Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 515 Distracting The Star Lords

Chapter 515 Distracting The Star Lords

?As the array masters of the Lin Ancient Family departed, Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan gathered everyone she had brought with her, including the other elders of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion and Wang Jian. The atmosphere was tense, the weight of their mission pressing heavily upon them.

“Alright, everyone, listen up,” Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan began, her voice commanding attention. “Our priority is to rescue our abducted elders without engaging in direct conflict with the Star Lords. Remember, we are here to retrieve our own, not to provoke unnecessary battles.”

Wang Jian listened intently, his mind already spinning with plans and strategies. He knew he had to tread carefully, especially considering Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan’s warning about his safety.

As Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan turned her gaze towards him, Wang Jian could sense the gravity of her concern. “Wang Jian, I need you to stay away from the battlefield,” she said firmly, her eyes piercing. “Your safety is paramount, and we cannot afford to risk your well-being in this operation.”

Wang Jian nodded in agreement, understanding the rationale behind her words. “Don’t worry, Pavilion Mistress, I’ll stay out of harm’s way,” he assured her, his voice steady.

However, Wang Jian had other plans swirling in his mind. He knew that while he couldn’t directly confront the Star Lords, there was still a way he could contribute to their mission without putting himself in harm’s way.

“Pavilion Mistress, I have a plan,” Wang Jian interjected, his voice brimming with confidence. “I propose seizing control of the arrays of the Lin Ancient Family as a backup plan. If our initial approach fails, this could provide us with another means of rescuing our elders.”

Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan regarded him with a mixture of surprise and concern. “That’s a risky move, Wang Jian,” she cautioned, her tone cautious. “If we’re discovered, the consequences could be dire. The Lin Family may never forgive us, and it could strain your relationship with Lin Xingya.”

Wang Jian chuckled softly, though there was a hint of determination in his eyes. “I’ll take that risk, Pavilion Mistress,” he replied confidently. “But rest assured, I’ll handle it with utmost discretion. We won’t get caught.”

Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan sighed, her expression conflicted. She knew there was no dissuading Wang Jian once he had set his mind to something. “Very well, but be careful, Wang Jian,” she said finally, her tone filled with concern. “We’re counting on you to make this mission a success.”

With a nod of assurance, Wang Jian prepared himself mentally for the task ahead.

As Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan and the elders of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion soared through the skies at breakneck speed, they made sure to cloak their Divine Energy and Spiritual Energy fluctuations using precious treasures. The mission ahead was perilous, and they couldn’t afford to alert the Star Lords to their presence.

Meanwhile, Wang Jian flew ahead, his mind focused on the task at hand. He wasn’t directly accompanying Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, but rather, he was headed towards the location of the heart of the Lin Ancient Family’s killing array formation. This offensive formation could be a crucial asset if a confrontation with the Star Lords became inevitable.

As he flew, Wang Jian couldn’t help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. The prospect of taking control of such a powerful array filled him with both excitement and trepidation. But he knew he had to stay focused and execute his plan flawlessly.

“Alright, time to put my skills to the test,” Wang Jian muttered to himself, a determined glint in his eyes. With a confident smile, he adjusted his course and sped towards his destination, the wind whipping past him as he soared through the air.

Meanwhile, Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan and her entourage continued their journey, their movements swift and calculated. They knew they had to act quickly to rescue their abducted elders before it was too late. The tension in the air was palpable as they drew closer to their destination.

“We’re almost there,” Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan called out to the group, her voice steady despite the gravity of their mission. “Stay focused, everyone. We need to remain vigilant.”

The elders nodded in agreement, their expressions determined as they prepared themselves for what lay ahead. Each one of them was a seasoned warrior, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

As they approached the region where the Star Lords were believed to be holding the abducted elders, Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan signaled for them to slow down and proceed with caution. They couldn’t afford to make any mistakes now.

“We need to proceed with stealth from here on out,” Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan whispered to the group, her voice barely audible over the rushing wind. “Keep your senses sharp and stay alert for any signs of danger.”

The elders nodded silently, their movements fluid as they followed Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan’s lead. They moved like shadows, their footsteps light as they navigated the terrain with precision.

Meanwhile, Wang Jian arrived at the location of heart of the killing array formation, his heart pounding with anticipation. He could sense the powerful energy emanating from the array, its intricate design hinting at its devastating potential.

“Time to work my magic,” Wang Jian murmured to himself, a confident smirk gracing his lips. With practiced ease, he began to analyze the array, his mind racing as he searched for any weaknesses or vulnerabilities.

As he worked, Wang Jian couldn’t shake the feeling of excitement coursing through him. This was his element, his domain of expertise, and he was determined to master it.

“Ah, there it is,” Wang Jian exclaimed triumphantly, his eyes lighting up as he identified a critical flaw in the array’s structure. With a deft flick of his wrist, he began to manipulate the energy flow, subtly altering the array’s configuration to suit his needs.

Hours passed as Wang Jian worked tirelessly, his focus unwavering as he fine-tuned the array to perfection. Finally, with a satisfied nod, he stepped back to admire his handiwork.

“Now, let’s see how this plays out,” Wang Jian thought to himself, a sense of anticipation coursing through him. He knew that his actions could have a significant impact on the outcome of their mission, and he was ready to see it through to the end.

As Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan and her group of elders approached the massive star where the abducted Heavenly Jade Pavilion elders were believed to be held, a tense atmosphere hung in the air. They knew they had to tread carefully to avoid detection by the Star Lords patrolling the area.

Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan surveyed the scene before them, her mind working quickly to devise a plan of action. She could see two Star Lords stationed near the entrance to the star, their powerful auras casting a palpable sense of danger over the area. They were the first line of defense, and getting past them would not be easy.

“We need to come up with a strategy to bypass those Star Lords without alerting them to our presence,” Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan said, her voice low but resolute. “We can’t afford to engage in a battle with them. Our priority is to rescue our comrades.”

The elders nodded in agreement, their expressions serious as they considered their options. They knew that any misstep could have dire consequences, and they had to proceed with caution.

“I have an idea,” Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan said, a spark of determination in her eyes. “We’ll create a diversion to draw the attention of those Star Lords away from us.”

The elders exchanged glances, intrigued by Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan’s plan. They trusted her judgment implicitly, knowing that she had led them through countless challenges before.

“What kind of diversion do you have in mind?” one of the elders asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

“We’ll use the Desolate Beasts,” Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan explained. “We’ll set up bait on various planets surrounding the star to lure the beasts out. Once the smell of the bait spreads, it should attract a large number of Desolate Beasts. The Star Lords will have no choice but to deal with them, giving us the opportunity to slip past unnoticed.”

The elders nodded in understanding, impressed by Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan’s ingenuity. It was a risky plan, but it was their best chance of avoiding a confrontation with the Star Lords. 𝓁𝑖𝘣𝑟𝘦𝘢𝒹.𝑐ℴ𝘮

“Let’s get to work,” Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan said, determination etched into her features. “We don’t have much time.”

The group sprang into action, each elder taking on a specific task to execute Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan’s plan. They worked quickly and efficiently, setting up bait stations on nearby planets and spreading the scent far and wide to attract the attention of the Desolate Beasts.

As they waited for the plan to take effect, Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan couldn’t help but feel a surge of anticipation. This was their chance to rescue their comrades and deal a blow to the Star Lords’ operation. But she knew they had to remain patient and wait for the right moment to make their move.

Hours passed, and just as Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan had hoped, the scent of the bait began to spread across the surrounding planets. Soon, the first wave of Desolate Beasts emerged from their hiding places, drawn by the promise of food.

“Here they come,” one of the elders said, her voice tinged with excitement.

The group watched as the Desolate Beasts swarmed towards the bait stations, their movements swift and relentless. It was a sight to behold, and Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan couldn’t help but marvel at the power of nature.

As the beasts descended upon the bait, the Star Lords stationed near the entrance to the star sprang into action, their powerful attacks aimed at subduing the creatures. It was a chaotic scene, with the sounds of battle echoing through the void.

“Now’s our chance,” Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan said, her voice filled with determination. “Let’s move quickly while the Star Lords are distracted.”

The group wasted no time, moving swiftly towards the entrance to the star. They moved with stealth and precision, careful not to attract any unwanted attention from the Star Lords.

As they approached the entrance, Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. They were so close to rescuing their comrades, and she was determined to see the mission through to the end.

With one final push, they reached the entrance to the star, slipping past the distracted Star Lords without incident. It was a moment of triumph, and Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in their accomplishment. 𝒍𝓲𝒃𝙧𝓮𝙖𝒅.𝓬𝙤𝓶

“We did it,” one of the elders said, a note of relief in her voice.

Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan nodded, her heart filled with gratitude for her loyal comrades. They had faced countless challenges together, but they had always emerged victorious in the end.

“Now, let’s find our comrades and bring them home,” Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan said, her voice filled with determination. “Our mission isn’t over yet.”

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