderstanding here. Please let me clarify."

"Misunderstanding?" Luna asked. "What seems to be the problem, Duchess?"

Rivera smiled awkwardly and answered, "I am actually not a lesbian. I don't have any romantic interests in women."

"Hm?" Luna tilted her head slightly.

Lith took a seat and looked at the two with interest, wondering what they were cooking up.

'Well… this is awkward…' Rivera was so embarrassed. With the same awkward smile, she replied, "I… I like women… sexually."

Her pointy ears were heating up and turning head. The rosy complexion was slowly spreading to her face. Whatever she was saying was too embarrassing, but she knew she had to, otherwise the misunderstanding would spell doom for her!

"I… I actually like the soft bodies of women. It feels good to play with them, but that's about it. There's not a shred of romantic interests involved. I still am attracted to men, but I really hate them due to my problematic past encounters."

"Oh?" Luna showed surprise. "It was like that?"

Rivera flashed an awkward smile once again. "Yes. I was too busy exploring and conquering new lands for society that I did not bother correcting the rumors. Everybody thinks I am a lesbian, but I'm really not."

"I see." Luna said, as if she understood. "So you're saying you're bisexual?"

"No!" Rivera said sternly and shook her head. "I am straight, I am attracted to men. I just am… you know…"

Rivera looked down. Her face was completely red by this point. The fearsome warrior that she was could nowhere be seen in this conversation. She was just a normal noble lady with her own peculiar tastes.

"...I know?" Luna asked.

Rivera bit her lower lip. She really couldn't get herself to say the latter parts, but she knew she had to do it.

Rivera walked close to Luna and whispered in her ears, "...I am afraid of getting touched by a man. It's a trauma, and also because I see them as vile predators. The other thing is… is… is that I-I-I actually like it."

Rivera was totally red now. Luna could literally feel the heat coming from her body and face. She didn't interrupt her and continued to listen.

Rivera took a deep breath and said, "...I like feeling the soft bodies and… getting my pleasure points touched by fellow ladies and also rubbing, grinding on each others' p-p-p… you know it…"

Rivera could not speak anymore and backed away, totally ashamed of herself, even though it was quite a normal thing here.

Lith was smirking and having a great time. It's not like the Duchess concealed her voice when whispering to Luna.

Luna raised her eyebrows in amusement and replied, "Well… this is news. And a good one, I'd say."

Rivera just hummed in agreement, not paying attention to what Luna had said. She was still soaked into her embarrassment.

"Let's test things out." Luna said and took a step close to Rivera. She pushed the lady back on a seat and moved her face close to hers, keeping it only an inch away from getting her nose touched with hers.

Rivera shivered from the domineering stance of Luna and wondered whether she was going to be killed or something for the things she had spoken.

Looking at them, Lith knew things were about to go down in a manner in which he wanted them to do. They had planned a bit of stuff beforehand and it was not like Luna was acting on her own accord. Since the two were busy and he had nothing to do for a bit, he grabbed Fei's small, tender butt that was beside him, making her shiver and shoot him an annoyed look.

Why was he doing this in the middle of an important conversation? Could he not wait until they went back to the carriage or home? Such were Fei's thoughts. Lith ignored her glares and continued to feel the softness under the pants' fabric. There was some rough texture along with the softness and Lith could tell that Fei was wearing laced panties. His brain shut itself off as his soul jumped on the steamy horny train, choo-chooing its way towards lust junction. In front of Lith and Fei, Luna was about to begin with the main thing for which they came here, which was to completely tame Duchess Rivera and make her a trusted subordinate of the Prince. Luna placed her index finger on Rivera's chin, then gently lifted her face up, performing the exact same things that her Prince had done. "So you're saying…" Luna whispered seductively, making Rivera shiver.

Luna moved her finger up and placed it on her lips.

"…this makes you feel good…"

Rivera had goosebumps all over her body.

Watching this scene from up close, the horny train Lith was onboard did not stop at lust junction, but accelerated its way towards the stiff-as-rock junction and crossed it!

The scene was quite hot, he wouldn't lie. Women paying with women was always good, and it was especially more so when he knew both were his. Lith wouldn't allow his ladies to get touched or touch other ladies. It was almost like cheating. However, within the harem it was fine. The reason being, none of his ladies had any romantic feelings for each other when they played together. They only loved him and him purely. With each other, they shared more of a sisterhood, and it was familial. Currently, what Luna was doing was also something of a test for Rivera. If she caught feelings for Luna due to the actions performed by her, she would actually be considered a lesbian and wasn't fit to be in the harem. However, if she did not catch any feelings, she would be a part of the harem, but will be kept away from the main group of ladies. Rivera had said so herself, she liked the sexual part, so it was a no-go to keep her closer to the mains. Rivera was a lady in the gray area, and someone walking on the edge of a blade. Any wrong move could be disastrous for her and Lith both, so it was best if she was kept away and took care of people like Vanessa, who was another problem child. Lith's harem hierarchy could not even be called hierarchy as it only had three categories: wives, lovers, maids. Everyone who didn't marry and weren't his maids were lovers like Alea and Lucifer. However, he couldn't put everybody in one of these categories, so a fourth one was very much needed. Lith had thought of it before coming here. He had thought it thoroughly after his encounter with Vanessa back then. He would make a fourth category called 'others'. Everybody he had sex with would be placed here. They would be a part of the harem, but won't be given as much of a priority like the rest three. If he began liking someone from this, he could always promote them.

Rivera and Vanessa would be going in this category, and as they would not get much attention from him, it would be fine if they played around with each other, as long as they did not develop any romantic feelings as that would then mean cheating. The ladies in the main harem did not do such a thing. The only time they played together was on Lith's command or during orgies. That's about it. They had other things to do and did not really prefer such things. Many things had to be taken care of for the others category as a slight mistake would get Lith a green hat, making an absolute mockery of him. The Grand Lust Sovereign would probably descend down from wherever he is and kill him for being such an useless inheritor. Thankfully, this perverted man also had measures for such situations. What did he not have? This was the question Lith had always thought of. This man possessed every single thing, down to the finest details, when it came to sex, ladies, and lust. Shaking his head and keeping these thoughts apart for now, Lith looked at the performance Luna was putting up.


TLDR: The last and the current chapter was all about trying to tame Duchess Rivera Adelstein so that she would turn into a trusted subordinate and become a great asset for the future. Also, the harem now has four categories: Wives, Lovers, Maids, and Others.  

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