Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 756: Honey Trap

Chapter 756: Honey Trap

“Alright, let’s get started,” Wang Jian said, his eyes narrowing slightly. “We need to ensure that all three of these politicians are taken care of. For two of them, we’re going with a honey trap-something simple, yet effective.”

Charlotte smirked. “We’ve got just the right people for this job. Our companies are full of ambitious women who know how to work a situation to their advantage.”

Sarah leaned back in her chair, a satisfied expression on her face. “I’ve already got someone in mind for Congressman Phillips. She’s a rising star in our PR department, and she knows how to charm the right people. He won’t see it coming.”

Wang Jian nodded approvingly. “And Charlotte, I want you to handle Congressman Lee. We need to make sure we have everything we need-every word, every confession.”

A few days later, Congressman Phillips found himself in a private suite at an upscale hotel. He’d met an enchanting woman at a recent event, someone who seemed genuinely interested in his work and made him feel more important than he’d felt in years. Her name was Melissa, and she worked for one of the biggest companies in California-Blake Robotics, though he hadn’t paid much attention to the details. All he knew was that she was gorgeous, with a playful smile and a twinkle in her eye that made him feel young again.

Phillips leaned closer to Melissa, who sat across from him, a glass of champagne in her hand. “You know,” he said, his voice slightly slurred from the alcohol, “being in politics… it’s not always easy. There are things you have to do, compromises you have to make.”

Melissa tilted her head, her eyes wide with interest. “Oh? Like what?” she asked, her tone playful. “Come on, you can tell me. I love hearing about what really goes on behind the scenes.”

Phillips chuckled, feeling emboldened by her attention. “Well, let’s just say… Langston Industries has been very generous to me. And in return, I make sure they get what they need. It’s not illegal-well, maybe a little-but it’s just the way things work.”

Melissa smiled, leaning closer. “You’re such a powerful man. It must be hard, having all that responsibility… and not getting the appreciation you deserve.”

Phillips sighed dramatically. “You’re right. My wife-she doesn’t understand. She’s too old, too set in her ways. She’s not… exciting anymore, you know?” He looked at Melissa, his eyes lingering on her lips. “But you you’re different. You make me feel alive.”

Melissa laughed softly, reaching across the table to touch his hand. “I’m glad I can do that for you.”

Unbeknownst to Phillips, the entire conversation was being recorded. Every word, every confession about his illegal dealings and his disdain for his wife, was captured in crystal- clear quality, ready to be used against him.

Meanwhile, Charlotte’s employee, a stunning woman named Vanessa, was working her magic on Congressman Lee. She’d met him at a charity gala, and it hadn’t taken long for her to catch his attention. Lee was captivated by her beauty, and after a few weeks of flirtation, he invited her to his private office for a “chat.”

Vanessa played her role perfectly, pretending to be interested in Lee’s political career, asking questions that made him feel important and powerful. It wasn’t long before Lee was opening up to her, bragging about his connections and the favors he’d done for Langston Industries.

“You wouldn’t believe the kind of deals I’ve been a part of,” Lee said, a smug grin on his face. “Langston needed some help with regulations, and I made sure they got what they needed. Of course, they were very appreciative-if you know what I mean.”

Vanessa giggled, leaning in closer. “Wow, you must be really good at what you do. It’s no wonder they rely on you so much.”

Lee sighed, his eyes wandering over her figure. “Yeah, well, it’s nice to have someone who appreciates me. My wife-she’s just not the same anymore. She complains all the time, and honestly… she’s not much fun in bed. But you… you’re different.”

Vanessa smiled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “I’m glad you think so.”

Like Phillips, Lee had no idea that everything he was saying was being recorded. His confessions about his illegal activities and his infidelity were all captured, ready to be used against him when the time came.

As for the third politician, Senator Graham, Wang Jian knew that a different approach was needed. Graham was more careful, more guarded, and wouldn’t fall for the same tricks as Phillips and Lee. Instead, Wang Jian decided to target him through his financial dealings.

Using his connections in the business world, Wang Jian orchestrated a series of fake investment opportunities, designed to lure Graham into a trap. The investments promised high returns, but they required Graham to use government funds to get started. It was a classic case of embezzlement, and Graham, always looking for a way to make more money, couldn’t resist.

Graham met with a man named Victor, who was posing as an investor. Victor presented the opportunity as a once-in-a-lifetime chance, something that would make Graham a lot of money in a short amount of time.

“All you need is a little seed money,” Victor said, sliding a document across the table. “Just a small investment, and you’ll see returns within a few months. Of course, it’s all off the record -no need to involve any official channels.”

Graham hesitated for a moment, but the promise of easy money was too tempting. He signed the document, agreeing to use government funds for the investment.

Victor smiled, shaking Graham’s hand. “You’ve made a smart choice, Senator. I’ll take care of everything from here.”

Like with the other two politicians, the entire transaction was recorded. Wang Jian now had evidence of Graham’s corruption, enough to destroy his career.

But Wang Jian wasn’t taking any chances. He knew that Graham had powerful connections, and if he managed to wiggle his way out of the embezzlement charges, Wang Jian had a backup plan. He would eliminate Graham’s wife and frame it as if Graham had done it himself. It was a brutal plan, but Wang Jian was determined to see this through.

A week later, Wang Jian, Charlotte, and Sarah gathered in Wang Jian’s office to review the evidence they had gathered.

“Phillips and Lee were easy,” Charlotte said, a satisfied smile on her face. “They spilled everything to Melissa and Vanessa. We’ve got recordings of them admitting to everything— bribes, illegal favors, even their affairs.”

Sarah nodded. “And Graham took the bait. He signed off on the embezzlement deal. We’ve got enough on all three of them to destroy their careers.”

Wang Jian leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. “Good. Now it’s time to set the trap. We’ll release the recordings to the media, but we’ll do it strategically. We want to cause maximum damage, not just to these three, but to the entire Democratic Party. Once the public sees what kind of people they’ve been supporting, the backlash will be


Charlotte grinned. “And with the Republican Party ready to step in, it’ll be a perfect opportunity for them to take control of California.”

Sarah looked at Wang Jian, a question in her eyes. “What about Graham? He’s got powerful connections. What if he manages to get out of this?”

Wang Jian’s expression darkened. “If that happens, we go to Plan B. His wife will become collateral damage, and we’ll make it look like he’s responsible. One way or another, Graham’s career will be over.”

Charlotte and Sarah exchanged a glance, a mixture of admiration and caution in their eyes. They knew Wang Jian was ruthless, but seeing it in action was something else entirely.

“Alright,” Sarah said finally. “Let’s do this.”

The next day, the first of the recordings was released to a local news outlet. It featured

Congressman Phillips, drunk and bragging about his illegal dealings and his affair with Melissa. The news spread like wildfire, with headlines condemning Phillips for his corruption and infidelity. Public outrage was immediate, and within hours, Phillips was facing calls for

his resignation.

A day later, the recording of Congressman Lee was released. The reaction was the same- outrage, condemnation, and demands for his resignation. The Democratic Party was scrambling to control the damage, but it was too late. The public had turned against them.

Finally, the evidence against Senator Graham was released. The documents showing his involvement in embezzling government funds were leaked to the media, and the backlash was swift. Graham tried to deny the allegations, but the evidence was irrefutable.

As the chaos unfolded, Wang Jian watched with a satisfied smile. Everything was going according to plan. The three politicians were ruined, and the Democratic Party was in disarray. The Republican Party, with Wang Jian’s help, was poised to take control of California.

And Langston Industries? They were losing their most powerful allies, left vulnerable and exposed. It was only a matter of time before Wang Jian delivered the final blow.

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