Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 463 Witnessing The Cosmos

Chapter 463 Witnessing The Cosmos

Once Wang Jian absorbed the planet into his Divine Spirit, a remarkable transformation occurred. He and Yu Qing found themselves adrift in the vast, unfathomable expanse of outer space, surrounded by the twinkling of distant stars and the vastness of the cosmos. The radiance of Wang Jian’s ascension mingled with the darkness of space, creating a surreal spectacle.

This cosmic upheaval did not go unnoticed. The disappearance of the planet caused a slight shift in the orbits of nearby celestial bodies, catching the attention of the various experts, families, and sects in the region. It was like a silent alarm had gone off, echoing through space, alerting the powerful entities of the cosmos to this unprecedented event.

As the experts of each faction hastened towards the epicenter of this cosmic anomaly, Yu Qing, with her astute awareness, realized the imminent danger. ‘We need to move, and fast,’ she thought, her mind racing.

With her superior cultivation level, she deftly enveloped Wang Jian’s Light of Ascension, concealing their presence. Together, they sped away from the commotion, cutting through the void with incredible speed.

Wang Jian was in complete awe of the cosmos around him. ‘I never imagined space could be this… mesmerizing,’ he mused, his eyes wide with wonder. The twinkling stars, the endless void, the sheer vastness of it all – it was breathtaking. Yet, he knew the dangers that lurked within this beauty. ‘Must stay vigilant,’ he reminded himself.

After some time, Yu Qing led them to a dwarf planet, a temporary refuge in the vastness of space. Here, in the relative safety of this secluded spot, Yu Qing began to enlighten Wang Jian about the structure of the cosmos, specifically the Upper Realm.

“The cosmos,” Yu Qing explained, “is divided into four distinct parts: the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western regions. Each region is surrounded by a boundary field, which governs the flow and density of Spiritual and Divine Energy.”

Yu Qing continued, “The Southern Region has the lowest energy concentration, followed by the Eastern, then the Northern, and the Western Region has the highest.”

Wang Jian listened intently, trying to absorb every bit of information. ‘So, there’s a hierarchy even in the distribution of energy,’ he thought.

Wang Jian’s curiosity peaked. “And where do the most powerful families and sects reside?”

“In the Western Region,” Yu Qing replied. “That’s also where I was born and raised. It’s a land of immense power and ancient legacies.”

Wang Jian pondered for a moment. ‘Jumping directly into the lion’s den might not be wise,’ he concluded. “Let’s head to the Northern Region first. I need to gauge the power dynamics of this realm and establish my own strength before confronting the might of the Western Region.”

Yu Qing nodded in agreement. “A wise decision. The Northern Region will offer you a better understanding of the Upper Realm’s intricacies without immediately throwing both of us into the deepest waters.”

And so, they set off for the Northern Region. As they journeyed through the cosmos, Wang Jian’s mind was abuzz with thoughts and plans. ‘First, establish a foothold in the Northern Region, then slowly expand my influence. Only then can I think of challenging the powers in the Western Region,’ he strategized.

Yu Qing, sensing his determination, couldn’t help but admire his strategic thinking. ‘He’s not just powerful, but also intelligent and cautious. A rare combination,’ she mused, her respect for him growing.

Their journey was filled with conversations, strategizing, and occasional awe-inspiring sights of the cosmos. Wang Jian was like a sponge, absorbing every piece of information Yu Qing shared about the Upper Realm, its power structures, the key players, and the unspoken rules that governed this vast and complex domain.

As they approached the Northern Region, Wang Jian’s anticipation grew. ‘This is it, the first step in a grand adventure,’ he thought, his eyes gleaming with excitement and resolve. Yu Qing, by his side, was the perfect ally – powerful, knowledgeable, and, unbeknownst to her, increasingly devoted to him.

As Wang Jian and Yu Qing ventured deeper into the Eastern Region, the cosmos unfolded its wonders before them. The settlements they observed were nothing short of miraculous. Some thrived on the surfaces of planets, others nestled in the hearts of dwarf stars, and a few even flourished on dying stars, defiantly extracting life from the fading embers of celestial giants.

“This is incredible,” Wang Jian exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement. ‘I had no idea such wonders existed.’

Yu Qing, flying beside him, elaborated on the cosmic politics. “In the Upper Realm, power is often measured by celestial ownership. Ancient families and sects vie for control over stars because owning them brings immense power. The energy of a star can sustain and enhance an entire family or sect.”

As they flew, Yu Qing pointed out various settlements, each orbiting around stars like jewels strung across the dark tapestry of space. “The hierarchy of a family or sect is often determined by the number and size of the stars they control. The planets orbiting these stars are homes to countless mortals, and it’s from these populations that new talents emerge, often recruited by the ruling sect or family.”

Wang Jian nodded, absorbing every detail. ‘So, power in the Upper Realm is a game of celestial dominance,’ he thought, intrigued by this complex system. ‘The scale of everything here is beyond anything I’ve imagined.’

Their journey led them to the Crimson Star Settlement, one of the largest in the Eastern Region. This settlement was a bustling hub of activity, with streams of people and ships coming and going, all under the watchful gaze of the glowing red star that bathed the area in a warm, crimson light.

“This settlement also houses a teleportation formation,” Yu Qing explained as they descended. “It’s a network connecting settlements that share alliances. Quite useful for quick travel across the vastness of space.”

Wang Jian was fascinated. ‘A network of teleportation formations spanning the cosmos? The logistics and power required for such a feat are staggering.’

As they landed, they were greeted by the sight of a bustling market, filled with vendors selling exotic goods from across the cosmos. The air was filled with the sounds of haggling, the clink of coins, and the smells of a thousand different cuisines. 𝘭𝑖𝑏𝘳ℯ𝑎𝑑.𝒸ℴ𝘮

“Let’s explore this place,” Wang Jian suggested, eager to learn more about this new world.

Yu Qing agreed, and they began to wander through the market. As they walked, Wang Jian’s senses were bombarded with a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and smells. He saw strange fruits that seemed to pulse with inner light, fabrics that shimmered with the colors of distant nebulas, and heard languages that twisted and turned like the orbits of planets.

At one stall, a vendor caught Wang Jian’s attention. “Ah, travelers! Care to try some Star Nectar? A delicacy in these parts!”

Wang Jian couldn’t resist. “Sure, let’s give it a try.”

As he tasted the Star Nectar, a burst of sweet, tangy flavors exploded in his mouth. ‘This is incredible,’ he thought, savoring the taste.

Yu Qing watched him with amusement. ‘He’s like a child in a new world, full of wonder and curiosity. It’s endearing.’

As they continued to explore, Wang Jian’s mind was already racing with plans. ‘This settlement, this entire realm, is full of opportunities. I need to find a way to make my mark here.’

They spent the rest of the day exploring the settlement, learning about its customs, its people, and the intricate web of politics and power that underpinned it all. As night fell, the settlement glowed under the light of the Crimson Star, casting everything in a soft, red hue.

“This place is fascinating,” Wang Jian remarked as they found a quiet spot to rest. “There’s so much to learn, so much to explore.”

Yu Qing nodded. “And this is just one settlement in one region. The Upper Realm is vast beyond imagination.”

Wang Jian looked up at the starry sky, his eyes filled with determination. ‘This is just the beginning. I will make my mark on this realm, and carve out a place for myself among the stars.’

This content is taken from 𝓁𝘪𝘣𝘳ℯ𝒶𝘥.𝘤𝑜𝓂

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